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Technologie restaurování renesančních sgrafitových omítek - - tradice a metamorfóza

Second project coordination meeting
Technology of restoration of Renaissance sgraffito plaster -
- tradition and metamorphosis
Wednesday, 7 February 2024 from 10.00 to 17.00 at the institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS.
in the large meeting room. Address: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, CAS, v.v.i. Prosecká 76/809, Prague 7, 170 000.
Thursday 8 February 2024
excursion around Prague - meeting at 9:00 a.m. at Hradčany Square near the Marian Column
Renaissance sgraffito - Hradčany, Lesser Town (variably - Míčovna, Schwarzenberg/Lobkovice Palace, Pernštejn/Lobkovice Palace,
Archbishop's Palace, Palace of Jáchym Novohradský of Kolovrat (? ), Martinice Palace, Palace of the Lords of Hradec, Smiřický Palace,
LUNCH , Old Town - Kepler's House (At the French Crown) - ca opposite the Vlašská Chapel, Malý rynek, U Minuty House, the courtyard in front of Týn Cathedral, Ungelt, Jindřiška School.  
The excursion will be led by Pavel Waisser. 


 More information about the project here 

5 Feb 2024