Acta Comeniana 31
The volume of Acta Comeniana 31 (LV) presents studies on the following topics: Jan Čížek compares Comenius’ and Bacon’s projects of the reform of knowledge, Petr Pavlas deals with the relation of Comenius’ universal language project to that of Marin Mersenne, Martin Žemla analyses Heinrich Khunrath’s ideas of the reform and his method of cognition, Tabita Landová discusses a recently discovered postil Summovník by Jan Augusta, and Iva Lelková with Marcela Slavíková publish and discuss several unknown letters exchanged between J. A. Comenius and the Utrecht priest Johann van Almeloveen. The review section provides seven book reviews.

published: 14th June 2019
169 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-573-9
169 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-573-9
series: Acta Comeniana
/ volume 31
260 Kč buy online