JUDr. Jakub Drápal, M.Phil., Ph.D.
Phone: +420 221 990 755
Research field
Sentencing, prisons, criminology, penal policy
Faculty of Law, Charles University (2015 MA, 2018 dr.iur.)
Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge (2016, M.Phil.)
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 'Suspended Prison Sentences in Post-communist Europe: Terra Incognita', 2021-2023, n. 21-19485S, PI
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 'Sentencing disparities in the post-communist continental legal systems', 2019-2021, n. 19-15077S, PI
Pedagogical work
Faculty of Law, Charles University (criminology, methodology)
Judicial Academy (sentencing)
Other work in academic sphere
Member of Czech Society of Criminology, Czech Sociology Society, European Society of Criminology
Activities in the field of scientific popularization
Science Slam, Science Café, Researcher‘s night, Jaktrestame.cz (howdowepunish.cz)