PALS Research Center


The Laser Plasma Research Centre PALS was established in collaboration with the Institute of Plasma Physics, AS CR in 1998. The Centre PALS operates one of the largest laser facilities in Europe, a kilojoule-class pulsed sub-nanosecond (terawatt) iodine photodissociation laser Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS), which was originally developed at MPQ in Garching, Germany. Innovative equipment reinstalled in a new laser hall in Prague is used to study the laser beam interaction with matter, especially for the generation of hot dense plasma. The Centre PALS offers its users also an optional experimental x-ray beamline driven by the record-brightness plasma-based zinc soft x-ray laser (wavelength 21.2 nm).


Jódový fotodisociační laserový systém poskytující v Centru PALS subnanosekundové impulzy NIR záření nesoucí energii až 1000 J.

PALS Research Center

Institute of Plasma Physics
Za Slovankou 1782/3, 182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Scientific Director: prof. Dr. Alessio Morace