Effect of gaseous and traffic induced pollutants on the durability of reinforced concrete structures
The intention of the project is to describe and understand the effect of gaseous and traffic induced pollutants on the durability of concrete as well as to design and test a knowledge-based approach to assessing the deposition and diffusion processes of gaseous atmospheric pollutants in concrete. The promising. Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) procedure will be studied in order to develop testing conditions suitable for concrete. The effect of local highway environment on the deposition of industrial and traffic induced pollution to concrete will be studied including validation of mathematical models for the simulation of particle flow whirled by the traffic. The effect of carbonation, freeze thaw and chloride ingress effects on durability will be studied as well utilizing combination of laboratory, insitu experiments complemented with numerical models. Therefore, research of the nondestructive, yet reliable detection of the penetration of aggressive agents to concrete, would bring also new light on the spread of pollutants in the nearby the roads.
prof. Ing. Zelinger Zdeněk CSc.