Head of Junior Research Group

25. 9. 2023

Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences opens a new position for Head of Junior Research Group. We are looking for an outstanding scientist to build a research team and address original research questions within the scope of the Institute using rodents as an experimental model.

We offer a collaborative international environment and state-of-the-art research facilities, including the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics which provides breeding, manipulation and analysis. The position is initially offered for five years with the possibility of further extension based on the international evaluation. The Institute will provide laboratory space, salary, start-up funds, annual institutional support, support for animal model production and analysis, and laboratory equipment. The laboratories are located at the Biomedical Center in Vestec (BIOCEV) near Prague, which is a hub for biomedical research in Prague that maximizes networking and sharing of ideas and technologies.


  • At least two years of postdoctoral experience
  • Excellent publication record
  • Applicants from any area of molecular, cell and developmental biology, cancer biology, genetics, virology, and molecular immunology are encouraged to apply.

The deadline for the application is December 31, 2023. The applicant should provide the following documents to the Director of the Institute (email: office@img.cas.cz):

  1. Professional CV
  2. List of publications
  3. Five major achievements in the applicant’s research
  4. Synopsis of previous research (maximum two pages)
  5. Proposal (maximum 5 pages) of the research program of the group for the first three years; the document should include the financial plan of the group and requirements for laboratory space and equipment.
  6. Two letters of support

Pre-selected candidates will be invited for a personal interview. The final results are expected to be announced in the spring of 2024, and the new research group will be established in 2025.