Non-invasive ventricular electrical activation mapping – 3D VDI mapping
Non-invasive ventricular electrical activation mapping – 3D VDI mapping
The 3D VDI mapping project aims to research, develop, and implement a highly innovative diagnostic device for non-invasive mapping of electrical activation of heart ventricles. The 3D VDI mapping project's principal added value is the use of the new principle of ultra-high-frequency ECG combined with an extended set of chest electrodes. The result will be an easy-to-apply chest strap electrode configuration and original analysis. There is currently no comparable technology. The commercial potential of VDI mapping is remarkably high worldwide. We anticipate the primary use in the field of pacing with impact in the whole of cardiology. 3D VDI mapping technology will introduce new pacing techniques and highly effective and inexpensive patient-specific treatments.
Jurák Pavel - Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS
Leinveber Pavel - Fakultní nemocnice u sv.Anny, Brno
Čurila Karol - Fakultní nemocnice Královské vinohrady Praha