Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR Institute of Czech literature of the CAS
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Invitation to Janne van der Loop’s lecture

At the first lecture of this year’s Staročeský dýchánek series, we welcome the Dutch book historian Janne van der Loop from Johannes Guttenberg University in Mainz. She will present a paper on Praxeology: from theory to a method for historical and longue durée studies on 9 January 2024 at 5 pm in the lower hall of the ICL CAS. 


Praxeological theories focus on practices – a nexus of doings and sayings – rather than on individuals. This lecture will be about the essence of praxeology followed by one of the main discussions within praxeological theories, which is the matter of stability versus innovation. In this lecture, I will explore the possibilities of adapting cumulative cultural evolutionary theory and diffusion of innovation theory within the framework of praxeology in order to be able to set up a methodology to study historical reading practices in a longue durée study on Justinian’s Institutes.

The language of this lecture and subsequent discussion is English.

pozvánka na přednášku – Janne van der Loop: Praxeology: From theory to a method for historical and longue durée studies