
Tuesday, 19 September, 2023

Matěj Bělín: Essays in Applied Econometrics

Defense Belin

Dissertation Committee:

Štěpán Jurajda (CERGE-EI, chair)

Jan Hanousek (CERGE-EI)

Nikolas Mittag (CERGE-EI)

Defense Committee:

Paolo Zacchia (CERGE-EI, chair)

Christian Ochsner (CERGE-EI)

Kateřina Králová (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University)

Rudolf Kučera (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


René Böheim (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)

Martin Guzi (Masaryk University)

Online connection: https://call.lifesizecloud.com/19037847, Passcode: 2917


These three chapters contain three applications of econometric techniques on empirical data describing the behavior of networks of actors. Chapter 1 shows that much of the commonly reported decline in international trade associated with increasing distance between countries is attributable to cultural (in-)compatibility among trading partners. The estimates show that cultural closeness is nearly as important for trade as is geographical proximity. Chapter 2 investigates the imposition of sanctions by the Western coalition against Russia over the annexation of Crimea, showing their limited impact compared to Russian counter-sanctions. These results align with the theoretical literature emphasizing the difficulty of balancing political interests in punishing the target country and the economic interests of domestic voters and firms. The final chapter studies small groups of prisoners during WWII and reveals how the presence of friends increased chances of surviving in concentration camps. 

Full Text: "Essays in Applied Econometrics"