
Doc. Ing. Daniel Münich, Ph.D.
Professor of Professional Practice
Research orientation: labor economics, economics of education and schooling, bibliometric analysis
Office: 303
+420-224 005 175
Daniel Münich is a Professor of Professional Practice (under U.S. permanent charter) at CERGE-EI, a Docent (Associate Professor) at CERGE, Charles University, and a Senior Researcher at the Economics Institute (EI) of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He serves as executive director of an academic think-tank IDEA at CERGE-EI focusing on applied and policy and oriented empirical research. On top of his teaching and research in the areas of education, labour markets and R&D assessment, he has served as an advisor to various national (e.g. National Economic Council of the Government, the National Council for Budgetary Forecasts) and for international institutions (e.g. the European Commission, OECD, International Monetary Fund). For many years he leads the Euromod national team. Since 2000 he participated in numerous expert teams preparing national reforms and strategies in the areas of education, employment, and taxes & benefits. Since January 2022 he serves in the Council of Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and since June 2022 is a member of the new National Economic Council of the Government.
Research Orientation:
Labor economics (empirical issues of unemployment, labor supply and policies, human capital, welfare schemes), economics of education and schooling (public vs. private schools, quality of education, efficiency and equity, selectivity), bibliometric analysis