A Digest of CERGE-EI Research and Events
Located in Prague, CERGE-EI is dedicated to excellence and innovation in economic research and education. Chartered by the State of New York, CERGE-EI is a joint workplace of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, and is supported by numerous donors.
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Selected Journal Articles
Attention Please!
Olivier Gossner, Jakub Steiner, and Colin Stewart
Econometrica 89(4): 1717–1751
Drawing attention towards an item increases its demand—this is a fact observed across a variety of fields, be it advertising, finance, or biology. What explains such behavior? The authors introduce a mechanism leading to the increase in demand without impacting preferences or changing the information available to the decision maker. Interestingly, demand increases even if the target item is worse than the other items and the outside option. Read more
How Does the Financial Market Update Beliefs about the Real Economy? Evidence from the Oil Market
S. Anatolyev, S. Seleznev, and V. Selezneva
Oil traders face a challenge of processing all information regarding the real agent’s decisions and selecting which sources to follow. Oil inventories present a seemingly perfect source of information. The authors of this article use high frequency data on oil futures to show that this information is insufficient as it fails to identify the nature of the shocks. Both realized and news shocks are regarded persistent. Read more
Do Elections Accelerate the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Ján Palguta, René Levínský, and Samuel Škoda
Elections increase physical mobility if voters need to travel to polling places. The authors exploit a natural experiment from Czechia, which biannually elects one-third of its Senate, to examine whether elections increase the spread of Covid-19. They observe a significant acceleration in infections in regions with elections. This acceleration did not, however, occur in the population above 65 in line with strategic risk avoidance. Read more
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Selected Working Papers
Checkmate! Losing with Borders, Winning with Centers. The Case of European Integration
Ketevani Kapanadze
How does European integration affect the economic performance of European Union and Schengen members depending on their location? Kapanadze finds that the benefits to annual GDP per capita are around 10 percent less in border regions compared to interior sub-regions since European integration. The internal economic disparities are not mitigated by the integration facilitators present in the border regions. Read more
Environmental Regulations, Air Pollution, and Infant Mortality in India: A Reexamination
Olexiy Kyrychenko
Is environmental regulation effective? Kyrychenko reexamines an AER paper by Greenstone and Hanna from 2014 using significantly different data sources, including satellite-based data, to revise air-pollution measures and to extract meteorological conditions. The reexamination broadly confirms the original conclusions, but with substantially weaker effects of the policies on air pollution. The impact on infant mortality remains insignificant. Read more
'Sorry, You're Blocked.' Economic Effects of Financial Sanctions on the Russian Economy
Mikhail Mamonov and Anna Pestova
How large are the macroeconomic effects of financial sanctions and how can one distinguish sanction shocks from other aggregate shocks affecting the economy at the same time? The authors study the impact of sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014 and 2017 to find that the impact was negative and non-negligible across the two waves, being sizeable for financial variables and moderate for real variables. Read more
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Selected Dissertations
Essays in Applied Economics
December 2021
Michal Šoltés
Šoltés explores three topics in his dissertation. First, he looks at the role political parties play in selecting candidates in municipal elections. In the second essay, he finds that thresholds used in sentencing ranges cause an enormous increase in harshness of sentencing. In the last chapter, he finds that publishing inconvenient information about the performance of public institutions does not lead to overall distrust and avoidance, but to positive activism such as increased willingness to sign a petition asking for change. Read more
Essays on Local Labor Markets
September 2021
Jakub Grossmann
Grossmann studies the impact of various policy reforms on the Czech labor market. First he examines the impact of increases in the minimum wage on low-skilled workers. In the second essay he looks at the effects of the changes in health-insurance coverage for the first three days of sickness. In the third essay he explores how ethnic Germans, who were allowed to stay in the Czech Republic after WWII, integrated into resettled communities. Read more
Essays on Macroeconomic Policies and Family Economics
September 2021
Vera Tolstova
Tolstova refines general macroeconomic models by incorporating decision-making within families focusing on human capital formation, analysis of optimal public policies, and cross-country differences in the intergenerational persistence of earnings. In two of her essays she studies the impact of endogenous fertility on the optimal progressivity of U.S. higher education subsidies and on the generosity of redistribution and education policies in the U.S. Read more
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Ukrainian Emergency Relief Fund
CERGE-EI Experts Will Help Define Public Policy
Study Abroad Students Return to CERGE-EI
CERGE-EI, CERGE-EI Foundation, and Nadace CERGE-EI have created an emergency fund to support those CERGE-EI students, faculty, staff, and alumni that have been affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Resources permitting, we will also assist other Ukrainian economic students and faculty.
Read more, donate in CZK, in EUR, or in USD. Apply for support here.
The newly appointed Czech Government has reached out to members of the CERGE-EI faculty for assistance in defining future public policies.
Štěpán Jurajda was appointed to serve as Deputy Minister for Science and Vice-Chairman of the Research, Development, and Innovation Council. Daniel Münich joins the Advisory Council of Czech Prime Minister and Ole Jann the Advisory Team of Czech Deputy Prime Minister.
After an 18-month hiatus due to COVID-19 and with a new director, Lindsay Allen, CERGE-EI is once again hosting American undergraduate students through its Undergraduate Program in Central European Studies (UPCES). This spring 33 students are studying in Prague, taking courses in history, sociology, economics, environmental studies, and other disciplines, with a focus on the CEE region. Read more
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