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Support for CERGE-EI is an investment in a more stable and prosperous future for Central and Eastern Europe and the rest of the developing world. CERGE-EI offers promising students from throughout the post-communist and developing world a world-class education in economics and cutting-edge training in modern economic research.

CERGE-EI graduates are already at work in international organizations, government ministries and Central Banks, regional universities and think-tanks, and in prestigious positions in the private sector. They are playing a major role in introducing sound economic policies and economic literacy in the region.

To build on this success we need the continuing support of our alumni and friends. Your contributions will help CERGE-EI to better enable our students to meet the challenges they will face.

Let us make education our common purpose. Explore the information offered here that highlights CERGE-EI’s mission and accomplishments, and please contact us to discuss how you can make an impact.

alan brown modified
"The work is incredibly important. Investing in the education of these remarkable young men and women and what they will contribute to their countries is both socially responsible and smart business."

Alan J. Brown, former Group Chief Investment Officer, Schroder Investment Management Ltd.

The Reason Why

Importance in the Region and for the World

CERGE-EI is meeting a critical shortage and, by doing so, is helping to ensure that the emerging economies of the region remain on the path towards economic and personal freedom.

CERGE-EI is promoting economic growth, reform, and stability in turbulent regions such as the Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East through its well-trained graduates and its policy-oriented research. Such growth is in the long-run strategic interest of the free world.

CERGE-EI and its graduates are already aiding the development of markets offering significant profit opportunities for international businesses in the former Soviet Union, Central Asia and other developing countries, a vast region with over 400,000,000 inhabitants.

Success in Filling the Need

Founded in 1991 as a result of the Velvet Revolution, CERGE-EI is the first and most significant Ph.D. program in economics serving the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

CERGE-EI's mission is three-fold:

  • To train economists for government, academia, and industry in a region where such skills are critically lacking
  • To promote research in theoretical and applied policy-related economics, especially with respect to the transition from communism to free markets
  • To introduce the American ideals of free and open inquiry and nondiscriminatory training into a region where such concepts were repressed for 50 years

Over 700 students from Central and Eastern Europe have directly studied market economics at CERGE-EI. Women comprise nearly half the student body. Thousands more students and economists have benefited from peripheral programs.

Graduates are serving in influential positions in the IMF, World Bank, EBRD, OECD, ILP, regional Central Banks and Ministries, universities, and the private sector. Approximately 25% of CERGE-EI graduates are university teachers, nearly 40% serve in Ministries, Central Banks, and international NGOs, while most of the remainder are working to develop the region's private sector.

Over 80% of all CERGE-EI graduates remain in the region or deal with the region in their work for international organizations, in contrast with the 5% of Central and Eastern Europeans who return to the region after receiving a Ph.D. in economics in recent years from leading American programs.

World-Class Academics and Research

CERGE-EI offers degrees granted through an absolute charter by the New York State Board of Regents, whose site visit report said, "The program is demanding, innovative and responsive to the special needs of Central and Eastern Europe... It fills an important and singular niche," and fully accredited under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports of the Czech Republic.

The European Community Secretariat of the ACE Program designated CERGE as the only 'Recognized Centre of Excellence in Ph.D. Studies in Economics' in Central and Eastern Europe. CERGE-EI has also been designated as a "Center of Excellence" by USAID.

Academic oversight is provided by an external committee of world-class scholars.

Fiscal Responsibility and Cost-Effectiveness

CERGE-EI gives world-class training in modern market economics for less than a third of the cost per student of comparable programs in the U.S.

All donated funds go directly to further CERGE-EI's educational mission. CERGE-EI's supporting foundations' costs are completely covered by income-producing programs which they also administer.

Donations made to the CERGE-EI Foundation, an IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, are completely tax-deductible in the U.S. Nadace CERGE-EI offers full deductibility to donors as allowed by Czech and EU law.

CERGE-EI has established sound financial management. The CERGE-EI Foundation board includes distinguished business leaders from the U.S. & EU. Nadace CERGE-EI is a registered charity in the Czech Republic.

Giving Opportunities

The functions and purposes of CERGE-EI are as diverse as the need for sponsors. Benefactors can be involved in many different giving and naming opportunities.

Student Support

  • Student Fellowships 
    Annual Cost per Student (120 per year) $15,000 or $250,000 endowment.
    Sponsors can designate that scholarship recipients be from specific countries or regions or specialize in particular fields of economics.
  • Student Mobility
    Cost per Student (12 per year) $7,000 or $125,000 endowment.
    To enable outstanding advanced students to spend a semester or a year in Western Europe or North America as a part of their dissertation research. 
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowships
    Annual Cost per Fellowship (2 per year) $12,000, three-year commitment requested or $225,000 endowment.
    For senior visitors to assist in thesis supervision and research coordination. Donors can fund a visiting professorship with their names attached and may specify a region, country of origin, or a particular specialization.


  • Economics Professorships
    Annual Cost per Professorship (20 available per year) $30,000/$500,000 endowment.
    For supplemental compensation and research support to promising young faculty so as not to lose them to more lucrative jobs in the West or the private sector. Faculty may be supported in specific fields of economics according to the donor's wishes. 
  • Academic Skills Center Professorships
    Annual Cost per Professorship (5 available per year) $15,000/$250,000 endowment.
    For trained and qualified teachers to provide support and assistance on academic writing and other academic skills for the duration of a student’s time at CERGE-EI, and to ensure that scholarship at CERGE-EI is presented effectively to the world. 
  • Visiting Faculty
    Annual Cost per Professorship (5 available per year) $30,000/yr or $500,000 endowment.
    For senior visitors to assist in thesis supervision and research coordination. Donors can fund a visiting professorship with their names attached and may specify a region, country of origin, or a particular specialization.
  • Faculty Development Fund
    $30,000 per year, or $500,000 endowment.
    To enable faculty members to attend conferences and seminars throughout the world to excel in their fields as well as enhance and showcase their skills. The Faculty Development Fund will provide faculty the opportunities to grow intellectually and practically by representing CERGE-EI at the national and international level. 

Intellectual Outreach

  • Publications
    Annual Cost $20,000 or $400,000 endowment.
    To distribute the results of CERGE-EI research to the international community. This program funds the working and discussion paper series, etc. 
  • Seminar Series
    Annual Cost per Series (3 per year) $10,000 or $200,000 endowment.
    To bring leading scholars to CERGE-EI to share ideas with local scholars. Potential donors may wish to fund seminars in particular areas of economics. 
  • Virtual CERGE-EI
    Annual Cost (per year) $30,000 per year or $500,000 endowment.
    To develop and maintain an on-site audio-visual center that will enable teleconferencing, videotaping, and real-time video transmission of seminars, forums, panel discussion, dissertation defenses and classes, opening CERGE-EI events to a world audience through the Internet. 

Facilities & Infrastructure

  • Library
    Journal Collections in a Specific Area (10 per year) $8,000 or $150,000 endowment; Book Collections in a Specific Area (10 per year) $5,000 or $100,000 endowment; Individual volume with nameplate $100.
    To maintain and deepen the largest and most current collection of economic literature in Central and Eastern Europe. Donors may sponsor general collecting or a particular field. 
  • Computer Facilities
    $40,000 per year or $800,000 endowment.
    To replace and upgrade on a 5-year cycle over 100 computers used by students and faculty. Costs include network connections and software. 
  • Named Lecture Hall
    $100,000 - $500,000 endowment.
  • Building Name
    $20,000,000 endowment.

How to Give

Donations can be made easily, in the manner of your choice:

  • By Credit Card:
    To donate by Credit Card, we use GiveLively for credit card processing

    give lively


  • By check, made out to the CERGE-EI Foundation and mailed to:
    CERGE-EI Foundation
    26 Broadway, Fl 8
    New York, NY 10004 USA

    Your donation will be acknowledged by return mail, and e-mail, immediately upon receipt.
  • By Wire Transfer, to either the CERGE-EI Foundation or Nadace CERGE-EI:
    Contact us for details at foundation@cerge-ei.cz

For Donations in other forms, such as appreciated assets or real property, please contact us.

Donor's Bill of Rights

CERGE-EI's mission is based on voluntary action for the common good. We believe this philanthropic tradition of giving and sharing the best of ourselves is primary to improving the quality of life for all.

To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors can have full confidence in the CERGE-EI Foundation and causes they are asked to support, we hereby declare that all donors have these rights:

  • To be informed of the CERGE-EI Foundation's mission, of the way it intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes
  • To be informed of the identity of those serving on the CERGE-EI Foundation's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities
  • To have access to the CERGE-EI Foundation's most recent financial statements
  • To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given
  • To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition
  • To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law
  • To expect that all relationships with individuals representing CERGE-EI Foundation will be professional in nature
  • To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of CERGE-EI Foundation or hired solicitors
  • To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that the CERGE-EI Foundation may intend to share
  • To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers

The Donor Bill of Rights was created by the Giving Institute, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). It has been endorsed by numerous organizations.

Current and Past Supporters

Corporate and Institutional Supporters

Altria Group Employee Matching
The Boston Consulting Group
Brinson Foundation
Deloitte Advisory
Ernst & Young Czech Republic
Ann Thruston Filer Foundation
Generali PPF Holding
Google Czech Republic
KPMG Czech Republic
Mt. Lucas Management
Mutual of America
Nadační fond Karla Janečka
PricewaterhouseCoopers Czech Republic
RSJ Nadace
Schroder Family Foundation
Tatra Banka Foundation
Unie zaměstnavatelských svazů ČR

Corporate and Individuals

PATRONS ($100,000 to $499,999)

Altria, Inc.
Anonymous (Teaching Fellowships)
Ford Foundation
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
John S. and Cynthia Reed Foundation
The World Bank
Roger Alcaly
Brinson Foundation
Alan Brown
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Coca-Cola Companies
European Union Tempus/PHARE Programme
Mt. Lucas Management
Phillip Morris Companies
Schumpeter Collection
Soros Foundation
State Street Foundation
Washington University Economics Department
Michael C. Markovitz

DONORS ($30,000 to $99,999)

Bank Austria
Credit Suisse First Boston
Erste Austria
Československá obchodní banka
Český Telecom
Burkhard Dallosch
Deutsche Bank
Deloitte Advisory
Ann Thruston Filer Foundation
Randall K. Filer & Barbara Forbes
Antonín Fryč
Generali PPF Holding
Google Czech Republic
KPMG Česká republika
Nadace Zdeňka Bakaly
Nadační investiční fond
Page and Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation
Philip Morris ČR
Benson Oak, spol. s.r.o.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Česká republika
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain
Sarah Scaife Foundation
The Kellner Family Foundation
Spořitelní investiční společnost
Craig R. & Dorothy Stapleton
Jan Švejnar
Schroder Family Foundation
Jan Švejnar and Katherine Terrell
Vannerson Partners
Westinghouse Electric Corp. Foundation

CONTRIBUTORS (up to $29,999)

3M Czech Republic
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Altria Group Employee Matching
Goldhirsh Foundation
Orley Ashenfelter
Theodore W. & Therese A. Baker
Raymond J. Batla
Vladimír Benáček
Boston Consulting Group
Dan & Sally Steinberg Brent
Jean I. & Charles Brunie Foundation
Burza cenných papírů
John T. & Marge Cleveland Calmeyn
Louis Camilleri
Chase Manhattan Foundation
Citibanka, Prague
Faith E. Conger
Elaine & Ralph Crocker
Crow & Assoc.
Česká národní banka
ČEZ, a.s.
Eva Čermáková
Vladimír Dlouhý
Michael Drbout
Bob & Gay Easton
Mark Ellenbogen
Renita Esayian
Expandia Finance
Randall K. Filer
Dr. Christopher Garruba
GE Fund
Michelle L. Globis
Goldfield Collection
Jaromír Gottwald
Margee Greenberg
Blanka Hadová
J&T Banka
Olga (Baranava) Haislip
Jan Hanousek
Mary Hauser & Jerome Randall
Georgie T. & Elizabeth A. Hirai
Margaret and Robert Hollback
Hypothekenbank in Essen
Karel Janda
Martin Jarolím
Štěpán Jurajda
JUDr. Zdeněk Karfík
Jiří Kejval
Miriam Klipper
Jan Kmenta
Komerční banka
Josef Kotrba
Terry & Ellen Layman
Lehman Brothers
Pierre Louis Lévy
William & Jutta Lewis
Filip Linek
Durwood & Elizabeth Littlefield
Lubomír Lízal
Bruce Norman Long
Man Group USA
James C. Marlas
Martello Investment Management
Filip Matějka
Patricia C. McKenna
Betty and Raymond McMillan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Monsanto Company
Jiří Muška
Mutual of America
Nadace Olgy Havlové
Nadácia Tatra banky
Nadační fond Karla Janečka
Nadační fond Ludmila
National Grid, UK
Jaroslav Němec
Pavel Novák
John R. & Linda A. Oberkofler
Renita and Dennis O’Connell
Jana a Edvard Outratovi
Patria Finance
Elena Parrino
Pharmacia Corporation
Oldřich Picek
Ján Plánovský
Julia Popova
Martin Potůček
Candice L. Preston
Jan Procházka
The Progress & Freedom Foundation
Ivan Pur
Richard Quandt
RM System
Gérard Roland
Tim & Judy Rudderow Foundation
Jeffrey H. Sands
Barbara D. Schafer
Cynthia & Grant Schaumberg
Clemens Schütte
Miroslav Singer
Škoda Auto
Sontheimer Retirement Donations
Petr Šrámek
John Stack
Michael L. Stan
Petar Stankov
Austin C. & Ann Starkey
Emil Stavrev
Prof. František Turnovec
Anna Veverková
Unie zaměstnavatelských svazů ČR
Wasserstein-Perella Foundation
John C. Whitehead Foundation
Susan Walton
Valdimír Zoufalý
Živnostenská banka

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