Pozvánka na přednášku semináře

  • Adam Přenosil (University of Barcelona):

    Pointed lattice subreducts of varieties of residuated lattices

    10.04.2024 16:00Místnost 318 (live) and ZOOM @ Ústav informatiky
    Pod Vodárenskou věží 2
    Praha, 182 00
    Seminář aplikované matematické logiky

    The literature on residuated lattices (RLs) contains a number of results describing the lattice reducts of some variety V of RLs. Such results frequently state either that every lattice is a subreduct of some RL in V (for example, if V is the variety of commutative RLs or of cancellative RLs) or that the lattice subreducts are precisely the distributive lattices (for example, if V is the variety of l-groups or of Heyting algebras). We improve on existing results of this form in two ways. Firstly, we consider pointed lattice subreducts (subreducts in the signature expanded by the constant 1 for the multiplicative unit), which gives us more fine-grained information about where exactly a sublattice can occur. Typical properties of interest whose statement requires the signature of pointed lattices are conicity and distributivity at 1. Secondly, instead of considering particular varieties of RLs, we treat semi-K and pre-K RLs uniformly, where K ranges all over positive universal classes of pointed lattices contained in a certain variety. For example, we show that every prelinear RL is distributive and that every preconic RL is distributive at 1. The description of the pointed lattice subreducts of RLs and of CRLs is left as an open problem.

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