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The joy of collecting snow meltwater: a problem-solving hunt for meltwater in Northern Finland

We know that climate change is affecting many aspects of what we have considered “stable” throughout a long period of modern times. One of many impacted and changing factors is snow and thereby also snow meltwater. One way to study meltwater is to trace it by the usage of stable water isotope signals and we plan to use it by asking: Are we underestimating the portions of snow meltwater in different snow affected environments when we use stable water isotope …

Geodesy Division Highlights at EGU24: Your Essential Guide

We have been a bit quiet during March, but that was only for a good reason: to prepare lots of engaging activities and short courses for the EGU General Assembly. So, let’s find out what’s waiting for you at the GA24. But a quick reminder that this is just a small preview of the many other exciting events planned for GA, such as the co-organised short courses and networking activities that we couldn’t find the space to fit in here! …

EGU24: The return of GeoCinema!

After a six year hiatus, GeoCinema is back for EGU24! As many of you know, doing science is very rarely just about the research, but also involves sharing that research in several forms and formats. For many talented researchers this means using films. Either working with a film-maker or creating something themselves, several of our EGU24 attendees submitted wonderful films this year, from science in the lab or fantastic spectacles in the field, to producing educational features on the Earth, …