Czech Journal of Contemporary History - Latest articles
Results 1 to 30 of 115:
Two Decades of Involuntary Druzhba / A Gap-Filling Book on the Soviet Army in Czechoslovakia after 1968
Book Reviews
Ivan Beliaev
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):898-901
Jewish Life in Post-War Czechoslovakia / Unveiling the AftermathBook Reviews
Hana Kubátová
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):894-897
Missed Opportunities? NATO’s Post-Cold War Enlargement and the Gradual Decline in Relations between Washington and MoscowBook Reviews
Matěj Bílý
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):886-893
The Complicated Co-existence of Activism and Analysis / Study of Post-socialism and the New Left in Central and Eastern EuropeBook Reviews
Vítězslav Sommer
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):881-885
End of the Cold War and PromisesBook Reviews
Luboš Studený
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):873-880
The Seeds of Its Own Demise / Understanding the End of the Soviet UnionBook Reviews
Petr Luňák
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):862-872
"From Post-War Europe to Post-Wall Europe - and Back"Book Reviews
Daniela Spenser
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):853-861
„Špatný“ Slovák Martin M. Šimečka / Kritika slovenského nacionalismu a stavu demokracie v devadesátých letech z pera liberálního spisovatele a novinářeEssays and Articles
Dirk Dalberg
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):818-850 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.062
Po vzniku samostatné Slovenské republiky v lednu 1993, a zejména po parlamentních volbách, které na konci roku 1994 rozhodly o třetím premiérském období Vladimíra Mečiara, se dosud úspěšný proces politické a demokratické transformace země zastavil. Situace se změnila až s následujícími volbami v roce 1998, jež Mečiarovu vládu ukončily. V době mečiarismu, jak je tehdejší způsob vládnutí na Slovensku označován, byli ti občané, kteří neskrývali svoji skepsi ohledně slovenské samostatnosti a kriticky pohlíželi na stávající politické poměry, vládnoucími kruhy a většinou médií ostrakizováni jako „špatní“ Slováci, zatímco premiérovi přívrženci...
„Kontinuita, která byla hlavním podnětem k mé účasti v hnutí“ / Role politického a sociálního ideálu v životním příběhu Františka KrieglaEssays and Articles
Martin Groman
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):785-817 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.051
Článek se věnuje československému komunistickému politikovi Františku Krieglovi (1908–1979), který vstoupil do veřejného povědomí nejvíce svým odmítnutím podpisu takzvaného Moskevského protokolu v srpnu 1968. Jeho životní i názorový vývoj byl však natolik spletitý a mnohoznačný, že jej nelze omezit na jednorázový hrdinský čin. Také ten ostatně musel být nějak motivován a v dané osobnosti ukotven. Spíše než jednotlivým událostem v životě muže, který jako lékař a voják dobrovolně bojoval v řadách mezinárodních brigád na frontách španělské občanské války i druhé světové války v Číně a Barmě, v padesátých letech unikl politickým procesům, v šedesátých...
„Udělat aspoň něco z toho, co si místní úřady přejí“ / Pomocné a záchranné aktivity Amerického výboru pro službu v Československu v letech 1938–1939Essays and Articles
Laura E. Brade
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):761-784 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.054
Humanitární činnost během druhé světové války se tradičně dělí na dvě kategorie: pomoc a záchranu. Autorka se v článku zabývá vztahem mezi těmito kategoriemi a ukazuje, že byly v praxi neoddělitelně propojeny. Na základě materiálů uložených v amerických archivech zkoumá, jak fungovaly složité vyjednávací procesy mezi humanitárními pracovníky a pracovnicemi na jedné straně a místními autoritami na straně druhé a nakolik se prvně jmenovaným dařilo poskytovanou pomoc ohroženým skupinám osob vyvažovat aktivitami zaměřenými na jejich záchranu. Činí tak na příkladu Americké unitářské asociace (American Unitarian Association – AUA) a humanitárních aktivit,...
Neúspěšná integrace, neúspěšná emancipace / Romský občanský aktivismus v komunistickém RumunskuEssays and Articles
Manuela Marin
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):733-760 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.060
Článek se zabývá počátky romského aktivismu v Rumunsku v době komunistického režimu. Autorka se zaměřuje na spolupráci dvou zajímavých a odlišných osobností, jimiž byli Ion Cioabă (1935–1997), vůdce kalderašských Romů (Căldărari) ze Sibiu, a sociolog Nicolae Gheorghe (1946–2013), který se přihlásil ke své romské identitě až později během své akademické kariéry. Oba se na přelomu sedmdesátých a osmdesátých let společně zasazovali o oficiální uznání Romů jako národnostní menšiny, což považovali za první krok k jejich emancipaci, integraci a přijetí do rumunské společnosti. Autorka nejprve zkoumá, jaké politiky ve vztahu k „cikánské...
Od „metly venkova“ k „příživníkům“ a „fluktuantům“ / „Cikáni“ v československé kriminologii od první republiky do počátků normalizaceEssays and Articles
Pavel Baloun
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(3):699-732 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.015
Předložená studie si klade za cíl prozkoumat, jakým způsobem byli v československé kriminologii v období po roce 1945 až po nástup normalizace zobrazováni „cikáni“. Ústředním tématem je pro autora rovněž otázka dlouhodobých kontinuit a diskontinuit v kriminologickém diskurzu první poloviny dvacátého století. Zatímco v době meziválečného Československa policejní expertíza hrála klíčovou úlohu při kriminalizaci a marginalizaci Romů a Sintů v československé společnosti, když sloužila k registraci, kontrole a dohledu nad „potulnými cikány“ a významně formovala i veřejnou debatu, se zrušením někdejší policejně-represivní legislativy...
Did Chartist Environmentalism Exist? Charter 77 and Environmental ReflectionEssays and Articles
Kristina Andělová
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):351-384 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.044
The question of ecological critique is an important research area in the study of Czechoslovak dissent and Charter 77, yet it has not received any systematic research attention. Scholarly literature has privileged research on (semi)official ecological movements or expert forms of ecological criticism and reflection on the state of the environment in the so-called grey zone, which became increasingly visible in communist Czechoslovakia during the period of normalization. The author raises the question of how Charter 77 related to environmental issues, and shows that the primary emphasis on human and civil rights initially side-lined their reception...
Prague Conference on Identities in Former YugoslaviaChronicle
Ondřej Vojtěchovský
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):665-673
The author reports on the international historical conference "Centralist Ambitions and Peripheral Realities in the Twentieth Century: Contested Identities in Yugoslavia", which took place on 14 May 2023 in Prague and was co-organized by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of World History of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast Europe Studies (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung) in Regensburg and the Croatian Historical Institute (Hrvatski institut za povijest) in Zagreb. Researchers from the former Yugoslavia, Belgium and the Czech Republic participated...
Political Personalities of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and Their Family (Dis)Entanglements / A Colloquium ReportChronicle
Kristýna Bernardová
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):661-664
The colloquium entitled "Ancestors and Descendants of the State Socialism Elites: The Fates of Families in the Czech Lands in the Long Twentieth Century", which the author reports, was organized on February 15, 2023, in Prague by historians Stanislav Holubec and Vojtěch Čurda under the auspices of the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Its main goal, which was fulfilled, was to present selected leading figures of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia from various periods of its existence in the broad context of intergenerational family ties during the twentieth century. The colloquium had a strong sociological overlap, as the speakers...
Milan Hauner, a One of a Kind Historian of International Relations (4. 3. 1940 – 26. 9. 2022)Chronicle
Vít Smetana
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):651-660
The obituary commemorates the distinguished Czech historian of international relations Milan Hauner. He was born on 4 March 1940 in Gota, Thuringia, into a Czech-German family, but grew up in Prague. His grandfather and uncle, resistance fighters in the Second World War, fell victim to the Nazis, generating Hauner's professional interest. He studied history at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. After the Soviet invasion in 1968, however, he decided to emigrate. He was awarded a scholarship at St. John's College in the University of Cambridge where he also earned his doctorate in international relations in 1972. In the following decades he worked...
The Merciless Memories of President Beneš’s NephewBook Reviews
Radovan Lovčí
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):642-648
Bohuš (Bohuslav) Beneš (1901–1977) was the nephew of the second Czechoslovak President Edvard Beneš (1884–1948). He worked as a journalist and diplomat in the United States and Canada, and also wrote both non-fiction and fiction. The reviewer appreciates the publication of his memoirs Synovcem prezidenta [The President's Nephew], written in American exile and edited by historians Pavel Carbol and Martin Nekola. The memoirs are a unique source for better understanding of the fates of many members of Beneš' extended family and relatives, who played larger or smaller roles in Czechoslovak public life, including his uncle Edvard Beneš,...
With Humour on the Lips Across Contemporary HistoryBook Reviews
Pavel Mücke
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):632-641
The subject of the review is the book "Stretnú sa v lietadle…" Politický vtip v druhej polovici 20. storočia a v súčasnosti ["Three Blokes Meet On a Plane..." Political Jokes in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century and Today] by Slovak ethnologist Eva Šipöczová. The reviewer first reminds us that folk humour has long been a privileged object of interest of folklore studies and ethnology and that historiography only recognized its research potential in connection with methodological innovations in the second half of the twentieth century. He points to the basic works on this topic produced in Czech history in recent decades, and then...
The Meaning of Life, Inner Exile, and Creative Activity / The Many Faces of the Folkloric Movement of the Second Half of the Twentieth CenturyBook Reviews
Oto Polouček
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):626-631
The collective volume Tíha a beztíže folkloru: Folklorní hnutí druhé poloviny 20. století v českých zemích [The Gravity and Weightlessness of Folklore: The Folkloric Movement of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century in the Czech Lands] edited by the ethnochoreologist Daniela Stavělová, details the history of the folklore movement in the western part of Czechoslovakia in the second half of the last century. The reviewer reminds us that the phenomenon of representing stylized artistic creation inspired by traditional folk culture is an important and still understudied chapter of the cultural history of the Czech lands in the twentieth century....
Past Futures of Czechoslovak Economic TransformationBook Reviews
Matěj Moravanský
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):616-625
In his monograph Trh bez přívlastků, nebo ekonomickou demokracii? Spory o podobu vlastnické transformace v porevolučním Československu [A Market without Attributes, or Economic Democracy? Disputes over the Form of Property Transformation in Post-revolutionary Czechoslovakia], the historian Václav Rameš deals with the discussions and conceptual disputes on the form of economic transformation in post-communist Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s. In this, a group of liberal politicians and economists led by the then federal Finance Minister Václav Klaus came to the fore with a programme of rapid and massive expropriation of economic enterprises...
The Story of Lidice’s Last PastorBook Reviews
Marek Šmíd
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):611-615
In his biography Nejvyšší oběť: Poslední lidický farář Josef Štemberka (1869–1942) [The Ultimate Sacrifice: The Last Parish Priest of Lidice, Josef Štemberka (1869–1942)], the church historian František Kolouch tells the life story of a Roman Catholic priest who was executed by the German occupiers on 10 June 1942, along with other male inhabitants of the destroyed Central Bohemian village of Lidice. The biography of the extraordinary personality of Josef Štemberka, who had served as a parish priest in the village since 1909, is intertwined with the political, economic and social history of the village of Lidice, the local region...
The Revived Fates of the Ravensbrück WomenBook Reviews
Monika Vrzgulová
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):605-610
In her monograph Zpřetrhané životy: Československé ženy v nacistickém koncentračním táboře Ravensbrück v letech 1939-1945 [Broken Lives: Czechoslovak Women in the Nazi Concentration Camp of Ravensbrück, 1939-1945], Pavla Plachá focuses on the fate of women imprisoned in this camp who were citizens of the Czechoslovak Republic before 1 October 1938. This framework allows her to comprehensively and at the same time diversely examine women from diverse ethnic, social, cultural and territorial backgrounds: from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, from the Czech borderlands occupied by the Germans after the Munich dictatorship, from the wartime...
A Deep Insight into the Sad End of a Successful ManBook Reviews
Martin Franc
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):600-604
In her book Soukromá válka Huga Vavrečky: Mikrohistorie z rozhraní soudobých dějin (1945-1952) [Hugo Vavrečka's Private War: A Microhistory from the Edge of Contemporary History, 1945-1952)], the historian Jana Wohlmuth Markupová presents the fate of journalist, economist, manager, diplomat and for a short time also politician Hugo Vavrečka (1880-1952). The first Czechoslovak ambassador to Hungary and then to Austria, in the interwar period Vavrečka was also commercial director of the Baťa Works and, in autumn 1938, at a critical time for Czechoslovakia, a government minister. He was also the grandfather of the playwright and president Václav Havel...
As Told by a DiplomatBook Reviews
Jan Koura
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):594-599
Diplomat and author of numerous award-winning books George F. Kennan (1904-2005) became an influential figure in American foreign policy shortly after the Second World War. As chargé d'affaires to Moscow, in the so-called Long Telegram, he articulated the principles that became the basis of the strategy of containment between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1938–1939, he worked at the embassy in Prague and thirty years later published a selection of diplomatic reports on the situation in the Czechoslovak Second Republic and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, which he sent from Prague (and later also from Berlin) to Washington....
The One-Who-Must-Not-Be-NamedBook Reviews
Jiří Křesťan
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):581-593
Jan Chadima's book, simply entitled Rudolf Slánský, is a biography of one of the founding members of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) in 1921, who eventually became a victim of the largest trial of "internal enemies of the party" in post-war Czechoslovakia. Between the wars, Slánský (1901-1952) served in various positions in the regional and central party apparatus, and by the 1930s he was already in the party leadership. He spent the war in exile in Moscow. In 1945 he became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KSČ, and as such he had the main organizational role in building the mass party that took power in Czechoslovakia...
Displaced Persons as a Stand-Alone Research Topic? On Current Issues and Trends in Displaced Persons ResearchDiscussion
Jana Kasíková
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):567-578 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.036
Displaced persons as a result of the Second World War have been the subject of long-term research, which has gradually developed into a stand-alone discipline. The author reflects on its development, current trends and future prospects. Using the examples of several thematic conferences abroad and the panel discussion at the Congress of Czech Historians in Ústí nad Labem in September 2022, she illustrates the specific areas of interest, the proclaimed challenges of the field, and possible interconnections with other topics. She finds the publishing and popularization activities of scholars studying the issue of displaced persons to be abundant while...
České soudobé dějiny – viděno odjinud (II. díl)Discussion
Christiane Brenner, Chad Bryant, Peter Bugge, Adam Hudek, Mark Kramer, Piotr M. Majewski, Niklas Perzi
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):528-566
Czech Contemporary History – Reflections from Elsewhere / A Survey (Part Two)Discussion
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):527
This year, the journal Soudobé dějiny / CJCH celebrates thirty years of its foundation. On this occasion, we reached out to selected foreign historians with a brief survey. Its purpose is to bring together diverse reflections on the current state of and trends in contemporary history in the Czech Republic. In the current issue, we offer the first set of responses to the following questions: 1. How do you think Czech contemporary history, as a discipline, is doing? How do you perceive the development of Czech contemporary history from the end of the communist regime to today? In your opinion, which topics and research perspectives remain “blind...
The Czechoslovak Consulate in Kyiv as an Object of NKVD Interest in 1936–1938Essays and Articles
Jan Dvořák - Anna Chlebina
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):493-524 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.033
The article aims to map the counterintelligence activities of the authorities of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (Narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh del - NKVD) of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic against the Consulate General of the Czechoslovak Republic in Kyiv, which existed between June 1936 and April 1938. The authors make primary use of recently declassified documents from Ukrainian security archives and diplomatic reports of Consul General Rudolf Brabec (1884-1955). They first outline earlier Czechoslovak diplomatic representations in Soviet Ukraine and point out that their functioning was of particular importance for the...
Charter 77 in American “Translation” / The Image of Czechoslovak Dissent in the American Press in 1977Essays and Articles
Petra James
Soudobé dějiny / CJCH 2023, 30(2):443-492 | DOI: 10.51134/sod.2023.045
The study traces how the American press covered Charter 77's appearances in the first year of its existence, a subject hitherto unstudied. Czechoslovak dissent attracted international attention after major Western newspapers published the constitutive "Charter 77 Declaration" of January 1, 1977. The subsequent prosecution of the Charter's spokespersons and other signatories sparked a wave of protest and support in the West. The interest of the Western media was crucial for the dissidents, as it was the main way to inform the international public about their activities, and often the only way to get some protection against domestic repression. The situation...