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Thermally Driven Winds on Mars: A Review and a Slope Effect Numerical Study

  •  5 April 2024

Key Points

  • Wind speeds observed and modeled on Mars are reviewed

  • Slope flows on Mars simulated with the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM, with identified key role of radiant heat transfer

  • Simulations match observed speeds, allow prediction on potential landing sites and show practical applications, such as dust removal

Open access

Brine Pools With Round Caps in the Western Qaidam Basin: Application to Iron Mobility and the Evaporation Formation of the Iron Oxide and Sulfate Assemblage on Mars

  •  3 April 2024

Key Points

  • The coexistence of iron oxyhydroxides and sulfates was detected in a playa area of the western Qaidam Basin, a Mars analog environment

  • Evaporation of upwelling groundwater may have led to the widespread coexistence of sulfates and iron oxides on Mars

  • Groundwater activity favors Fe mobility even under an oxidizing atmosphere and in cold surface environments on Mars

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Sound Velocities of Fe‐Si Alloys at Conditions of the Cores of Moon and Mercury

  •  2 April 2024

Key Points

  • The effect of 3 wt.% and 6 wt.% Si on the sound velocity of Fe has been constrained

  • Lunar core would be Si-depleted because its seismic velocity is lower than fcc-Fe

  • The sound velocity profile of the Mercury's core was constrained by considering different Si content

Open access

Analyzing the Instabilities in the Venus Atmosphere Using Bred Vectors

  •  2 April 2024

Key Points

  • Identical twin experiments show that perturbations at 40–70 and 70–100 km altitudes are slow-growing and fast-growing modes, respectively

  • Breeding cycle experiments generate perturbations associated with barotropic, baroclinic, and Rossby-Kelvin instabilities

  • The intrinsic predictability related to the baroclinic instability is >1 month, longer than that for the Earth's atmosphere of ∼2 weeks

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Water and Chlorine in the Martian Subsurface Along the 27 km Traverse of NASA's Curiosity Rover According to DAN Measurements: 2. Results for Distinct Geological Regions

  •  1 April 2024

Key Points

  • The Dynamic Albedo of Neutron (DAN) data was analyzed for the period of time from August 2012 to December 2021, for almost 27 km of the MSL traverse

  • 15 distinct MSL geological regions were examined using the DAN data

  • The DAN data recognized the presence of two subregions within the Jura member of the Murray formation based on Water-equivalent hydrogen concentration

full access

Hydrolysis Products of Fe(III)‐Si Systems With Different Si/(Si + Fe) Molar Ratios: Implications to Detection of Ferrihydrite on Mars

  •  1 April 2024

Key Points

  • Hydrolysis experiments of Fe(III)-Si systems were performed at an unprecedentedly wide range of initial Si/(Fe + Si) molar ratios (0∼0.80)

  • The environmental Si concentration controls the formation and evolution of ferrihydrite in the Fe(III)-Si systems

  • Mössbauer spectroscopy shows great potential in identifying and differentiating between ferrihydrite-like materials

full access

Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Dust Storms in Martian Year 36 Based on the EMM‐EXI Database

  •  30 March 2024

Key Points

  • Emirates Mars Mission (EMM)- Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI) can capture full disk views of Mars at a time step of hours or less

  • We created a dust storm database based on EMM-EXI images for Martian year 36 at the beginning of the EMM science phase

  • Significant attention is given to characterizing the sub-diurnal variability of the storms, which is not previously emphasized

full access

The Apollo 17 Regolith: Induced Thermoluminescence Evidence for Formation by a Single Event ∼100 Million Years Ago and Possibly the Presence of Tycho Material

  •  29 March 2024

Key Points

  • The samples from the deep drill core demonstrate uniformly induced TL properties

  • The TL anomaly in the lower section of the deep drill core coincides with elevated KREEP level. Alternatively, anomalies may represent Tycho material

  • TL data suggest deposition of valley regolith of at least upper 3 m during a single event, potentially 100 Mya during Tycho impact

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Issue Information

  •  27 March 2024
Open access

Mapping Ice Buried by the 1875 and 1961 Tephra of Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland Using Ground‐Penetrating Radar: Implications for Askja Caldera as a Geophysical Testbed for In Situ Resource Utilization

  •  27 March 2024

Key Points

  • Multi-frequency Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys identified massive ice up to 4.4 m thick buried by up to 1 m of tephra from two Holocene eruptions of Askja

  • GPR readily maps vertical and horizontal extents of subsurface ice and tephra overburden; ice concentration transitions are not detected

  • Ice-rich and ice-free sites present a similar attenuation; ice-rich sites demonstrate a lower attenuation rate with increasing ice thickness

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Space weathering on airless bodies

Key Points

  • Bodies exposed to the space environment are altered with time
  • The type and magnitude of alteration depends on composition and location
  • Understanding the physics and chemistry of space weathering processes is an area of active research

free access

Global Regolith Thermophysical Properties of the Moon From the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment

Key Points

  • We present global maps of regolith thermophysical properties
  • The Moon's upper ~4–7 cm of regolith has a globally averaged thermal inertia of ~55 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2 at a reference temperature of 273 K
  • The upper lunar regolith is remarkably uniform, with the upper ~10 cm homogenized on >1 Gyr timescales

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Hydrous minerals on Mars as seen by the CRISM and OMEGA imaging spectrometers: Updated global view

Key Points

  • Mars experienced aqueous alteration on a planetary scale
  • Hydrous mineral diversity reveals diversity of formation environments
  • Most of the alteration took place ~4 Gyr ago but still occurred 1 Gyr later

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Identifying an index of subsurface volatiles on Mars through an analysis of impact crater morphometry using principal component analysis

Key Points

  • Principal component analysis is applied to crater morphometric and morphologic properties
  • Principal components are related to the impactor, nature of primary target, and secondary processes
  • Relative depth of subsurface ice is mapped

Open access

A Complex Region of Europa's Surface With Hints of Recent Activity Revealed by Juno's Stellar Reference Unit

Key Points

  • Juno's Stellar Reference Unit imaged Europa's surface at high resolution while it was illuminated by Jupiter-shine

  • The image reveals a feature-rich region between 0°–6°N and 43.5°–51°W with hints of relatively recent activity

  • A young 37 km by 67 km chaos feature and some low-albedo deposits adjacent to double ridges may be associated with subsurface liquid water

Plain Language Summary

On 29 September 2022, the Juno spacecraft performed the first close flyby of Jupiter's icy moon Europa in generation. The low-light sensitive Juno SRU navigation camera was used to photograph a part of the surface that was lit only by sunlight scattered off Jupiter, from a spacecraft-to-surface distance of 412 km. This innovative use of a high-resolution star camera designed to detect dim stars produced Juno's highest resolution image of Europa, and provides the highest resolution coverage of the targeted region to date. The imaged area is revealed to be incredibly complex and rich with many different types of terrains and features. Dark stains that may be associated with plumes, and an area of ice shell disruption nicknamed “the Platypus,” are compelling targets for future missions to investigate possible present day surface activity.

Open access

Compositions and Interior Structures of the Large Moons of Uranus and Implications for Future Spacecraft Observations

Key Points

  • Most of the major Uranian moons may host a residual ocean a few tens of kilometers thick at present, except for Miranda

  • Thermal metamorphism could create a late, second generation ocean in Titania and Oberon

  • These models represent a baseline for the formulation of observations with the Uranus Orbiter and Probe

Plain Language Summary

The major moons of Uranus, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon, are interesting targets for a future space mission because they might host liquid at present. Studying these bodies would help address the extent of habitable environments in the outer solar system. We model their thermal, physical, and chemical evolution. Because their heat budget is limited, with little or no tidal heating at present, we find that most of the moons can preserve only a few tens of kilometers of liquid until present. Furthermore, if the oceans are maintained by antifreeze, such as ammonia and chlorides, then their electrical conductivities may be close to zero. In this case, the detection of a magnetic field induced in these oceans would be challenging. We explore additional geophysical, as well as compositional, observations that would reveal the existence of a deep ocean in these moons. None of the scenarios studied produce residual liquid in Miranda at present. Our simulations are consistent with constraints on the dissipative properties of the moons inferred from dynamical evolution models.

Open access

Can Archean Impact Structures Be Discovered? A Case Study From Earth's Largest, Most Deeply Eroded Impact Structure

Key Points

  • The target rocks exposed on the surface of the central core of the Vredefort structure do not preserve changes in physical properties

  • Regardless of initial size, changes in the physical properties of impact structures on Earth might be unidentifiable if they are eroded by more than 10 km

  • Archean impact structures on Earth can only be identified if extraordinary preservation takes place

Plain Language Summary

Meteorite collisions should have formed throughout the 4.5 billion-year-long history of Earth, but we have only found impact craters that are less than half of the age of the Earth (2 billion years) and younger. In order to understand how to find very old impact craters, we studied the largest of the oldest preserved impact craters. The 2 Byr old Vredefort structure in South Africa has been deeply eroded, and thus provides a good view of its deep roots. We collected a series of samples of the exposed rocks known to have evidence of shock effects and measured their physical properties. We found that the physical properties do not show evidence of the meteorite impact event. We also established that the gravity profile of the crater preserves a weak signal. When the Vredefort structure erodes a bit more, the geophysical characteristics that make it identifiable will be gone. We expect that signatures of ancient impact structures even larger than Vredefort would be completely removed by erosion by now. Therefore, to find very old impact craters, we need to look in areas that have experienced unusually little erosion.

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Titan's atmosphere and climate

Key Points

  • Titan has the most complex atmospheric chemistry in the solar system
  • Titan's atmosphere and surface share a unique connection
  • Titan is the best place in the solar system to test ideas about the diversity and ubiquity of life

Plain Language Summary

Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is unique in our solar system. It is the only moon with a dense atmosphere and the only other thick nitrogen atmosphere besides that of Earth. In the atmosphere very complicated chemistry, started by sunlight, forms molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen (sometimes called “organic” molecules); these molecules end up on the surface where they are moved by wind and rain to form dunes, lakes, and seas. It is the only world besides Earth that has lakes and seas presently on its surface, although they are made of liquid methane and ethane instead of water. The conditions in Titan's atmosphere are ideal for creation of smog-like particles called haze, which may have molecules that are important for the origin of life. The combination of liquid and organics means that Titan may be the best place in the solar system to test ideas about how life begins and how common it is in the universe. The Cassini-Huygens mission to the Saturn system has provided a wealth of new information allowing us to study Titan as a system. Here I review our current understanding of Titan's atmosphere and climate forged from the powerful combination of Earth-based observations, measurements from spacecraft, laboratory experiments, and computer models. I conclude with some of our remaining unanswered questions as the incredible era of exploration with Cassini-Huygens comes to an end.

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A Model for the Thermophysical Properties of Lunar Regolith at Low Temperatures

Key Points

  • Thermal conductivity or lunar soil drops at low temperature
  • This could have profound effects on lunar cold trap temperatures
  • New lab measurements of low-temperature thermal conductivity should be pursued

full access

Layered Structures in the Upper Several Hundred Meters of the Moon Along the Chang'E-4 Rover's First 1,000-m Traverse

Key Points

  • We examined the long-term accumulated low-frequency data of Chang'E-4 Lunar Penetrating Radar and identified several strata at depths below 90 m

  • The thickness of the strata increases with depth, implying that the lava effusion rate may have progressively decreased over time

  • The stratigraphy of the upper ∼300 m of the Moon is unveiled through the combination of low-frequency and high-frequency data

Plain Language Summary

The Chang'E-4 rover is exploring the Moon with a two-channel ground penetrating radar (GPR). The GPR sends electromagnetic pulses into the lunar interior and receives echoes from subsurface layers. We use the high-frequency channel data to detect the structure of the upper 40 m along the rover's path, primarily consisting of rock debris and soil. This analysis reveals several layers and a buried crater. The low-frequency channel has the capability to penetrate deeper into the Moon, allowing us to search for large-scale layered structures such as lava flows. Through this investigation, we have discovered multiple layers in the upper 300 m, which likely indicate a series of basalt eruptions that occurred billions of years ago. The thickness variation of these lava flows suggests a decrease in eruption scale over time. By combining data from both channels, we are able to depict the overall structure of the Moon's upper several hundred meters.

Open access

Hot Jupiters: Origins, Structure, Atmospheres

Key Points

  • The origins of hot Jupiter exoplanets likely involve more than one formation pathway

  • Explanations for the anomalously large radii of hot Jupiters need a connection to atmospheric temperature

  • Hot Jupiters have complex atmospheres where radiation and advection both play significant roles in controlling the temperature structure

Plain Language Summary

“Hot Jupiters” are gas giant planets, thought to be akin to Jupiter and Saturn, that orbit their parent stars with typical orbital periods of only a few days. These perplexing planets under strong stellar irradiation, found around 1% of Sun-like stars, have been extensively studied. Here, we review many aspects of the physics of hot Jupiters. First, we discuss the leading scenarios for the formation and orbital evolution of the planets, including the dominant ideas that these planets originally form much further from their parent stars. Next, we describe models to assess their interior structure and thermal evolution and how strong stellar irradiation leads to radii that are significantly larger than that of Jupiter itself. Finally, we discuss many aspects of their atmospheres, including the opacity sources that control the temperature structure, the mass-loss processes that drive a planetary wind, and the dynamical processes that control atmospheric circulation and day-to-night temperature contrasts.

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What Martian Meteorites Reveal About the Interior and Surface of Mars

Key Points

  • Martian meteorites are currently the only samples that we possess from the Red Planet

  • Martian meteorites reveal the compositional diversity of the interior of Mars

  • Returned samples from Mars would allow us to better constrain the compositions of the martian interior and its evolution through time

Plain Language Summary

Scientists learn about the formation and evolution of planets, such as Mars, by studying rock samples. Obtaining rock samples from Mars makes it possible to study them in state-of-the-art laboratories on Earth with high degrees of precision and accuracy. Currently, samples from Mars are obtained as meteorites that have been ejected from the planet. We can study these rocks to learn about volcanic processes and their chemistry and timing in the context of martian geology. This review paper summarizes the information we have learned about Mars's geology by analyzing martian meteorites. Most of the data collected provide evidence that the interior of Mars is compositionally varied with high diversity in chemical makeup throughout time. However, most meteorites are relatively young with few older rocks (older than 2.4 billion years old) analyzed to date. The Mars 2020 mission plans on collecting older samples directly from Mars's surface, in the Jezero crater, for eventual return to Earth, as early as 2031. The study of both meteorites and returned samples is essential to gain a full understanding of the interior composition, evolution, and geological characteristics of different locations on the Red Planet.

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A New Global Database of Lunar Impact Craters >1–2 km: 1. Crater Locations and Sizes, Comparisons With Published Databases, and Global Analysis

Key Points

  • Of the identified and measured >2 million lunar craters, 1.3 million are ≥1 km in diameter
  • Found more craters ≲30 km than all other published catalogs, likely due to multiple data sets used and including subdued and secondary craters
  • More elliptical craters are found than past work, orientation of D ≥ 10 km craters are random, and many spatial density trends are discussed

Plain Language Summary

This work presents a new database of lunar impact craters. Over 2 million craters were identified and measured, and 1.3 million of them are larger than 1 km in diameter. The database is estimated to be a complete census of all craters larger than approximately 1 to 2 km across. Where there are overlaps, this database compares well with past databases with respect to crater diameters and locations, but the database contains more craters smaller than about 20 km across than any other crater database. This increase is attributed primarily to the fully manual effort involved in searching multiple instruments' data sets, using both imagery and topography, and multiple searches of the lunar surface. A spatial density analysis of the craters in different diameter ranges shows many trends that have been seen before, but it also reveals details of nonuniformity, which have not been previously described, including an enhanced small crater population at the Moon's north pole and many effects of secondary craters—craters that form from the ejecta of a larger, primary impact. Additionally, the database contains ellipse properties of the craters, and it shows that large craters' orientations are indistinguishable from randomness.

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