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Czech ARC node activities


 See details and registration here.



ALMA and the Cool Universe
Date : 7th March 2019 (1 pm)
Location : The Institute of Physics of the Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic
Speaker : Abhijeet Borkar

ALMA and the Cool Universe
Date : 11th March 2019 (12 pm)
Location : Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Speaker : Abhijeet Borkar


Upcoming radio astronomy conferences and workshops

ALMA at EAS 2020  The European Astronomical Society meeting for 2020 will include a special session to review eight years of ALMA results.  This aims to showcase new and important scientific results from the users community, as well as to emphasise topics and technical aspects that triggered most of the user support provided during the last years. Official webpage...
Date : 29th June - 3rd July 2020
Location : Event & Convention Center and Holiday Inn, Leiden, the Netherlands
Registration deadline : 2nd March 2020 (abstract submission); 28th June for regular registration.


Improving Image Fidelity on Astronomical Data: Radio Interferometer and Single-Dish Data Combination 
Many areas in astronomy require the combination of millimetre/radio interferometric and single-dish observations to recover scientific physical information over a large range of spatial scales. However, the combination process poses a number of severe technical challenges. In this workshop, we aim to understand, compare, and test the various methods of data combination. Official webpage...
Date : 12th - 16th August 2019
Location : Lorentz Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands
Registration deadline : 1st May 2019


49th Young European Radio Astronomers Conference
A conference hosted by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, held at Trinity College Dublin and funded by RadioNet, to promote the work, and professional development, of young radio astronomers in Europe. Official webpage...
Date : 26th - 29th August 2019
Location : Trinity College, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Registration deadline : 30th April 2019


 9th IRAM 30-metre summer school
 The school will combine lectures on millimeter astronomy with observations using the 30-meter telescope. Lectures will be given by experienced scientists and 30-meter observers, covering a wide range of topics, from comets and planetary atmospheres in he solar system to the study of the chemistry of interstellar clouds, low and high mass star formation, in the Milky Way, in nearby galaxies, and in ultra-luminous objects at high-redshifts. These lectures will be complemented by lectures on instrumentation, observing techniques, and data processing. Official webpage...
Date : 6th - 13 September 2019
Location : Pradollano, near Granada, Spain
Registration deadline : 21st June 2019. The registration page is here.


European Radio Interferometry School 2019
This school is the eighth of a series of summer schools supported by RadioNet. ERIS will provide a week of lectures and tutorials on how to achieve scientific results from radio interferometry. Official webpage...
Date : 7th - 11th October 2019
Location : Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Registration deadline : 3rd May 2019


ALMA2019 : Science Results and Cross-Facility Synergies
At the conference we expect to discuss the full breadth of ALMA science, with special emphasis on results from the first rounds of ALMA Large Programmes, the long baselines and high frequency capabilities, the new Solar and VLBI modes,  as well as the synergy between ALMA and other observatories. As in previous editions of the conference series, we expect to discuss the scientific priorities for the implementation of the ALMA Development Roadmap. Official webpage...
Date : 14th - 18th October 2019
Location : T-Hotel Cagliari
Abstract deadline : 15th May 2019
Registration deadline : 31st July 2019

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