In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Temperature dependence of the optical absorption coefficient of microcrystalline siliconJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids 338-340 (2004) 222-227.
- Molten state and supercooling of lead halidesJournal of Crystal Growth 264 (2004) 492-498.
- Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (2004) 6660-6664.
- Thin Solid Films 447-448 (2004) 223-230.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 177-178 (2004) 699-704.
- Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 78 (2004) 393-396.
- Path integral in a magnetic field using the Trotter product formula.American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) 385-388.
- The 3.83 eV luminescence of Gd-enriched phosphate glassesphysica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) R38-R40.
- Very fast YbxY1-xAIO3 single-crystal scintillatorsApplied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 882-884.
- Growth and charge transfer luminescence of Yb3+ -doped YAIO3 single crystalsJournal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 3063-3068.
- Journal of Chemical Physics 121 (2004) 1587-1590.
- Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 604-609.
- Mechanical properties of hydrogen-free a-C:Si filmsDiamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 1350-1355.
- Self-Polarized PZT Thin Films:Deposition, Characterization and ApplicationFerroelectrics 298 (2004) 309-316.
- Ellipsometry of High Temperature Phase Transitions in PZT and (ZnLi)O FilmsFerroelectrics 298 (2004) 55-60.
- Ferroelectrics 298 (2004) 325-333.
- Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 713-717.
- Surface Tension and Mismatch Effects in Ferrollectric Thin Film PropertiesFerroelectrics 298 (2004) 83-96.
- Energy transfer to the Ce3+ centers in Lu3Al5O12 : Ce scintillatorphysica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) R41-R44.
- Optical properties of double-layer structure phthalocyanine-tetracyanoquinodimethane.Thin Solid Films 460 (2004) 269-273.
- Surface Science 562 (2004) 22-32.
- Low-temperature phase transformations in weakly doped quantum paraelectrics:novel features and quantum reentrant dipolar glass state in KTa0.982Nb0.018O3Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (2004) 1317-1327.
- Diamond growth by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition: Optical emission characterisation and effect argon additionphysica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) 2425-2431.
- Preparation and properties of Ce-doped Na-Gd phosphate glassesRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 489-492.
- Shaped single crystal growth and scintillating application of Yb:(Gd,Lu)3(Ga,Al)5O12 solid solutionsOptical Materials 26 (2004) 541-543.
- The Red Shift of Ultraviolet Spectra and the Relation to Optical Basicity of Ce-Doped Alkali Rare-Earth Phosphate Glasses.Journal of the American Ceramic Society 37 (2004) 1378-1380.
- Role of breathers in anomalous decay.Physical Review E 70 (2004) 016610(1)-016610(10).
- Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 203-206.
- Photoluminescent properties of nanocrystallized zinc borosilicate glassesRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 771-774.
- Scintillation characteristics of PrF3:Ce single crystalphysica status solidi (a) 201 (14) (2004) R108-R110.
- Scintillation response of Ce-doped or intrinsic scintillating crystals in the range up to 1 MeVRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 353-357.
- X-ray damage characterization in BaLiF3,KMgF3 and LiCaAlF6 complex fluoridesRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 463-466.
- The effect of temperature on strength - porosity relationship for concreteConstruction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 529-534.
- Chapter 7. Binary homogeneous nucleation in selected aqueous vapor mixtures, pp. 205-242.Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures: Physical Chemistry in Water, Steam and Hydrothermal Solutions. (Eds. D.A. Palmer, R. Fernández-Prini, A.H. Harvey) Elsevier Amsterdam 2004, ISBN: 0-12-544461-3. Monografie
- Coherent phonon ocillations in CsPbCl3 nanocrystalsphysica status solidi (c) 1 (2004) 2670-2673.
- On-line induced absorption measurement on PbWO4, YAlO3:Ce and CsI scintillating crystalsRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 393-396.
- Luminescence and lifetime characteristics of microphases in KCl:KI:Pb mixed crystalsRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 599-602.
- Trap levels in Y-aluminum garnet scintillating crystals.Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 673-676.
- Decay kinetics of the green emission in tungstates and molybdates.Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 533-537.
- Excited-state dynamics of Yb2+ in LiCaAlF6 single crystal.Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 545-548.
- Recombination luminescence in lead tungstate scintillating crystals.Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 381-384.
- physica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) 2499-2502.
- Diffuse phase transition in NaNbO3:Gd single crystals.Journal of Applied Physics 95 (8) (2004) 3994-3999.
- Radiation damage of doubly doped PbWO4:(Mo, A3+) scintillatorRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 385-388.
- Electron paramagnetic resonance study of copper impurity charge-states in PbWO4 scintillatorRadiation Measurements 38 (2004) 703-706.
- Radioluminescence spectra of PWO crystals (co)doped by Ba.Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 363-365.
- NMR spectra and relaxation of 57Fe in calcium-doped yttrium iron garnet filmsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 (2004) E1685-E1686.
- Integrated Ferroelectrics 63 (2004) 209-213.
- Optical Spectra, Properties and First Principles Computations of Ba(Fe,Nb)O3 and Pb(Fe,Nb)O3Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 279-283.
- Divalent Impurity Ions in Potassium Tantalate Studied by EPR.Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 199-202.