
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. A. Poruba, J. Springer, L. Mullerova, A. Beitlerová, M. Vanecek, N. Wyrsch, A. Shah
    Temperature dependence of the optical absorption coefficient of microcrystalline silicon
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 338-340 (2004) 222-227.
  2. K. Nitsch, A. Cihlář, M. Rodová
    Molten state and supercooling of lead halides
    Journal of Crystal Growth 264 (2004) 492-498.
  3. Z. Kožíšek, K. Sato, P. Demo, A. M. Sveshnikov
    Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (2004) 6660-6664.
  4. V. Kulikovsky, V. Vorlíček, P. Boháč, A. Kurdyumov, L. Jastrabík
    Thin Solid Films 447-448 (2004) 223-230.
  5. M. Čada, O. Chrupita, Z. Hubička, H. Šíchová, L. Jastrabík
    Surface & Coatings Technology 177-178 (2004) 699-704.
  6. V. Kulikovsky, V. Vorlíček, P. Boháč, J. Zemek, A. Kurdyumov, L. Jastrabík
    Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 78 (2004) 393-396.
  7. B. Gaveau, E. Mihóková, M. Roncadelli, L.S. Schulman
    Path integral in a magnetic field using the Trotter product formula.
    American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) 385-388.
  8. D. Di Martino, A. Krasnikov, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, A. Vedda, S. Zazubovich
    The 3.83 eV luminescence of Gd-enriched phosphate glasses
    physica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) R38-R40.
  9. M. Nikl, N. Solovieva, J. Pejchal, J.B. Shim, A. Yoshikawa, T. Fukuda, A. Vedda, M. Martini, D.H. Yoon
    Very fast YbxY1-xAIO3 single-crystal scintillators
    Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 882-884.
  10. J.B. Shim, A. Yoshikawa, T. Fukuda, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, N. Sarukura, D.H. Yoon
    Growth and charge transfer luminescence of Yb3+ -doped YAIO3 single crystals
    Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 3063-3068.
  11. Z. Kožíšek, M. Hikosaka, P. Demo, A. M. Sveshnikov
    Journal of Chemical Physics 121 (2004) 1587-1590.
  12. V. Mortet, A. Kromka, R. Kravets, J. Rosa, V. Vorlíček, J. Zemek, M. Vaněček
    Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 604-609.
  13. V. Kulikovsky, V. Vorlíček, P. Boháč, A. Kurdyumov, L. Jastrabík
    Mechanical properties of hydrogen-free a-C:Si films
    Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 1350-1355.
  14. G. Suchaneck, T. Sandner, A. Dejneka, G. Gerlach, L. Jastrabík
    Self-Polarized PZT Thin Films:Deposition, Characterization and Application
    Ferroelectrics 298 (2004) 309-316.
  15. A. Dejneka, G. Suchaneck, Z. Hubička, L. Jastrabík, G. Gerlach
    Ellipsometry of High Temperature Phase Transitions in PZT and (ZnLi)O Films
    Ferroelectrics 298 (2004) 55-60.
  16. N. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabík, A. Tarasenko
    Ferroelectrics 298 (2004) 325-333.
  17. Z. Remeš, C. Uzan-Saguy, E. Baskin, R. Kalish, Y. Avigal, M. Nesladek, S. Koizumi
    Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 713-717.
  18. M.D. Glinchuk, A. N. Morozovska, V.A. Stephanovich, L. Jastrabík
    Surface Tension and Mismatch Effects in Ferrollectric Thin Film Properties
    Ferroelectrics 298 (2004) 83-96.
  19. M. Nikl, J. A. Mareš, N. Solovieva, J. Hybler, A. Voloshinovskii, K. Nejezchleb, K. Blazek
    Energy transfer to the Ce3+ centers in Lu3Al5O12 : Ce scintillator
    physica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) R41-R44.
  20. E.G. Bortchagovsky, Z.I. Kazantseva, I.A. Koshets, S. Nespurek, L. Jastrabík
    Optical properties of double-layer structure phthalocyanine-tetracyanoquinodimethane.
    Thin Solid Films 460 (2004) 269-273.
  21. N.A. Tarasenko, A. Tarasenko, Z. Bryknar, L. Jastrabík
    Surface Science 562 (2004) 22-32.
  22. V.A. Trepakov, S.A. Prosandeev, M.E. Savinov, P. Galinetto, G. Samoggia, S.E. Kapphan, L. Jastrabík, L.A. Boatner
    Low-temperature phase transformations in weakly doped quantum paraelectrics:novel features and quantum reentrant dipolar glass state in KTa0.982Nb0.018O3
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (2004) 1317-1327.
  23. V. Mortet, Z. Hubička, V. Vorlíček, K. Jurek, J. Rosa, M. Vanecek
    Diamond growth by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition: Optical emission characterisation and effect argon addition
    physica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) 2425-2431.
  24. M. Rodová, A. Cihlář, K. Knížek, K. Nitsch, N. Solovieva
    Preparation and properties of Ce-doped Na-Gd phosphate glasses
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 489-492.
  25. A. Novosselov, A. Yoshikawa, H. Ogino, M. Nikl, J. Pejchal, T. Fukuda
    Shaped single crystal growth and scintillating application of Yb:(Gd,Lu)3(Ga,Al)5O12 solid solutions
    Optical Materials 26 (2004) 541-543.
  26. G. Chen, S. Baccaro, M. Nikl, A. Cecilia, Y. Yang Du, E. Mihóková
    The Red Shift of Ultraviolet Spectra and the Relation to Optical Basicity of Ce-Doped Alkali Rare-Earth Phosphate Glasses.
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society 37 (2004) 1378-1380.
  27. E. Mihóková, L.S. Schulman, K. Polak, W. Williams
    Role of breathers in anomalous decay.
    Physical Review E 70 (2004) 016610(1)-016610(10).
  28. V. Trepakov, M. Savinov, S. Prosandeev, P. Syrnikov, A. Pashkin, J. Petzelt, S. Kapphan, L. Jastrabík
    Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 203-206.
  29. G. Chen, M. Nikl, N. Solovieva, A. Beitlerová, J. Rao, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Jiang, C. Zhu
    Photoluminescent properties of nanocrystallized zinc borosilicate glasses
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 771-774.
  30. M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, T. Satonaga, K. Kamada, H. Sato, N. Solovieva, A. Beitlerová, T. Fukuda
    Scintillation characteristics of PrF3:Ce single crystal
    physica status solidi (a) 201 (14) (2004) R108-R110.
  31. J. A. Mareš, A. Beitlerová, M. Nikl, N.Solovieva, C.D'Ambrosio, K.Blazek, P.Maly, K.Nejezchleb, Notaristefani
    Scintillation response of Ce-doped or intrinsic scintillating crystals in the range up to 1 MeV
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 353-357.
  32. H. Sato, A. Bensalah, N. Solovieva, A. Beitlerová, A. Vedda, M. Martini, M. Nikl, T. Fukuda
    X-ray damage characterization in BaLiF3,KMgF3 and LiCaAlF6 complex fluorides
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 463-466.
  33. F. Vodák, K. Trtík, O. Kapičková, Š. Hošková, P. Demo
    The effect of temperature on strength - porosity relationship for concrete
    Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 529-534.
  34. F. Maršík, J. Hrubý, P. Demo, Z. Kožíšek, V. Petr, M. Kolovratník
    Chapter 7. Binary homogeneous nucleation in selected aqueous vapor mixtures, pp. 205-242.
    Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures: Physical Chemistry in Water, Steam and Hydrothermal Solutions. (Eds. D.A. Palmer, R. Fernández-Prini, A.H. Harvey) Elsevier Amsterdam 2004, ISBN: 0-12-544461-3. Monografie
  35. P. Němec, K. Nitsch, M. Nikl, P. Malý
    Coherent phonon ocillations in CsPbCl3 nanocrystals
    physica status solidi (c) 1 (2004) 2670-2673.
  36. M. Šulc, M. Nikl, M. Vognar, K. Blažek, K. Nejezchleb, P. Boháček, K. Nitsch, M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki, D. Shen
    On-line induced absorption measurement on PbWO4, YAlO3:Ce and CsI scintillating crystals
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 393-396.
  37. K. Polák, K. Nitsch
    Luminescence and lifetime characteristics of microphases in KCl:KI:Pb mixed crystals
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 599-602.
  38. A. Vedda, D. Di Martino, M. Martini, J. A. Mareš, E. Mihóková, M. Nikl, N. Solovieva, K. Blazek, K. Nejezchleb
    Trap levels in Y-aluminum garnet scintillating crystals.
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 673-676.
  39. V. Babin, P. Boháček, E. Bender, A. Krasnikov, E. Mihóková, M. Nikl, N. Senguttuvan, A. Stolovits, Y. Usuki, S. Zazubovich
    Decay kinetics of the green emission in tungstates and molybdates.
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 533-537.
  40. A. Bensalah, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, N. Solovieva, A. Vedda, H. Sato, T. Fukuda, G. Boulon
    Excited-state dynamics of Yb2+ in LiCaAlF6 single crystal.
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 545-548.
  41. G.P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, C. Susini, M. Nikl, P. Boháček, E. Mihóková, A. Vedda, M. Martini, M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki
    Recombination luminescence in lead tungstate scintillating crystals.
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 381-384.
  42. Z. Remeš, Y. Avigal, R. Kalish, C. Uzan-Saguy, A. Chack, M. Nesladek
    physica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) 2499-2502.
  43. I.P. Raevski, S.A. Prosandeev, K.G. Abdulvakhidov, L.A. Shilkina, S.I. Raevskaya, V.V. Eremkin, V.G. Smotrakov, L. Jastrabík
    Diffuse phase transition in NaNbO3:Gd single crystals.
    Journal of Applied Physics 95 (8) (2004) 3994-3999.
  44. J. Pejchal, P. Boháček, M. Nikl, V. Mucka, M. Pospisil, M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki
    Radiation damage of doubly doped PbWO4:(Mo, A3+) scintillator
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 385-388.
  45. A. Hofstaetter, V.V. Laguta, B.K. Meyer, M. Nikl, J. Rosa
    Electron paramagnetic resonance study of copper impurity charge-states in PbWO4 scintillator
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 703-706.
  46. Radioluminescence spectra of PWO crystals (co)doped by Ba.
    Radiation Measurements 38 (2004) 363-365.
  47. H. Štěpánková, J. Englich, E. Gamaliy, M. Kučera, M. Maryško, K. Nitsch, P. Novák
    NMR spectra and relaxation of 57Fe in calcium-doped yttrium iron garnet films
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 (2004) E1685-E1686.
  48. Integrated Ferroelectrics 63 (2004) 209-213.
  49. R. Demirbilek, A.I. Gubaev, A.B. Kutsenko, S.E. Kapphan, I.P. Raevski, S.A. Prosandeev, B. Burton, L. Jastrabík, V.S. Vikhnin
    Optical Spectra, Properties and First Principles Computations of Ba(Fe,Nb)O3 and Pb(Fe,Nb)O3
    Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 279-283.
  50. A.G. Badalyan, V.A. Trepakov, C.B. Azzoni, P.Galinetto, M.C. Mozzati, L. Jastrabík, J. Rosa, S. Kapphan, M. Hrabovsky
    Divalent Impurity Ions in Potassium Tantalate Studied by EPR.
    Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 199-202.