Invitation to the lecture " Maternal Milk - White Gold" (26.3. 2024)
Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na přednášku "Mateřské mléko- bílé zlato". Přednáší: Ondřej Kuda (FGÚ AV ČR) a Marcela Křížová (Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě)
Přednášku pořádá FGÚ v rámci cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci". Cyklus přednášek "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci" přibližuje zkoumání podstaty závažných onemocnění člověka v laboratořích FGÚ a zároveň představuje vzájemnou a nepostradatelnou spolupráci vědců s klinickými lékaři.

Junior Research Group Leader (13.3. 2024)
Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) announces a call for applications:
Do not forget about Alzheimer's disease (12.3. 2024)
It is not only in connection with Brain Week that we bring you a reflection on the current topic. How widespread is Alzheimer's disease in our country? How many people have it? What is the current state of Alzheimer's medication? Do some drugs help even a little? And what about our personal prevention. How should we live and what should we really care about? Tomáš Petrásek from the Institute of Physiology talks about all this topics in the Czech Radio.

70 years of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS (11.3. 2024)
Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences was founded seventy years ago, on 1 January 1954, within the (then still Czechoslovak) Academy of Sciences. Since then it has been systematically engaged in research in the field of normal and pathological physiology. We are characterizing in increasing depth the basic biological mechanisms with a bearing on human beings and medicine. In the seventy years that have passed since the Institute was founded, our society has grown considerably older and fatter. Modern medicine is thus facing new challenges in the form of an increased onslaught of so-called civilization diseases. The main current goal of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS is to research the causes of these non-infectious diseases associated with obesity and ageing.
For this year's 70th anniversary of the Institute's foundation, we are preparing a number of activities. The first of these is a series of four articles on current research topics, which appeared in the journal Vesmír (3/2024):
70 let Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR: Pomáháme odhalovat podstatu závažných onemocnění (Jan Kopecký)
Padesát odstínů malých šedých buněk (Helena Janíčková)
Epitranskriptom: klíč ke zdravému srdci? (Daniel Benák a Markéta Hlaváčková)
Inzulinem to nekončí: Zdravé beta-buňky jsou budoucností léčby diabetu (Lydie Plecitá Hlavatá)

Brain Week begins! (11.3. 2024)
Brain Week is a festival of the latest discoveries and trends in brain research and neuroscience, part of Brain Awareness Week (BAW) - a global campaign to raise public awareness of the achievements and benefits of brain research. The tradition of Brain Week in the Czech Republic was initiated and founded by Czech neuroscientist Prof. Josef Syka in 1998.
Discover how your brain works, what lies behind its complex mechanisms and how you can improve your life by taking care of it. Experience an unforgettable experience full of inspiration, knowledge and fun!
Institute of Physiology would like to invite you to three lectures (in Czech language only):
Paměť, věk, a Alzheimerova nemoc: čelíme výzvám stáří
pondělí 11. 3., 14:00/ Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206
Regulace mikrotubulů – mezi vývojem mozku a neurovývojovými poruchami
úterý 12. 3., 9:00 / Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206
Jak vzpomínky přecházejí z krátkodobé do dlouhodobé paměti
čtvrtek 14. 3., 14:00 / Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206
For our lectures (and most other events) it is necessary to reserve a place, but the entrance is traditionally free!! We look forward to seeing you!

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