Journal of Vertebrate Biology

 open access journal 
Institute of Vertebrate Biology
Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Journal Overview

The Journal of Vertebrate Biology (formerly Folia Zoologica, founded in 1938) publishes high-quality original research papers of broad interest. The Journal welcomes hypothesis-driven papers on the behaviour, ecology, physiology, anatomy, developmental biology, taxonomy, and evolution of vertebrates, including research at the interface of these disciplines. Published work includes empirical and theoretical approaches primarily focusing on vertebrates, including humans.

Latest Articles

Four hundred years of studying and collecting African mammals: a review of Italian contributions to African mammalogy

J. Vertebr. Biol. 2024, 73: 23110 DOI: 10.25225/jvb.23110
Published on: 5 April 2024

Special Issue: a few steps back, several steps forward

Philippe J.R. KOK
J. Vertebr. Biol. 2023, 72: E2303 DOI: 10.25225/jvb.E2303
Published on: 4 April 2024

Drive counts fail to accurately estimate the population sizes of wild ungulates 

Robert W. MYSŁAJEK, Przemysław STACHYRA, Michał FIGURA and Sabina NOWAK
J. Vertebr. Biol. 2024, 73: 24002 DOI: 10.25225/jvb.24002
Published on: 25 March 2024

Editors' profiles


Carl Smith

Vladimír Bejček

e-ISSN 2694-7684

Abbreviation: J. Vertebr. Biol.

Benefits to authors

  • Open Access
  • The new IF for JVB is 1.5
  • No publication charges
  • Rapid reviewing (average of 21 days to first decision)
  • No formatting required for initial submission
  • Assistance with English correction for non-native speakers

Biennial Report

Biennial report is a traditional publication of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology (IVB). The major goal of this report is to provide both a representative overview of the extensive range of research activities undertaken at the IVB and to inform the reader about the most important news and events, all in a style that is fully accessible to the interested layperson