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Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials: Publications


  1. N. Ćelić, N. Banić, I. Jagodić, R. Yatskiv, J. Vaniš, G. Štrbac, S. Lukić-Petrović, Eco-Friendly Photoactive Foils Based on ZnO/SnO2-PMMA Nanocomposites with High Reuse Potential, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5 (2023) 3792-3800. Link
  2. Vasin, O. Slobodian, A. Rusavsky, O. Gudymenko, P. Lytvyn, S. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, E. Bortchagovsky, V. Dzhagan, D. Zahn, A. Nazarov, Nanoscale morphology tailoring in plasma deposited CNx layers, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56 (2023) 275302. Link
  3. S. Tiagulskyi, O. Černohorský, N. Bašinová, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, The high thermal conductivity of graphene prevents ZnO nanorod-graphene interface from degradation, Materials Research Bulletin, 164 (2023) 112286. Link
  4. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, N. Bašinová, Š Kučerová, J. Vaniš, L. Piliai, M. Vorokhta, J. Veselý, and J. Maixner, Defect-mediated energy transfer in ZnO thin films doped with rare-earth ions, Journal of Luminescence 253, 119462 (2023). Link
  5. Y. V. Gomeniuk, Y. Y. Gomeniuk, S. V. Kondratenko, T. E. Rudenko, A. V. Vasin, A. V. Rusavsky, O. M. Slobodian, I. P. Tyagulskyy, V. P. Kostylyov, V. M. Vlasiuk, S. I. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, V. S. Lysenko & A. N. Nazarov, Effect of PEDOT:PSS Layer Deposition on Electrical and Photoelectrical Properties of n+-ZnO/n-Si Heterostructure, Journal of Electronic Materials volume 52, pages 3112–3120 (2023). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Š. Kučerová, S. Tiagulskyi, O. Černohorský, N. Bašinová, J. Veselý, Tunable visible emission in nanostructured thin films and bulk ZnO, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 102 (2022) 447-453. Link 
  2. A.V. Vasin, A. V. Rusavsky, S. V. Mamykin, A. S. Nikolenko, V. V. Strelchuk, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, A. I. Gudimenko, V. P. Kladko, I. P. Tyagulskyy, J. Lorinčik, I. Elantyev & A. N. Nazarov On the nature of doping effect of methane in ZnO thin films deposited by RF-magnetron sputtering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (2022) 6421–6431. Link
  3. R. Yatskiv, P. Kostka, J. Grym, J. Zavadil, Temperature sensing down to 4 K with erbium-doped tellurite glasses, J Non-Cryst Solids, 575 (2022) 121183. Link
  4. S. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, H. Faitová, O. Černohorský, J. Vaniš, J. Grym, Focused ion beam assisted prototyping of graphene/ZnO devices on Zn-polar and O-polar faces of ZnO bulk crystals, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 136 (2022) 115006. Link


  1. V. Dřínek, S. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, R. Fajgar, V. Jandová, M. Koštejn, J. Kupčík, Chemical vapor deposition of germanium-rich CrGex nanowires, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 12 (2021) 1365-1371. Link
  2. A. Torrisi, J. Vacík, G. Ceccio, A. Cannavò, V. Lavrentiev, P. Horák, R. Yatskiv, J. Vaniš, J. Grym, L. Fišer, M. Hruška, P. Fitl, J. Otta, M. Vrňata, Chemiresistors Based on Li-Doped CuO–TiO2 Films, Chemosensors, 9 (2021) 246. Link
  3. A. Torrisi, P. Horák, J. Vacík, V. Lavrentiev, A. Cannavò, G. Ceccio, J. Vaniš, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Synthesis of Cu–Ti thin film multilayers on silicon substrates, Bulletin of Materials Science, 44 (2021) 50. Link
  4. P. Pleskunov, T. Košutová, M. Vaidulych, D. Nikitin, Z. Krtouš, S. Ali-Ogly, K. Kishenina, R. Tafiichuk, H. Biederman, I. Gordeev, J. Drewes, I. Barg, F. Faupel, M. Cieslar, R. Yatskiv, Y. Pihosh, V. Nandal, K. Seki, K. Domen, A. Choukourov, The sputter-based synthesis of tantalum oxynitride nanoparticles with architecture and bandgap controlled by design, Applied Surface Science, 559 (2021) 149974. Link
  5. C. Belabed, A. Tab, F. Moulai, O. Černohorský, S. Boudiaf, N. Benrekaa, J. Grym, M. Trari, ZnO nanorods-PANI heterojunction dielectric, electrochemical properties, and photodegradation study of organic pollutant under solar light, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 20893-20904. Link
  6. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, S. Tiagulskyi, N. Basinova, Influence of Surface Polarity on Optoelectronic Properties of PEDOT:PSS/ZnO Hybrid Heterojunctions, physica status solidi (a) (2021) 2000612. Link 
  7. P. Kostka, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, J. Zavadil, Luminescence, up-conversion and temperature sensing in Er-doped TeO2-PbCl2-WO3 glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 553 (2021) 120287. Link
  8. A. Reszka, K.P. Korona, S. Tiagulskyi, H. Turski, U. Jahn, S. Kret, R. Bożek, M. Sobanska, Z.R. Zytkiewicz, B.J. Kowalski, Influence of Growth Polarity Switching on the Optical and Electrical Properties of GaN/AlGaN Nanowire LEDs, Electronics, 10 (2021) 45. Link 


  1. A. Torrisi, P. Horák, J. Vacík, A. Cannavò, G. Ceccio, R. Yatskiv, J. Kupčík, J. Fara, P. Fitl, J. Vlček, M. Vrňata, Preparation of heterogenous copper-titanium oxides for chemiresistor applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, 33 (2020) 2512-2516. Link 
  2. L. Piliai, D. Tomeček, M. Hruška, I. Khalakhan, J. Nováková, P. Fitl, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, M. Vorokhta, I. Matolínová, M. Vrňata, New Insights towards High-Temperature Ethanol-Sensing Mechanism of ZnO-Based Chemiresistors, Sensors, 20 (2020) 5602. Link
  3. V. Dřínek, R. Yatskiv, M. Klementová, R. Fajgar, V. Jandová, M. Koštejn, P. Mikysek, J. Grym, J. Kupčík, Spectroscopic Properties of Nanostructured Molybdenum Oxysulfide Deposits Fabricated by MoO3 Evaporation in H2S, Materials Letters, (2020) 128075. Link
  4. A. Torrisi, P. Horák, J. Vacík, A. Cannavò, G. Ceccio, J. Vaniš, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, Multilayered Cu–Ti deposition on silicon substrates for chemiresistor applications, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, 195 (2020) 932-935. Link
  5. Yatskiv R, Tiagulskyi S, Grym J. Influence of Crystallographic Orientation on Schottky Barrier Formation in Gallium Oxide. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2020, link
  6. M. Novotny, P. Hruska, P. Fitl, E. Maresova, S. Havlova, J. Bulir, L. Fekete, R. Yatskiv, M. Vrnata, J. Cizek, M.O. Liedke, J. Lancok, Investigation of optical properties and defects structure of rare earth (Sm, Gd, Ho) doped zinc oxide thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Acta Phys Pol A, 137 (2020) 215-218. Link
  7. A.V. Vasin, D.V. Kysil, S.V. Sevostianov, O. Isaieva, G.Y. Rudko, R. Yatskiv, H. El Hamzaoui, B. Capoen, M. Bouazaoui, V. Tertykh, A.N. Nazarov, Porous Silica as a Nanotemplate for the Solid State and Liquid Phase Synthesis of Luminescent Carbon Dots, ECS Transactions, 97 (2020) 91-96. Link
  8. O.M. Slobodian, Y.V. Gomeniuk, A.V. Vasin, A.V. Rusavsky, P.N. Okholin, O.Y. Gudymenko, O.Y. Khyzhun, A. Nikolenko, P. Lytvyn, A. Korchovyy, R. Yatskiv, T.M. Nazarova, V. Stepanov, D. Kisyl, A.N. Nazarov, Graphitic Nanoporous Carbon Thin Films: Fabrication Method, Structural, Electrical and Gas Sensor Properties, ECS Transactions, 97 (2020) 151-156. Link 
  9. O. Černohorský, J. Grym, H. Faitová, N. Bašinová, Š. Kučerová, R. Yatskiv, J. Veselý, Modeling of Solution Growth of ZnO Hexagonal Nanorod Arrays in Batch Reactors, Cryst. Growth Des., 2020. Link
  10. S. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, H. Faitová, Š. Kučerová, D. Roesel, J. Vaniš, J. Grym, J. Veselý, Highly Rectifying Heterojunctions Formed by Annealed ZnO Nanorods on GaN Substrates, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10(3). Link
  11. A.V. Vasin, A.V. Rusavsky, E.G. Bortchagovsky, Y.V. Gomeniuk, A.S. Nikolenko, V.V. Strelchuk, R. Yatskiv, S. Tiagulskyi, S. Prucnal, W. Skorupa, A.N. Nazarov, Methane as a novel doping precursor for deposition of highly conductive ZnO thin films by magnetron sputtering, Vacuum, 174 (2020) 109199. Link 
  12. R. Yatskiv, S. Tiagulskyi, J. Grym, J. Vaniš, N. Bašinová, P. Horak, A. Torrisi, G. Ceccio, J. Vacik, M. Vrňata, Optical and electrical characterization of CuO/ZnO heterojunctions, Thin Solid Films, 693 (2020) 137656. Link
  13. A.V. Vasin, S. Muto, Y. Ishikawa, D.V. Kysil, S.V. Sevostianov, O.F. Isaieva, G.Y. Rudko, R. Yatskiv, S. Starik, V.A. Tertykh, A.N. Nazarov, V.S. Lysenko, Evolution from UV emission of phenyl groups to visible emission of pyrolytic nanocarbons dispersed in fumed silica: Alternative insight into photoluminescence of carbon nanodots, Journal of Luminescence, 219 (2020) 116926. Link
  14. S. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, H. Faitová, Š. Kučerová, J. Vaniš, J. Grym, Electrical properties of nanoscale p-n heterojunctions formed between a single ZnO nanorod and GaN substrate, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 107 (2020) 104808. Link
  15. P. Nekvindová, J. Cajzl, A. Macková, P. Malinský, J. Oswald, R. Böttger, R. Yatskiv, Er implantation into various cuts of ZnO – experimental study and DFT modelling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 816 (2020) 152455. Link
  16. M. Belhaj, C. Dridi, R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, The improvement of UV photodetection based on polymer/ZnO nanorod heterojunctions, Organic Electronics, (2020) 105545. Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, S. Tiagulskyi, and J. Grym, "Characterization of Graphite/ZnO Schottky Barriers Formed on Polar and Nonpolar ZnO Surfaces," Phys Status Solidi A 216 (2), 1800734 (2019). Link
  2. Nikola Bašinová, Ondřej Černohorský, Jan Grym, Šárka Kučerová, Hana Faitová, Roman Yatskiv, Jan Vaniš, Jozef Veselý, Jaroslav Maixner „Highly Textured Seed Layers for the Growth of Vertically Oriented ZnO Nanorods“ Crystals, 9(12), 640 (2019). Link
  3. D. Sedmidubský, V. Jakeš, K. Rubešová, P. Nekvindová, T. Hlásek, R. Yatskiv, P. Novák, Magnetism and optical properties of Yb3Al5O12 hosted Er3+ – experiment and theory, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 810 (2019) 151903. Link
  4. P. Kostka, Z. G. Ivanova, M. Nouadji, E. Černošková, and J. Zavadil, "Er-doped antimonite Sb2O3−PbO−ZnO/ZnS glasses studied by low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780, 866-872 (2019). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, S. Tiagulskyi, J. Grym, and O. Cernohorsky, "Electrical and Optical Properties of Rectifying ZnO Homojunctions Fabricated by Wet Chemistry Methods," Physica Status Solidi A - Applications and Materials Science 215 (2), 1700592 (2018). Link
  2. R. Yatskiv and J. Grym, "Influence of the Interaction Between Graphite and Polar Surfaces of ZnO on the Formation of Schottky Contact," Journal of Electronic Materials 47, 5002-5006 (2018). Link
  3. S. Tiagulskyi, R. Yatskiv, and J. Grym, "Electrical Characterization of Graphite/InP Schottky Diodes by I–V–T and C–V Methods," Journal of Electronic Materials, 47, 4950-4954 (2018). Link 
  4. M. Belhaj, D. Jemmeli, C. Dridi, B. Ben Salem, N. Jaballah, M. Majdoub, R. Yatskiv, and J. Grym, "Preparation and characterization of a poly (1, 4-phenylenevinylene) derivative-based hybrid thin film nanocomposites with enhanced performance," Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 116, 15-21 (2018). Link
  5. Dhouha Jemmeli, Marwa Belhaj, Balkis Ben Salem, Nejmeddine Jaballah, Roman Yatskiv, Chérif Dridi, Jan Grym, and Mustapha Majdoub, "PPV derivative/ZnO nanorods heterojunction: Fabrication, Characterization and Near-UV light sensor development," Materials Research Bulletin 106, 28-34 (2018). Link
  6. R. Mikšová, A. Macková, A. Jagerová, and R. Yatskiv, "Structural damage and ion-channelling effects in a single-crystal Si layer modified by medium-heavy ions," Surface and Interface Analysis 50 (11), 1243-1249 (2018). Link
  7. S. Vytykacova, S. Stanek, B. Svecova, M. Mika, J. Oswald, A. Mackova, P. Malinsky, R. Bottger, R. Yatskiv, and P. Nekvindova, "The Effect of the Zinc Content on the enhancement of Er3+-Yb3+ Luminescence Properties in the Silicate Glass Matrix," Ceramics-Silikaty 62 (2), 188-193 (2018). Link
  8. Ondrej Cernohorsky, Jan Grym, Roman Yatskiv, Antonin Schenk, Sarka Chlupova, J Maixner, Jan Vanis, Nikola Basinova, and David Roesel, "Seed Layers for the Growth of Oriented Vertical Arrays of ZnO Nanorods," ECS Transactions 82 (1), 39-44 (2018). Link
  9. Ondrej Černohorský, Jan Grym, Roman Yatskiv, Viet Hung Pham, and James H. Dickerson, "Understanding of the Charge Origin in Nonpolar Suspensions to Control the Formation of Platinum Nanoparticle Monolayers by Electrophoretic Deposition," ECS Transactions 82 (1), 33-38 (2018). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv and J. Grym, "Graphite/SiC junctions and their electrical characteristics," Physica Status Solidi A - Applications and Materials Science 214 (9), 1700143 (2017). Link
  2. A. Macková, P. Malinský, A. Jagerová, Z. Sofer, K. Klímová, D. Sedmidubský, M. Pristovsek, M. Mikulics, J. Lorinčík, R. Böttger, and S. Akhmadaliev, "Structural and optical properties of Gd implanted GaN with various crystallographic orientations," Thin Solid Films 638, 63-72 (2017). Link
  3. A. Macková, P. Malinský, A. Jagerová, Z. Sofer, K. Klímová, D. Sedmidubský, M. Mikulics, J. Lorinčík, D. Veselá, R. Böttger, and S. Akhmadaliev, "Structural and optical properties of vanadium ion-implanted GaN," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 406, 53-57 (2017). Link
  4. P. Kostka, I. Kabalci, T. Tay, P. Gladkov, and J. Zavadil, "Investigation of Er doped zinc borate glasses by low-temperature photoluminescence," Journal of Luminescence 192, 1104-1109 (2017). Link
  5. Z Ivanova, J Zavadil, P Kostka, T Djouama, and M Reinfelde, "Photoluminescence properties of Er-doped Ge–In(Ga)–S glasses modified by caesium halides," Physica Status Solidi (b) 254 (6), 1600662 (2017). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, P. Gladkov, O. Cernohorsky, J. Vanis, J. Maixner, and J. H. Dickerson, "Room temperature hydrogen sensing with the graphite/ZnO nanorod junctions decorated with Pt nanoparticles," Solid-State Electronics 116, 124-129 (2016). Link
  2. R. Yatskiv and J. Grym, "Luminescence properties of hydrothermally grown ZnO nanorods," Superlattices and Microstructures 99, 214-220 (2016). Link
  3. O. Cernohorsky, J. Grym, R. Yatskiv, V. H. Pham, and J. H. Dickerson, "Insight into Nanoparticle Charging Mechanism in Nonpolar Solvents To Control the Formation of Pt Nanoparticle Monolayers by Electrophoretic Deposition," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (30), 19680-19690 (2016). Link
  4. M. Novotny, E. Maresova, P. Fitl, J. Vlcek, M. Bergmann, M. Vondracek, R. Yatskiv, J. Bulir, P. Hubik, P. Hruska, J. Drahokoupil, N. Abdellaoui, M. Vrnata, and J. Lancok, "The properties of samarium-doped zinc oxide/phthalocyanine structure for optoelectronics prepared by pulsed laser deposition and organic molecular evaporation (vol 122, 225, 2016)," Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing 122 (4) (2016). Link
  5. J. Psikal, J. Grym, L. Stolcova, and J. Proska, "Hollow target for efficient generation of fast ions by ultrashort laser pulses," Physics of Plasmas 23 (12), 123121 (2016). Link
  6. Jan Vanis, Jiri Zelinka, Radek Zeipl, Miroslav Jelinek, Tomas Kocourek, Jan Remsa, and Jiri Navratil, "Scanning Thermal Microscopy of Thermoelectric Nanostructures," Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (3), 1734-1739 (2016). Link
  7. Radek Zeipl, Miroslav Jelínek, Jan Vaniš, Jan Remsa, Tomáš Kocourek, and Jiří Navrátil, "Scanning thermal microscopy of Bi2Te3 and Yb0.19Co4Sb12 thermoelectric films," Applied Physics A 122 (4), 478 (2016). Link
  8. Martin Vanek, Jan Vanis, Yauhen Baravets, Filip Todorov, Jiri Ctyroky, and Pavel Honzatko, "High-power fiber laser with a polarizing diffraction grating milled on the facet of an optical fiber," Optics Express 24 (26), 30225-30233 (2016). Link
  9. Jan Lorinčík, Daniela Veselá, Soňa Vytykáčová, Blanka Švecová, Pavla Nekvindová, Anna Macková, Romana Mikšová, Petr Malinský, and Roman Böttger, "Comparison of SIMS and RBS for depth profiling of silica glasses implanted with metal ions," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 34 (3), 03H129 (2016). Link
  10. Vlastimil Matějec, Jitka Pedliková, Ivo Barton, Jiri Zavadil, and Petr Kostka, "Optical properties of As2S3 layers deposited from solutions," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 431, 47-51 (2016). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, and M. Verde, "Graphite/ZnO nanorods junction for ultraviolet photodetectors," Solid-State Electronics 105, 70-73 (2015). Link
  2. Janovská Michaela, Sedlák Petr, Kruisová Alena, Seiner Hanuš, Landa Michal, and Grym Jan, "Elastic constants of nanoporous III-V semiconductors," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (24), 245102 (2015). Link
  3. R. Yatskiv, M. Verde, and J. Grym, "ZnO-based gas sensors prepared by EPD and hydrothermal growth", in Key Engineering Materials (2015), Vol. 654, pp. 94-98. Link
  4. J. Grym, R. Yatskiv, O. Cernohorský, M. Verde, J. Lorincík, V. H. Pham, T. Gebre, and J. H. Dickerson, "Electrophoretic deposition of metal nanoparticle monolayers from nonpolar solvents for hydrogen sensing", in Key Engineering Materials (2015), Vol. 654, pp. 213-217. Link
  5. R. Zeipl, M. Jelínek, M. Vlček, T. Kocourek, J. Remsa, and J. Vaniš, "Characterization of laser prepared Bi 2 Te 3 nano-layers," Laser Physics 25 (1), 015903 (2015). Link
  6. J. Vyskočil, P. Gladkov, O. Petříček, A. Hospodková, and J. Pangrác, "Growth and properties of AIIIBV QD structures for intermediate band solar cells," Journal of Crystal Growth 414, 172-176 (2015). Link
  7. Petr Kostka, Jiří Zavadil, Mihail S. Iovu, Zoya G. Ivanova, David Furniss, and Angela B. Seddon, "Low-temperature photoluminescence in chalcogenide glasses doped with rare-earth ions," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 648, 237-243 (2015). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, V. V. Brus, M. Verde, J. Grym, and P. Gladkov, "Electrical and optical properties of graphite/ZnO nanorods heterojunctions," Carbon 77, 1011-1019 (2014). Link
  2. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, V. V. Brus, O. Cernohorsky, P. D. Maryanchuk, C. Bazioti, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, and Ph Komninou, "Transport properties of metal–semiconductor junctions on n-type InP prepared by electrophoretic deposition of Pt nanoparticles," Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (4), 045017 (2014). Link
  3. L. A. Kosyachenko, R. Yatskiv, N. S. Yurtsenyuk, O. L. Maslyanchuk, and J. Grym, "Graphite/CdMnTe Schottky diodes and their electrical characteristics," Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (1), 015006 (2014). Link
  4. Ph Komninou, P. Gladkov, Th Karakostas, J. Pangrác, O. Pacherová, J. Vaniš, and E. Hulicius, "Structural and photoluminescent properties of low temperature InAs buffer layer grown by MOVPE on GaAs substrates," Journal of Crystal Growth 396, 54-60 (2014). Link
  5. G. P. Dimitrakopulos, C. Bazioti, J. Grym, P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrác, O. Pacherová, and Ph Komninou, "Misfit dislocation reduction in InGaAs epilayers grown on porous GaAs substrates," Applied Surface Science 306, 89-93 (2014). Link
  6. J. Zavadil, Z. G. Ivanova, P. Kostka, M. Hamzaoui, and M. T. Soltani, "Photoluminescence study of Er-doped zinc–sodium–antimonite glasses," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 611, 111-116 (2014). Link
  7. J. Lorinčík, I. Kašík, J. Vaniš, L. Sedláček, and J. Dluhoš, "Imaging of dopant distribution in optical fibers with an orthogonal TOF SIMS," Surface and Interface Analysis 46 (S1), 238-240 (2014). Link
  8. M. Kubliha, P. Kostka, V. Trnovcová, J. Zavadil, J. Bednarcik, V. Labaš, J. Pedlíková, A. Ch Dippel, H. P. Liermann, and J. Psota, "Local atomic structure and electrical properties of Ge20Se80−xTex (x=0, 5, 10, and 15) glasses doped with Ho," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 586, 308-313 (2014). Link
  9. Z. Sroubek and J. Lorincik, "Kinetic electron emission from metal surfaces induced by impact of slow ions," Surface Science 625, 7-9 (2014). Link
  10. P. Kuba, J. Lorinčík, M. Lísal, and H. M. Urbassek, "Molecular dynamics simulations of Ar gas ejection from a ruptured subsurface bubble in Cu(100) induced by impact of 200 eV Ar atoms," Molecular Physics 112 (15), 2040-2045 (2014). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv and J. Grym, "Thermal stability study of semimetal graphite n-InP and n-GaN Schottky diodes," Semiconductor Science and Technology 28 (5), 055009 (2013). Link
  2. Jan Grym and Roman Yatskiv, "Schottky barriers based on metal nanoparticles deposited on InP epitaxial layers," Semiconductor Science and Technology 28 (4), 045006 (2013). Link
  3. Jan Grym, Dušan Nohavica, Petar Gladkov, Eduard Hulicius, Jiří Pangrác, and Kateřina Piksová, "Epitaxial growth on porous GaAs substrates," Comptes Rendus Chimie 16 (1), 59-64 (2013). Link
  4. Karel Zdansky and James H. Dickerson, "Improved speed of hydrogen detection by Schottky diodes on InP with electrophoretically deposited Pt nanoparticles and graphite contacts," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 184, 295-300 (2013). Link
  5. M. Nouadji, Z. G. Ivanova, M. Poulain, J. Zavadil, and A. Attaf, "Glass formation, physicochemical characterization and photoluminescence properties of new Sb2O3–PbO–ZnO and Sb2O3–PbO–ZnS systems," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 549, 158-162 (2013). Link
  6. R. Zeipl, M. Jelínek, J. Navrátil, T. Kocourek, S. Leshkov, F. Šroubek, J. Vaniš, and J. Walachová, "Properties of thermoelectric Ce0.09Fe0.67Co3.33Sb12/FeSb2Te multi-layered structures prepared by laser ablation," Thin Solid Films 548, 590-596 (2013). Link
  7. Ondrej Bošák, Petr Kostka, Stanislav Minárik, Viera Trnovcová, Jana Podolinčiaková, and Jiří Zavadil, "Influence of composition and preparation conditions on some physical properties of TeO2–Sb2O3–PbCl2 Glasses," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 377, 74-78 (2013). Link
  8. J. Zavadil, M. Kubliha, P. Kostka, M. Iovu, V. Labas, and Z. G. Ivanova, "Investigation of electrical and optical properties of Ge–Ga–As–S glasses doped with rare-earth ions," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 377, 85-89 (2013). Link
  9. J. Walachová, J. Zelinka, S. Leshkov, F. Šroubek, J. Pangrác, E. Hulicius, and J. Vaniš, "Integral and local density of states of InAs quantum dots in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure observed by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy near one-electron ground state," Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 48, 61-65 (2013). Link
  10. J. Lorinčík, Z. Šroubek, M. Kormunda, and J. Matoušek, "Kinetic electron emission from Cu induced by impact of slow Cs+ ions," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 315, 287-290 (2013). Link
  11. Maureen L. Nietiadi, Yudi Rosandi, Jan Lorinčík, and Herbert M. Urbassek, "Sputtering of a silicon surface: Preferential sputtering of surface impurities," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 303, 205-208 (2013). Link
  12. P. Kuba, J. Lorinčík, C. Anders, and H. M. Urbassek, "A molecular dynamics simulation of the effect of near-surface gas-phase collisions on final velocities of sputtered ions," Surface and Interface Analysis 45 (1), 75-78 (2013). Link
  13. P. Williams, J. Lorincik, K. Franzreb, and R. L. Hervig, "High dynamic range isotope ratio measurements using an analog electron multiplier," Surface and Interface Analysis 45 (1), 549-552 (2013). Link
  14. M. Négyesi, V. Klouček, J. Lorinčík, L. Novotný, J. Kabátová, S. Linhart, J. Adámek, J. Siegl, and V. Vrtílková, "Proposal of new Oβ oxidation criterion for new types of the Zr1Nb alloy of fuel claddings," Nuclear Engineering and Design 261, 260-268 (2013). Link
  15. N. K. Reddy, M. Devika, M. Prashantha, K. Rames, Z. G. Ivanova, and J. Zavadil, "Tailoring the optical properties of amorphous heavily Er3+-doped Ge-Ga-S thin films," J Optoelectron Adv M 15 (3-4), 182-186 (2013). Link
  16. Roman Yatskiv and Jan Grym, "Hydrogen sensing using reduced graphene oxide sheets supported by Pd nanoparticles," Journal of Physics: Conference Series 450, 012020 (2013). Link
  17. Roman Yatskiv, Karel Zdansky, and Jan Grym, "Hydrogen Detection with Semimetal Graphite-ZnO (InP,GaN) Schottky Diodes," Key Engineering Materials 543, 159-162 (2013). Link


  1. R. Yatskiv, J. Grym, K. Zdansky, and K. Piksova, "Semimetal graphite/ZnO Schottky diodes and their use for hydrogen sensing," Carbon 50 (10), 3928-3933 (2012). Link
  2. R. Yatskiv and J. Grym, "Temperature-dependent properties of semimetal graphite-ZnO Schottky diodes," Applied Physics Letters 101 (16), 162106 (2012). Link
  3. Karel Zdansky and Roman Yatskiv, "Schottky barriers on InP and GaN made by deposition of colloidal graphite and Pd, Pt or bimetal Pd/Pt nanoparticles for H2-gas detection," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 165 (1), 104-109 (2012). Link
  4. P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, T. Paskova, E. Preble, and K. R. Evans, "Below band-gap optical absorption and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy at room temperature in low-defect-density bulk GaN:Fe," Applied Physics Letters 100 (3), 031908 (2012). Link
  5. R. D. Gann, Z. Sroubek, and J. A. Yarmoff, "Dopant enhanced neutralization of low-energy Li${}^{+}$ scattered from Si(111)," Physical Review B 85 (16), 165307 (2012). Link
  6. K. Zdansky, "Graphite/InP and graphite/GaN Schottky barriers with electrophoretically deposited Pd or Pt nanoparticles for hydrogen detection," Nanoscale Research Letters 7 (1), 415-415 (2012). Link
  7. L. Fekete, H. Němec, Z. Mics, F. Kadlec, P. Kužel, V. Novák, J. Lorinčík, M. Martin, J. Mangeney, J. C. Delagnes, and P. Mounaix, "Ultrafast carrier response of Br+-irradiated In0.53Ga0.47As excited at telecommunication wavelengths," Journal of Applied Physics 111 (9), 093721 (2012). Link
  8. Zdenek Sroubek, "Mechanism of negative ion emission from surfaces of ferroelectrics," Surface Science 606 (15), 1327-1330 (2012). Link
  9. R. Yatskiv and J. Grym, "Particle detectors based on InP Schottky diodes," Journal of Instrumentation 7 (10), C10005-C10005 (2012). Link
  10. A. Lotsari, A. Das, Th Kehagias, Y. Kotsar, E. Monroy, Th Karakostas, P. Gladkov, Ph Komninou, and G. P. Dimitrakopulos, "Morphology and origin of V-defects in semipolar (11–22) InGaN," Journal of Crystal Growth 339 (1), 1-7 (2012). Link
  11. M. Hamzaoui, M. T. Soltani, M. Baazouzi, B. Tioua, Z. G. Ivanova, R. Lebullenger, M. Poulain, and J. Zavadil, "Optical properties of erbium doped antimony based glasses: Promising visible and infrared amplifiers materials," physica status solidi (b) 249 (11), 2213-2221 (2012). Link
  12. M. Négyesi, J. Burda, V. Klouček, J. Lorinčík, J. Sopoušek, J. Kabátová, L. Novotný, S. Linhart, T. Chmela, J. Siegl, and V. Vrtílková, "Contribution to the study of the pseudobinary Zr1Nb–Oxygen phase diagram by local oxygen measurements of Zr1Nb fuel cladding after high temperature oxidation," Journal of Nuclear Materials 420 (1), 314-319 (2012). Link
  13. D. Nohavica, J. Grym, P. Gladkov, E. Hulicius, J. Pangrac, Z. Jarchovsky, “Thermal conversion and epitaxial overgrowth of nanopores etched in InP and GaAs”, Int J Nanotechnol, 9, 732-745, (2012). Link
  14. K. Zdansky, O. Cernohorsky, R. Yatskiv, “Hydrogen sensors made on InP or GaN with electrophoretically deposited Pd or Pt nanoparticles,” Acta Phys Pol A, 122 572-575, (2012). Link
  15. B.S. Stepanov, T. Wagner, J. Lorincik, M. Frumar, M.F. Churbanov, Y.I. Chigirinsky, “Solid-state field-assisted silver diffusion in (TeO2)(0.6)(WO3)(0.25)(La2O3)(0.05)(Na2O)(0.1) glass,” Inorg Mater, 48 642-647, (2012). Link
  16. Karel Zdansky, Roman Yatskiv, Ondrej Cernohorsky, and Katerina Piksova, "EPD of Reverse Micelle Pd and Pt Nanoparticles onto InP and GaN for High-Response Hydrogen Sensors," Key Engineering Materials 507, 169-173 (2012). Link
  17. Roman Yatskiv, Jan Grym, and Karel Zdansky, "High sensitivity hydrogen sensors based on GaN," physica status solidi c 9 (7), 1661-1663 (2012). Link
  18. Jan Grym, Dušan Nohavica, Jan Vaniš, and Kateřina Piksová, "Preparation of nanoporous GaAs substrates for epitaxial growth," physica status solidi c 9 (7), 1531-1533 (2012). Link

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