Michele Contente: Some remarks on the constructive conception of predicativity
Organized by the Department of Logic.
Sociologie a filosofie fyziky: odpustit si a zapomenout
Pořádá Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti.
Karel Kosík: Aktuálnost evropského myslitele
Pořádá Casa della cultura, České centrum v Miláně ve spolupráci s Filosofickým ústavem Akademie věd ČR.
Autour du concept de l’institution. L’oeuvre de Maurice Merleau-Ponty en débat
Organisé par le Département de philosophie continentale contemporaine
Sebastian Horvat: Should logic be influenced by empirical science? Some preliminary reflections
Organized by the Department of Logic
Moritz Kriegleder: Towards a Free Energy Model of Phenomenal Consciousness
Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
POZOR ZMĚNA! Benjamin Zayton: Brandom and Carnap on Subsentential Structure
Organized by the Department of Logic
Igor Sedlár: This One Sparks Joy: De-cluttering Belief Bases with Relevant Epistemic Logic
Igor Sedlár: This One Sparks Joy: De-cluttering Belief Bases with Relevant Epistemic Logic
Ondřej Majer: Reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information
Organized by the Department of Logic.