
RNDr. Stanislav Čermák, Ph.D.

ResearcherID: I-8763-2014
Paleontologie drobných savců; fylogeneze, morfologie a paleoekologie Lagomorpha; paleoekologie, paleobiogeografie a stratigrafie neogénu; mikrostruktura zubů a kostí drobných savců neogénu (aplikovaná na systematiku a paleoekologii); přestavby a environmentální dynamika faun v neogénu Evropy.
● Čermák S. (2016): The Late Miocene species Ochotona kalfense (Mammalia, Lagomorpha) of Moldova: The oldest European record of the genus in the context of the earliest Ochotoninae. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 15(8): 927-940. (WoS, Scopus)
● Angelone C., Čermák S. & Kotsakis T. (2015): The most ancient lagomorphs of Sardinia: an overview. Geobios. 48: 287-296. (WoS, Scopus)
● Häuselmann P., Mihevc A., Pruner P., Horáček I., Čermák S., Hercman H., Sahy D., Fiebig M., Zupan Hajna N. & Bosák P. (2015): Snežna jama (Slovenia): Interdisciplinary dating of cave sediments and implication for landscape evolution. Geomorphology. 247: 10-24. (WoS, Scopus)
● Angelone C. & Čermák S. (2015): Two new species of Prolagus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of Hungary: taxonomy, biochronology, and palaeobiogeography. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 89: 1023-1038. (WoS, Scopus)
● Čermák S., Angelone C. & Sinitsa M.V. (2015): New Late Miocene Alilepus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from Eastern Europe casts a new light on the evolution of the earliest Old World Leporinae. Bulletin of Geosciences. 90(2): 431-451. (WoS, Scopus)
● Rekovets L., Čermák S., Kovalchuk O., Prisyazhniuk V. & Nowakowski D. (2014): Vertebrates from the Middle Pleistocene locality Lysa Gora 1 in Ukraine. Quaternary International. 326-327: 481-491. (WoS, Scopus)
● Flynn L.J., Winkler A.J., Erbaeva M., Alexeeva N., Anders U., Angelone C., Čermák S., Fladerer F.A., Kraatz B., Ruedas L.A., Ruf I., Tomida Y., Veitschegger V. & Zhang Z. (2014): The Leporid Datum: A Late Miocene Biotic Marker. Mammal Review. 44: 164-176. (WoS, Scopus)
● Čermák S. & Tásler R. (2013): Medvědí jeskyně ve východních Krkonoších (Česká Republika), předběžná zpráva [Bear Cave in the Eastern Krkonoše Mts (Czech Republic), a Preliminary report]. Opera Corcontica. 50: 227-233.
● Čermák S. & Wagner J. (2013): The Pliocene record of Trischizolagus and Pliopentalagus (Leporidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) in Central Europe with comments on taxonomy and evolutionary history of Leporinae. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaontologie – Abhandlungen. 268: 97-111 (WoS, Scopus)
● Čermák S. & Angelone C. (2013): Revision of the type material of the Pliocene species Prolagus bilobus Heller, 1936 (Mammalia, Lagomorpha), with comments on the taxonomic validity of P. osmolskae Fostowicz-Frelik, 2010. Bulletin of Geosciences 88(1): 45-50. (WoS, Scopus)
● Wagner J. & Čermák S. (2012): Revision of the early Middle Pleistocene bears (Ursidae, Mammalia) of Central Europe, with special respect to possible co-occurrence of spelaeoid and arctoid lineages. Bulletin of Geosciences 87(3): 461-496. (WoS, Scopus)
● Wagner J., Čermák S. & Horáček I. (2012): The presence of Ursus ex gr. minimus-thibetanus in the Late Villányian and its position among the Pliocene and Pleistocene black bears in Europe. Quaternaire, Hors-série 2011 (4): 39-58. (Scopus)
● Čermák S. & Rekovets L. I. (2010): Early Pliocene ochotonids (Mammalia, Lagomorpha) of Southern Ukraine. Geodiversitas. 32 (1): 107-120. (WoS, Scopus)
● Čermák S., Wagner J., Morávek R., Fejfar O. & Horáček I. (2010): Pliocenní fauna obratlovců z krasových výplní vápencového lomu ve Vitošově na severní Moravě [Pliocene vertebrate fauna from karst fissures in Vitošov, northern Moravia (the Czech Republic)]. Zprávy Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci. 299: 20-36.
● Čermák S. (2010): The Late Miocene and Pliocene Ochotoninae (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) of Europe – the present state of knowledge. – In: D. Nowakowski (Ed.): Morphology and systematics of fossil vertebrates: 9-28. DN Publisher. Wrocław. (ISBN 987-83-928020-1-3)
● Čermák S. (2009): The Plio-Pleistocene record of Hypolagus (Lagomorpha, Leporidae) from the Czech and Slovak Republics with comments on systematics and classification of the genus. Bulletin of Geosciences, 84 (3): 497-524. (WoS, Scopus)
● Čermák S. (2007): New finds of Ochotonoma csarnotana (Lagomorpha, Ochotonidae) from the Pliocene of Hungary: a new look on the species. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaontologie – Abhandlungen, 246: 247-256. (WoS, Scopus)
● Čermák S., Wagner J., Fejfar O. & Horáček I. (2007): New Pliocene localities with micromammals from the Czech Republic: a preliminary report. Fossil Record 10(1): 60-68.
● Sabol M., Fejfar O., Horáček I. & Čermák S. (2007): The Early Miocene micromammalian assemblage from Mokrá – 1/2001 Turtle Joint site (Moravia, Czech Republic) – preliminary results. Scripta Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Geology 36: 57-64.
● Čermák, S., Obuch, J. & Benda, P. (2006): Notes on the genus Ochotona in the Middle East (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae). Lynx (Praha), n. s., 37: 51-66.
● Čermák S. (2004): A New ochotonid (Lagomorpha) from the Early Pleistocene of Slovakia. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paleontologie – Monatshefte. 2004: 662-680. (WoS, Scopus)
Vybrané konferenční příspěvky
● Angelone C., Alba D.M., Bernardini F., Casanovas-Vilar I., Cavallo O., Čermák S., Hír J., Kotsakis T., Tuniz C. & Zanolli C. (2014): The Importance of being a drawer palaeontologist. – XII Meeting of European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Volume of Abstracts: 6. Torino (Italy).
● Rekovets L.I., Čermák S., Maul L.C. & Kovalchuk A.N. (2013): Новые местонахождения териофауны неогена и плейстоцена юга Украины [New localities with theriofauna from the Neogene and Pleistocene of Southern Ukraine]. All-Russian conference with international participation” Systematics, phylogeny and Paleontology of small mammals” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor Igor Mikhailovich Gromov (1913–2013), Proceedings: 18. St. Petersburg (Russia).
● Mihevc, A., Horáček, I., Pruner, P., Zupan Hajna, N., Čermák, S., Wagner, J., & Bosák, P. (2013): Miocene – Pliocene age of cave Snežna jama na Raduhi, Southern Alps, Slovenia. – 16th International Congress of Speleology. Proceedings 3: 379-383
● Čermák S, Fladerer F.A., Maul L.A. & Angelone C. (2012): The Evolutionary History of European Hypolagus (Archaeolaginae, Leporidae): State of the Art. – 4th World Lagomorph Conference. Proceedings: 35. Vienna (Austria).
● Čermák S, Angelone C. & Rekovets L.I. (2012): The Late Miocene-Pliocene Prolagus of Central and Eastern Europe. – 4th World Lagomorph Conference. Proceedings: 36. Vienna (Austria).
● Mihevc A., Horáček I., Pruner P., Zupan Hajna N., Čermák S., Wagner J. & Bosák P. (2010): Mio-pliocenska starost jamskih aluvialnih sedimentov v Snežni jami na Raduhi. – 3. slovenski geološki kongres, Bovec. Abstracts and field trips: 34. Ljubljana (Slovenia).
● Wagner J., Čermák S., Horáček I., Fejfar O. & Mihevc, A. (2009): New mammalian fossil records refining a view on Early/Late Pliocene faunal turnover in Central Europe. – 69th Annual Meeting of SVP. Volume of Abstracts: 197. Bristol (UK).
● Wagner J., Čermák S., Fejfar, O. & Horáček, I. (2009): Biharian micromammalian faunal assemblages in Koněprusy caves (Czech Republic): review and new data. – 15th International Cave Bear Symposium. Volume of Abstracts: 47. Spišská Nová Ves (Slovakia).
● Čermák S., Wagner J., Fejfar O. & Horáček I. (2008): Updated record of the Pliocene mammalian assemblanges from the Czech and Slovak Republic. – 6th Meeting of European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Volume of Abstracts: 99. Spišská Nová Ves (Slovakia).
● Čermák S. (2004): Variation in tooth morphology and taxonomy of the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary ochotonids from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – 2nd World Lagomorph Conference, Book of Abstracts: 103.Vairão (Portugal).