Light-triggered chemistry in a single molecule
Controlling the chemical structure of matter at the atomic level with light seemed impossible until now. Now, scientists have developed a technique to control photochemical reactions at the level of individual molecules. An international team of researchers, including Tomáš Neuman from the Institute of Physics at CAS, has published a method for controlling molecular dynamics in Nature Nanotechnology. This breakthrough could open a new chapter in photochemistry research.
Students came, saw and tasted... not only our great coffee, but also the diverse job opportunities at FZU
We experienced another successful participation in career fairs. This year we started on 4th April at the FJFI CTU at the proven event "Ulov mě na Jaderce" and continued on 24th April at "Dny firem na Matfyzu". In both cases, a considerable number of students, especially students of physics and mathematics who are already looking for job opportunities during their studies, arrived at the FZU stand. Together we discussed the possibilities of professional employment and the offer of internships at FZU.
One step closer to molecular computers
Molecular computer components could represent a new IT revolution and help us create cheaper, faster, smaller, and more powerful computers. Yet researchers struggle to find ways to assemble them more reliably and efficiently.
21st IUVSTA Summer School on Physics at the Nanoscale
We are pleased to announce the 21st IUVSTA Summer School on Physics at Nanoscale 2024, continuing the tradition of successful summer schools on nanostructures, surfaces and thin films.