Cross sections and dynamics of electron scattering on molecular systems
This project aims at measuring cross sections for electron collisions with isolated molecular systems. We will focus on the energy range 0-20 eV, where the scattering is dominated by formation of resonances. The primary motivation is to provide high-quality experimental data that are needed for modelling and understanding environments with high abundance of free electrons. This concerns mainly low-temperature plasmas of technological or astrochemical relevance. The choice of the target systems is additionally driven by the current advances in the high-voltage insulation technology or in electron-induced nanodeposition. We will use unique electron-scattering setups that have been (and will be) transferred to the applicant's laboratory and expand them by adding a velocity-map imaging capacity. This will provide additional insight into ultrafast motion of atomic nuclei during the scattering process.
Mgr. Fedor Juraj Ph.D.