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Issue Information

  •  24 April 2024
Open access

Land Data Assimilation: Harmonizing Theory and Data in Land Surface Process Studies

  •  19 March 2024

Key Points

  • Land data assimilation (LDA) advances scientific understanding and serves as an engineering tool for Earth system sciences

  • LDA reflects the trend of harmonizing theory and data in the era of big data and artificial intelligence

  • Future LDA research should expand the applications from pure geophysical systems to coupled natural and human systems

Open access

Lake Water Temperature Modeling in an Era of Climate Change: Data Sources, Models, and Future Prospects

  •  11 February 2024

Key Points

  • Lake thermal dynamics are central in shaping mixing processes and the health of aquatic ecosystems, and climate change alters these dynamics

  • Mathematical models are essential to understand past and project future climate change impacts on lake thermal dynamics

  • This study reviews lake water temperature modeling, covering concepts, data sources, and model evaluation for applications across disciplines

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Issue Information

  •  27 December 2023
Open access

River Damming Impacts on Fish Habitat and Associated Conservation Measures

  •  19 December 2023

Key Points

  • Dam construction alters river hydro-geomorphological conditions and hence influences fish habitat quality and quantity

  • Knowledge of river hydrogeomorphology and reservoir properties can inform which conservation measures may benefit fish conservation

  • Long-term monitoring is needed to understand causal effects and synergies with climate change

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Frontiers in Satellite‐Based Estimates of Cloud‐Mediated Aerosol Forcing

  •  18 October 2023

Key Points

  • Calculating the susceptibility of clouds to aerosols has to include the cleanest conditions where measuring the aerosols is challenging

  • The definition and use of regimes to group clouds with similar responses to aerosol is vital for future observation-based effective radiative forcing due to aerosol-cloud interaction (ERFaci) estimates

  • New observational tools are vital for reducing ERFaci uncertainty but require further global climate model development to simulate these novel observables

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Issue Information

  •  27 September 2023
Open access

The Historical Development of Large‐Scale Paleoclimate Field Reconstructions Over the Common Era

  •  20 September 2023

Key Points

  • Reconstructions of climate fields are valuable paleoclimatic products that have been developed since the 1970s

  • Important similarities and differences exist across the approaches used to derive hydroclimate and temperature climate field reconstructions (CFRs) targeting the Common Era (CE)

  • Controlled and systematic comparisons of CFRs should be a priority for the CE paleoclimate community

Open access

Geomorphic Process Chains in High‐Mountain Regions—A Review and Classification Approach for Natural Hazards Assessment

  •  13 September 2023

Key Points

  • High mountain hazard process chains commonly are associated with glacier retreat or permafrost degradation

  • Process chains are triggered most frequently by progressive failure, which is a result of long-lasting landscape weakening

  • An important implication of climate change is that we can expect an increase in the reach (horizontal length along the flow path) of process chain events in the future

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A Review of Global Precipitation Data Sets: Data Sources, Estimation, and Intercomparisons

Key Points

  • We conduct a comprehensive review of precipitation data sets
  • We evaluate the differences between data sets at different spatial and temporal scales
  • We explore the opportunities and challenges in generating reliable precipitation estimates

Open access

Earthquake‐Induced Chains of Geologic Hazards: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Impacts

Key Points

  • Coupled surface processes initiated by strong seismic shaking are important hazards in mountain landscapes
  • Earthquake-induced landslides pose challenges to hazard and risk assessment, management, and mitigation
  • Multidisciplinary approaches further the understanding of the earthquake hazard cascade, yet challenges remain

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Future changes to the intensity and frequency of short‐duration extreme rainfall

Key Points

  • Significant increases in rainfall intensity are expected at subdaily time scales
  • Describes link between subdaily extreme rainfall and atmospheric temperature
  • Discusses role of observations and modeling to help understand future change

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Global and Regional Trends and Drivers of Fire Under Climate Change

Key Points

  • The frequency and severity of fire weather has increased in recent decades and is projected to escalate with each added increment of warming

  • Fire weather is one of the major controls on fire activity, and is the dominant control on variability in burned area (BA) in many mesic forest ecoregions

  • Various human and bioclimatic factors also control fire, modulating the relationship between BA and fire weather in many regions

Plain Language Summary

In this review, with supplemental data analyses, we focus on the global and regional impacts of climate change on the frequency and intensity of fire weather (conditions conducive to fire ignition and spread) and the consequences for fire activity. We find that significant increases in fire weather have occurred in most world regions during recent decades due to climate change. Corresponding increases in the area burned by fires have been seen in some regions, most notably in mesic forests, however, in many regions fire is controlled by a range of other bioclimatic and human factors whose influences mediate or override those of fire weather. Weather conditions affecting vegetation growth and the build-up of fuels, the presence of human ignitions in regions that are not naturally fire-prone, and the fragmentation of fire-prone landscapes by agriculture are key examples of factors that can locally or regionally outweigh fire weather as controls on fire activity. Climate models project that fire weather will become increasingly frequent and intense under future warming, and at an increasing rate with each additional increment of warming. The outcomes for fire activity in future will depend on other regionally important factors that control fire ignition and spread. Existing fire models represent the controls on fire incompletely and so they reproduce observed patterns of fire with only limited success. Models also disagree on historical trends, leading to low confidence in their simulations of future fire activity. Various efforts to improve the representation of fire in models are underway and should yield greater capacity to predict the future of fire activity.

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An Overview of Global Leaf Area Index (LAI): Methods, Products, Validation, and Applications

Key Points

  • LAI, one half the total leaf area per unit surface area, is a fundamental vegetation attribute and an essential climate variable
  • The paper gives an overview of LAI field and remote sensing estimation methods, and LAI product validation, uncertainties, and applications
  • Gaps in current studies and new frontiers are analyzed; recommendations for future LAI estimations and validations are given

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An Assessment of Earth's Climate Sensitivity Using Multiple Lines of Evidence

Key Points

  • We assess evidence relevant to Earth's climate sensitivity S: feedback process understanding and the historical and paleoclimate records
  • All three lines of evidence are difficult to reconcile with S < 2 K, while paleo evidence provides the strongest case against S > 4.5 K
  • A Bayesian calculation finds a 66% range of 2.6–3.9 K, which remains within the bounds 2.3–4.5 K under plausible robustness tests

Plain Language Summary

Earth's global “climate sensitivity” is a fundamental quantitative measure of the susceptibility of Earth's climate to human influence. A landmark report in 1979 concluded that it probably lies between 1.5°C and 4.5°C per doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide, assuming that other influences on climate remain unchanged. In the 40 years since, it has appeared difficult to reduce this uncertainty range. In this report we thoroughly assess all lines of evidence including some new developments. We find that a large volume of consistent evidence now points to a more confident view of a climate sensitivity near the middle or upper part of this range. In particular, it now appears extremely unlikely that the climate sensitivity could be low enough to avoid substantial climate change (well in excess of 2°C warming) under a high-emission future scenario. We remain unable to rule out that the sensitivity could be above 4.5°C per doubling of carbon dioxide levels, although this is not likely. Continued research is needed to further reduce the uncertainty, and we identify some of the more promising possibilities in this regard.

Open access

Mechanisms and Impacts of Earth System Tipping Elements

Key Points

  • Many tipping elements have uncertain thresholds, which could be crossed this century if human emissions and impacts remain unabated

  • Many tipping elements significant to global climate may exhibit slower onset behavior, responding to climate forcing over a century or more

  • Emissions pathways and climate model uncertainties may dominate over tipping elements in determining overall multi-century warming

Plain Language Summary

In recent years, discussions of climate change have shown growing interest in “tipping elements” of the Earth system, also imprecisely referred to as “tipping points.” This refers to Earth system components like the tropical rainforests of Amazonia or the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets which may exhibit large-scale, long-term changes upon reaching critical global warming, greenhouse gas, or other thresholds. Once such thresholds are passed, some tipping elements could in turn produce additional greenhouse gas emissions or change the Earth's energy balance in ways that moderately reinforce warming. In this review, we summarize the current state of scientific knowledge on 10 systems that some have referred to as potential tipping elements of the climate system. We describe the mechanisms important to each system, highlight the response of these systems to climate change so far, and explain the dynamics of potential future changes that these systems could undergo in response to further climate change. Overall, even considering remaining scientific uncertainties, tipping elements will influence future climate change and may involve major impacts on ecosystems, climate patterns, and the carbon cycle starting later this century. Aggressive efforts to stabilize climate change could significantly reduce such impacts.

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Deep Learning for Geophysics: Current and Future Trends

Key Points

  • The concept of deep learning (DL) and classical architectures of deep neural networks are introduced

  • A review of state-of-the-art DL methods in geophysical applications is provided

  • The future directions for developing new DL methods in geophysics are discussed

Plain Language Summary

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), students and researchers in the geophysical community would like to know what AI can bring to geophysical discoveries. We present a review of deep learning (DL), a popular AI technique, for geophysical readers to understand recent advances, open problems, and future trends. This review aims to pave the way for more geophysical researchers, students, and teachers to understand and use DL techniques.

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Interglacials of the last 800,000 years

Key Points

  • We have reviewed the occurrence, strength, shape, and timing of interglacials
  • Despite spatial variability, MIS 5 and 11 stand out as strong/warm
  • The current interglacial is expected to be longer than any of those reviewed

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Heat Waves: Physical Understanding and Scientific Challenges

Key Points

  • Issues related to heat wave (HW) definition, simulation and causation prevent further advances and the provision of actionable information

  • There is a fragmentary understanding of the physical drivers of HWs, their interactions, and responses to climate change

  • Large ensembles of high-resolution models, narrative-based methodological approaches and artificial intelligence will help fill these gaps

Plain Language Summary

Heat waves (HWs) are climate extremes of major societal concern whose frequency, intensity and duration will continue increasing during this century. This review synthesizes the physical understanding and the main scientific challenges. We discuss problems involved in HW definition, including the diversity of HW indicators, and the consideration of adaptive capabilities in a changing climate. We also review observed and projected trends and the associated atmospheric patterns in different areas of the globe, with special attention to the mechanisms and drivers responsible for HW occurrence. These act at different scales, from planetary to local, and include thermodynamic and dynamical processes. There is a limited and fragmentary understanding of the interactions among these processes on regional scales, and their changes under global warming. Process-based understanding will benefit HW forecasts at time horizons longer than weather predictions, attribution of HW trends and events to human activities, and regional climate projections. Improved technological capabilities, models of diverse complexity, or machine-learning techniques will help overcome these challenges.

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Climate Change and Weather Extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

Key Points

  • The Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East is warming almost two times faster than the global average and other inhabited parts of the world

  • Climate projections indicate a future warming, strongest in summers. Precipitation will likely decrease, particularly in the Mediterranean

  • Virtually all socio-economic sectors will be critically affected by the projected changes

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Satellite Remote Sensing of Global Land Surface Temperature: Definition, Methods, Products, and Applications

Key Points

  • State-of-the-art satellite-derived land surface temperature (LST) product levels, sources, uncertainties, and differences are provided

  • Typical applications of LST products in various fields are summarized

  • Future directions for the generation and applications of LST products are recommended

Plain Language Summary

Land surface temperature (LST) is a crucial geophysical parameter related to surface energy and water balance of the land-atmosphere system. Satellite remote sensing provides the best way to measure LST and generate various LST products at regional and global scales. In this review, to facilitate the application of LST products in different fields, we first present the physical meaning of satellite-derived LST. Subsequently, we summarize recent advances in LST retrieval and validation methods, with a special focus on the state-of-the-art product collections, product accuracies and intercomparisons, and main problems in current LST products as well as their possible solutions. Additionally, we also review the major applications of LST products in agricultural drought monitoring, thermal environment monitoring, thermal anomaly monitoring, and climate change. Finally, we offer recommendations or perspectives to promote LST retrieval methods and their applications. This review will aid the user in gaining a thorough comprehensive understanding of satellite-derived LST products and promoting their appropriate applications.

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A Review of Global Precipitation Data Sets: Data Sources, Estimation, and Intercomparisons

Key Points

  • We conduct a comprehensive review of precipitation data sets
  • We evaluate the differences between data sets at different spatial and temporal scales
  • We explore the opportunities and challenges in generating reliable precipitation estimates

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