Nabídka pro Vás

Nabídka volných míst, spolupráce, studentské práce a další.


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Volná místa

  • EU-funded PhD position on auxin transport and metabolism in plant roots

    Mapping auxin transport and metabolism in roots of monocot plants


    The auxin group of Jan Petrášek within the Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants ( focuses on the regulatory mechanisms defining the levels of auxin within plant cells. We use a spectrum of advanced microscopy approaches, hormonal analytics, molecular cloning, high-throughput transcriptomics and proteomics, and auxin transport assays.

  • Junior Researcher I

    Research Field: Plant Science


    ·         Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Experimental biology or related field of study

    ·         advanced knowledge phytochemical in analysis analysis of plant secondary metabolites

  • Junior Researcher II

    Research Field: Plant Science
