Integrated platform for simultaneous single molecule charge transport and thermoelectric measurements.
Charge transport studies at the single molecule level are a prerequisite for design of functional molecule-based electronics. This project is focused on the development of an integrated platform that could measure simultaneously current-voltage characteristics and thermoelectric properties of individual electrode-molecule-electrode junctions, i.e. single molecule devices. Successful implementation of this method will be tested on molecules with switching and diode-like characteristics. Aim of this project is to further cooperation between the laboratories that have successfully implemented separate measurements of thermopower (in 2018) and current-voltage characteristics (in 2023) of a single molecule entity using scanning tunneling microscopy break junction STM-BJ technique. New methodology will allow us to distinguish between different transport mechanisms and probe different redox states of a molecule at the timescale corresponding to the existence of individual molecular junctions. The implementation of new methodology may lead to qualitatively new discoveries.
doc. Mgr. Hromadová Magdaléna Ph.D.