With the coordinator of Cure4Aqua on the preparation and the implementation of the project
The increase in the number of Horizon Europe project coordinators from Czech institutions is a trend that TC Prague is happy to follow and is trying to offer them a comprehensive range of services. Project PLUS Change – Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world – is coordinated by prof. Julia Mildorfova Leventon from CzechGlobe (Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences).
The project, which involves representatives from 14 countries and 23 institutions, was launched in June 2023. In the attached interview with Julia Mildorfova Leventon, we try to find answers to questions related to deciding to coordinate a project of this scale or creating a research consortium. At the end of the interview, we asked Julia what she would recommend to those interested in submitting a project proposal to HE.
1. Learn by being part of other consortia – by being involved in the proposal process for other projects, I have learnt a lot about what works and what doesn’t, and what the reviewers are actually looking for.
2. Sign up to be an evaluator – you can do this by registering as an expert in the Funding and tender opportunities portal. Being a reviewer for other people’s proposals in the FP is a great way to learn how you will be evaluated in your own proposal.
3. Don’t be afraid of the impact section, it´s actually a logical extension of the research part. I was very scared to tackle the impact section, but that complicated summary table is actually really helpful.
4. Contact the NCP as soon as you think about writing a proposal!