2018 2022 |
Rozvoj kapacit ÚFCH JH, v.v.i. pro výzkum a vývoj
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc. doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc. prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. RNDr. Hrušák Jan CSc. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc. prof. RNDr. Španěl Patrik Dr. rer. nat. Ing. Stejskalová Květoslava CSc.
2016 2019 |
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for Environment Protection and Sustainable Future
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc. prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc. Ing. Rathouský Jiří CSc. Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2014 2016 |
Catalysts for eliminating N2O in the high temperature regime in the production technology of nitric acid
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2011 2013 |
New category of zeolites with pentasil ring structure: Catalytic processes on zeolites with controlled distribution of aluminum atoms in the framework
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2011 2013 |
Development of a process for the abatement of nitrogen oxides for industrial applications for especially demanding conditions
Technology Agency CR |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2011 2014 |
Research and development of highly active catalyst based on ZrO2 and its application for izomerization of C5-C6 hydrocarbons
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2009 2013 |
European Commission |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2008 2010 |
Center for innovations in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
European Commission |
prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc. Ing. Friedjung Ivo prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc. ŠMÍDOVÁ Barbora prof. Ing. Mareček Vladimír DrSc. Ing. Rathouský Jiří CSc. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc. Ing. Stejskalová Květoslava CSc.
2008 2011 |
The upgrading of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products into alternative motor fuels and other refinery products and the research of their properties
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2007 2010 |
Progressive reinforced geopolymer composites for technical application .
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2007 2011 |
Nanostructured materials for catalytic, electrocatalytic and sorption applications.
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc. RNDr. Hrušák Jan CSc. prof. Ing. Krtil Petr CSc. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc. Ing. WICHTERLOVÁ Blanka DrSc.
2006 2008 |
From dynamic analysis towards dynamic control of catalytic reaction on zeolites.
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2006 2009 |
Development of the structure and technology of catalysts preparation for simultaneous abatement of NO/NO2 and NO2 from nitric acid plants and other industrial sources.
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2005 2011 |
INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PLAN: Structure, reactivity and dynamics of molecular and biomolecular systems: theory, experiment, application
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc. prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří DrSc. prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. prof. Hof Martin Dr. rer. nat., DSc. doc. Mgr. Hromadová Magdaléna Ph.D. prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc. doc. Mgr. Pittner Jiří Dr. rer. nat., DSc. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2004 2006 |
Application of residual and waste aluminosilicates for production of building materials on the basis of inorganic polymers.
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2004 2006 |
Organic synthesis of zeolites: Activation of CO2 and of organic carbonates for fine chemicals.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2004 2008 |
Development of program environment for mathematic simulations and predictions in catalysis and electrocatalysis.
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc. prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří DrSc. Ing. Janda Pavel CSc. prof. Ing. Krtil Petr CSc. prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc. RNDr. Sklenák Štěpán Ph.D., DSc. Ing. Záliš Stanislav CSc.
2003 2005 |
European Federation of Catalysis Societies.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.