Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
Gabčíkova 2362/10
Praha 8
182 00
Czech Republic
ID: 67985921
VAT ID: CZ67985921
Account number: 7654270028 / 5500
IBAN: CZ48 5500 0000 0076 5427 0028
Electronic data box
ID: cgsns2j
How to reach us
Trams No. 10, 15, 30 run in the direction of both Kobylisy metro line C and Palmovka metro line B. From the Vychovatelna stop you have to take Zenklova street via two connecting underpasses or a pedestrian crossing.
Bus 201 arrives from metro station C Nádraží Holešovice, or in the opposite direction from metro stations C Letňany and Střížkov. From the Vychovatelna stop you have to take the V Holešovičkách street underpass.
Note to motorists: Gabčíkova street is one-way in the direction from Zenklova street.