The project of digitalization and visualization of Jan Amos Comenius’ (1592-1670) correspondence is an outcome of an international collaboration among the Department for Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History ( of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Cultures of Knowledge project ( of the University of Oxford. An online database of Comenius’ letters ( was created within the online union catalogue of early modern scholarly correspondence called the Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO) and outstandingly rich metadata were used for visualizations and analysis of the Comenius’ correspondence. The researchers used free visualization web-based platform Palladio ( developed by the Stanford University. Visualization and data analysis not only facilitated to visualize previously known tendencies and facts but also helped to discover new and unknown moments which led to further study.
The video was created with a support of the research Strategy AV 21 of the Czech Academy of Sciences: