In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry 334 (2024) 124655(1)-124655(11).
- Virtual and Physical Prototyping 19 (2024) e2340656(1)-e2340656(15).
- Journal of Power sources 609 (2024) 234710(1)-234710(8).
- Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (2024) 2300549(1)-2300549(16).
- X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Altermagnetic α-MnTePhys. Rev. Lett. in press
- Tuning of self-organizing and electro-optical behaviour for orthoconic ferroelectric liquid crystal by non-chiral dopantsJournal of Molecular Liquids XX (2024) 001X-0014X.
- Nature 626 (2024) 517-522.
- Science Advances 10 (2024) eadj4883(1) - eadj4883(6) .
- Journal of Molecular Liquids 400 (2024) 124560(1)-124560(9).
- Journal of Molecular Liquids 396 (2024) 123823(1)-123823(8).
- physica status solidi (a) 221 (2024) 2300459(1)-2300459(9).
- Induced blue phase and twist grain boundary phase in binary mixtures of chiral calamitic and achiral hockey-stick shaped liquid crystalsOpto-Electronics Review 000X (2024) X001-X016.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (2024) 053001(1)-053001(27).
- Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 624 (2024) 122712(1)-122712(9).
- Journal of Molecular Liquids 400 (2024) 124540(1)-124540(10).
- Matter and Radiation at Extremes 9 (2024) , 016602(1)-016602(14).
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 589 (2024) 171510(1)-171510(10).
- Journal of Crystal Growth 627 (2024) 127479(1)-127479(8).
- Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics
- Inorganic Chemistry Communications 159 (2024) 111795(1)-111795(9).
- Journal of Molecular Structure 1295 (2024) 136746(1)-136746(14).
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 185 (2024) 111794(1)-111794(10).
- Unconventional p-wave magnetssubmitted to Nature
- Physical Review B 109 (2024) 094425(1)-094425(9).
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 589 (2024) 171533(1)-171533(12).
- Journal of Environmental Management 350 (2024) 119545(1)-119545(16).
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- Materials Science and Engineering A 891 (2024) 145979(1)-145979(15).
- Scripta Materialia 242 (2024) 115901(1)-115901(6).
- Optical Materials 147 (2024) 114738(1)-114738(7).
- Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1005 (2024) 122972(1)-122972(14).
- Advanced Functional Materials - (2024) 2311895-1-2311895-9.
- Chemical Science 15 (2024) 490-499.
- Advanced Materials Interfaces x (2024) x-x.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 629 (2024) 127568(1)-127568(5).
- Nanoscale 16 (2024) 734-741.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024) 1563-1571.
- Diamond and Related Materials 141 (2024) 110629(1)-110629(11).
- Vacuum 220 (2024) 112792(1)-112792(10).
- Applied Surface Science 652 (2024) 159310(1)-159310(8).
- Physical Review Research 6 (2024) 013025(1)-013025(11).
- New Journal of Chemistry 48 (2024) 1071-1075.
- Materials Today Bio 25 (2024) 100932(1)-100932(22).
- APL Materials 12 (2024) 010902(1)-010902(13).
- Advanced Science 11 (2024) 2304785(1)-2304785(11).
- Energy ( Volume 288, strany 129896(1) - 129896(11)
- Surface Engineering 0(0) (2024) 1-7.
- Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 015934(1)-015934(23).
- Physical Review D 108 (2024) 12068-12091.
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (2024) L14-L18.