The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

22nd IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has organized in collaboration with the Institute of plasma physics the 22nd IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices (RUSFD), on October 12-14, 2015, in Prague.


26 Oct 2015


Evaluation of the Research and Professional Activities of the Institutes of the CAS


One of the most important tasks of the management of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and of its institutes is permanent emphasis on the increasing of the quality of the scientific and professional activities, the involvement of the institutes in international scientific activities and quality realization of other functions of the CAS.

19 Oct 2015


1st International Workshop on Frontiers of X&XUV Optics and Applications

The Workshop is focused on strengthening of national and international collaboration in this field. It comprises technology and production of X/XUV optical elements as well as their application to focusing, imaging, spectroscopy and interferometry.


13 Oct 2015


European Fusion Experts on the Meeting in Prague


The 7th COMPASS Programmatic Conference was held on September 24-25 at the Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) in Prague. The conference was traditionally combined with the meeting of the International Board of Advisors (IBA).

25 Sep 2015


Open Days of IPP

Institute of Palsma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to attend our open days in Prague and Turnov.


7 Sep 2015


For the first time ever: Protons accelerated in the plasma produced from hydrogen ice by a laser


A group of Czech and foreign physicists at the PALS laser facility in Prague has demonstrated the unique experiment.

28 Aug 2015
