Revue Academix ve spolupráci se Sociologickým ústavem AV ČR a dalšími institucemi pořádá přednášku Adama Bencarda z University of Copenhagen a panelovou reflexi sedmého čísla časopisu s titulem Biosociální metabolismus. Diskutovat přijdou Pavel Barša, Anna Daučíková a Marek Pokorný.
Přednáška Adama Bencarda „Telling metabolic stories – thinking across bodies and environments at Medical Museion “ proběhne v anglickém jazyce bez tlumočení.
For the past decade, researchers and curators at Medical Museion, the University of Copenhagen’s museum for the culture and history of medicine, have focused on metabolism as a way to explore the complicated interweaving of bodies and their environments. Metabolism, we have found, holds potential as both a crucial topic and an analytical tool for our current biopolitical moment, for understanding the agency and significance of material forces as they move into and through bodies. We have found that thinking with and through metabolisms yields new ways of thinking about the deep material imbrication of organisms, including humans, with their environments, as they inhabit and consume them. In this talk, I will draw on the award-winning art/science exhibition projects Mind the Gut and The World is in You in order to show how metabolism can help us think about relationships between bodies and environments in a processual, relational and situated manner, stitching together multiple scales and temporalities.
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