The aim of this paper is to analyse coping strategies to deal with the impact of crisis (pivots) among low-income entrepreneurs living in a marriage/partnership using the example of a pandemic as a social and economic crisis. We draw on literature that critiques the individualised and masculine conception of entrepreneurship as focused on innovation and profit. Our analysis reveals the diversity of entrepreneurial strategies for coping with pandemics. The choice of strategies has often been interpreted with an emphasis on non-economic aspects, as a way of legitimising why they do not choose pivots oriented towards business development in times of crisis. At the same time, we embed the coping strategies in a familial and socio-economic context, taking into account the business history of the communication partners. In this way, we show the processual nature of pivoting, in which responses to crises are not ad hoc decisions, but are influenced by previous experiences of business uncertainty.
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Marková Volejníčková, R., Pospíšilová, M., Maříková, H. 2024. „Nízkopříjmoví podnikající a jejich způsob vyrovnání se s krizí na příkladu pandemie covidu-19.“ Gender a výzkum online first. Dostupné z:
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