FZU announces the Physics Photography 2024 competition. This year's theme: Transformation

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The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences organizes the Physics Photography 2024 competition, which this year is thematically dedicated to "transformation".  The main goal of the competition is to popularize the beauty of physics and to break the stereotypes of the perception of this field of science. The photography competition ends with the announcement of winners and an exhibition of the awarded and selected photos during the Night of Scientists, which is organized by the institute in the Na Slovance facility on Friday, September 27, 2024.

There are three categories in the competition:

Category A – Students of lower and upper secondary schools

This category is open to students of lower and upper secondary schools registered in the Czech Republic.

Category B – Higher education institution students

This category is open to students of higher education institutions registered in the Czech Republic who are regular students as of June 30, 2024.

Category C – Current and former employees of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

This category is open to all current and former employees of the Institute of Physics.

The competition theme:

The same theme applies to all the three categories: Transformation. Photos entered to the competition will be assessed by a jury of professionals.


The competition opens: 10/02/2024

The competition closes: 15/09/2024

Terms and conditions:

A maximum of five photos by one contestant can be submitted for all competition categories (a series is counted as one entry and the maximum number of photos in a series is also five).

Photos can be taken with mobile phones or cameras. Images generated or edited by artificial intelligence must be tagged and will be judged separately as sub-categories. 

By submitting his/her work (photograph), the participant also solemnly declares that he/she is the author of the submitted work and that he/she is therefore entitled to fully dispose of the respected copyrighted work in accordance with Act No. 121/2000 Coll., as amended (Copyright Act), and to grant FZU consent to its use to the extent appropriate to the purpose, content and objectives of the competition, in particular to promote science and research and FZU. The entry must not infringe the copyright and personality rights of third parties. By entering his/her work in the competition, the contestant also grants the organiser a non-exclusive consent (licence) to use the work free of charge, in all known ways, domestically and internationally, without limitation of quantity, for the entire duration of the copyright ownership of his/her work. 

The deadline for entering photos in the competition is September 15, 2024.

Entries will be accepted only by email at fotosoutez [at] fzu [dot] cz (fotosoutez[at]fzu[dot]cz).

Persons under the age of 18 may only participate in the competition with the written consent of their legal guardian. It is the centestant’s responsibility to attach the consent of the legal guardian to the competition photos sent to the e-mail fotosoutez [at] fzu [dot] cz (fotosoutez[at]fzu[dot]cz).

If the photos do not meet the above criteria, the organizer or jury has the right to exclude them from the competition.

By submitting photos to the competition, the author grants the organizer a gratuitous licence to use the photos in all online and print media, including social media and all promotional and educational activities of the Institute of Physics, as well as to use them gratuitously to promote the competition and the Institute of Physics and to exhibit the photos at public events.


Photos are to be sent to: fotosoutez [at] fzu [dot] cz (fotosoutez[at]fzu[dot]cz), the massage needs to include the name of the author, titles of the photos and the category. The description is not to exceed 250 characters including the spaces.

The maximum number of works per author is five (a series of photos is counted as one work and the maximum number of photos in a series is also five). Each author can only submit 2 series. 

Submitted photos should be of a minimum resolution of 300 DPI, minimum page length of 2500 px, without watermarking or similar degrading amendments. The maximum data volume per photo is limited to 12 MB.

Prices and evaluation:

The prizes in categories A, B, C will be awarded based on voting by a jury of renowned photographers and scientists of the Institute of Physics. The expert jury will mainly evaluate the outreach and aesthetic value of the photos (individuality, composition and processing).

Result announcement:

The results will be published on the website of the Institute of Physics. The winners will receive a report of the results by email. Contestants from secondary schools and higher education institutions will be contacted via the e-mail addresses used when sending the competition entries. The same applies to former employees of the FZU.


Announcement: 09/02/2024

Competition opening: 10/02/2024

Deadline: 15/09/2024

Jury meeting: 12/08/2024 to 14/08/2024

Announcement of results, presentation of the selected and awarded photographs: September 27, 2024, in the SOLID building of the FZU.
 The exhibition will be open to the public on September 27, 2024 (subject to change).

Final provisions:

The organiser reserves the right to request proof of identification to verify the identity of the winner. By entering the competition, the participant agrees to the processing of personal data provided in the entry form for the competition, provided that the personal data is used only for the purposes of the competition. The contestant has the right to revoke the consent to the processing of personal data at any time at the following address fotosoutez [at] fzu [dot] cz (fotosoutez[at]fzu[dot]cz).