Apply for a postdoc

Thinking about the next step after you finish your PhD? IOCB has a lot to offer. We already have over 110 young researchers in our growing community of IOCB postdocs, 40% of them are international. If you are looking for a postdoc position at IOCB Prague, you may check the open positions below or find out more information about IOCB Fellowships.

IOCB Fellowships for postdocs

IOCB Prague provides up to 10 postdoctoral IOCB Fellowhips in chemistry and biochemistry per year. Submission deadlines are twice a year on 1 April and 1 October.

Not found what you were looking for?

Please visit the open positions listing or research group webpages below and contact the respective group leader directly by e-mail.

IOCB PostDoc Club

IOCB PostDoc Club holds monthly meetings organized by postdocs for postdocs. During these meetings, we have presentations and discussions on relevant topics:

  • Peer-to-peer sharing of hard skills, fellowship opportunities, proposal writing, and international experiences
  • Invited talks from esteemed local figures in academia and industry sharing their career path and tips
  • Science communication: Do’s & Don’ts for conference presentations and posters

Everyone is welcome to join the meetings, and we are always looking for new organizers with fresh ideas.

If you have questions before or after becoming part of IOCB, don’t hesitate to contact Terezie Páníková, Qin Yang, or Mohamed Farouk Hamissa.