Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.
- Transient nucleation of diamond: theoretical and experimental study.Diamond and Related Materials 6 (1997) 1092-1096.
- Spectroscopy and transfer processes in LuxGd1-xAlO3:Ce scintillators.Journal of Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 737-739.
- Diamond and Related Materials 6 (1997) 1726-1732.
- Local configurational instability of Cr3+ in PbTiO3.J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 (1997) 10041-10049.
- The states of copper impurities in PLZT 8/65/35 relaxor: an ESR study.Ferroelectrics, 1997, Vol. 199, pp. 207-215.
- EPR stufie of Er3+, Nd3+ and Ce3+ in YAlO3 single crystals.Sol. St. Commun. 104 (1997) No1, pp. 5-9.
- Nuclear magnetic resonance study of ion ordering and ion shifts in relaxor ferroelectrics.J. Appl. Phys. 81 (8), pp. 3561-3569, 1997.
- Coexistence of Jahn-Teller distortions in an Oh symmetry: A general view including the spin-orbit interaction.Physical review B, Vol. 55, Number 21, pp. 14257-14264, 1997.
- Hindered decay: Quantum Zeno effect through electromagnetic field domination.Physical review A, Vol. 56, Number 1, pp. 25-32, 1997.
- Radiation damage and thermoluminescence of Gd-doped PbWO4.physica status solidi (a) 164 (1997) R9-R10.
- Decay kinetics and thermoluminescence of PbWo4:La3+Applied Physics Letters 71 (1997) 3755-3757.
- Radiation induced formation of color centers in PbWO4 single crystals.Journal of Applied Physics 82 (1997) 5758-5862.
- The blue luminescence of PbWO4 single crystals.Journal of Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 781-783.
- Quantum size effect in the excitonic luminescence of CsPbX3-like quantum ldots in CsX (X=Cl, Br) single crystal host.Journal of Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 377-379.
- Spectroscopy and transfer processes in LuxGd1-4AlO3:Ce scintillators.Journal of Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 737-739.
- Physical Review B 56 (1997) R12710-R12713.
- Determination of oxidic impurities in some lead halides.Analytica Chimica Acta 355 (1997), p. 171-174.
- A neutron diffraction study of the Pr(1-x)(3+)A(x)(+)Mn(1-2x)(3+)Mn(2x)(4+)O(3) (a=K, Na) perovskitesPhysica B 241 (1997) 424 - 426
- Umbrella structure in Pr, Nd and Yb substituted YIG studied by Fe-57 NMRJ. Phys. IV 7 (1997) 295 - 296
- Magnetic structure of hexagonal ferrites studied by Mossbauer spectroscopyJ. Phys. IV 7 (1997) 345 - 346
- Formation of hexagonal ferrite particles from the disordered Fe2O3-BaO-B-2-O-3 systemJ. Phys. IV 7 (1997) 537 - 538
- Canted structures in the Mn3+/Mn4+ perovskitesJ. Appl. Phys. 81 (1997) 5790 - 5792
- Pevnolátkové,plynové a kapalinové lasery (podle T.V. Higginse, LaserFocus World 1995)Čs. čas. fyz. 47 (1997) 27
- Vacuum 48 (1997) 883 - 886
- Superlattices Microstruct. 21 (1997) 393 - 396
- Superlattices Microstruct. 21 (1997) 389 - 391
- Physical Review B 56 (1997) 1029-1032.
- Physical Review B 56 (1997) R7092-R7095.
- AC QHE-Based Calibration of Resistance StandardsIEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 46 (1997) 273 -
- Surf. Interface Anal. 25 (1997) 683 - 687
- Physical Review B 55 (1997) 14439-14449.
- J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 85 (1997) 257 - 262
- J Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 85 (1997) 263 - 268
- Physica C 282-287 (1997) 2373 - 2374
- J. Appl. Phys. 82 (1997) 3519 - 3527
- Journal of Luminescence 72/74 (1997) 898-900.
- Applied Physics Letters 70 (1997) 3588-3590.
- Surf. Sci. 387 (1997) 288 - 299
- Physica C 282-287 (1997) 851 - 852
- In-plane/tilted magnetic-field-dependent conductance of 2D electron systems in asymmetric double quantum wellsActa Physica Polonica A 92 (1997) 981-984.
- J. Electr. Spectr. Relat. Phenom. 87 (1997) 127 - 140
- Thin Solid Films 307 (1997) 54 - 59
- Luminescence of n-type GaAs Breakdown regimeActa Technica CSAV 42 (1997) 693-698.
- Current filamentation in n-GaAs samples with different contact geometriesActa Technica CSAV 42 (1997) 661-667.
- Mobility measurement in current filamentsActa Technica CSAV 42 (1997) 705-710.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 166 (1997) 133-140.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 253-254 (1997) 343-346.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 230-232 (1997) 68-70.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 230-232 (1997) 616-619.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 230-232 (1997) 98-101.