XV International Palynological Congress/XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference, Prague, May 27–31, 2024

XV International Palynological Congress/XI International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference, Prague, May 27–31, 2024

Leading researchers in palynology and palaeobotany met after eight years for their joint meeting in the Clarion Conference Hotel in Prague. The event was attended by 521 participants from 46 countries presenting over 400 talks, and three workshops, one art session and six field trips were held. The main motto of the event was 200 years of palaeobotany, commemorating Caspar Maria Sternberg, who is also known as the "Father of Palaeobotany". Institute of Geology was significantly represented, with Jiří Bek acting as the President of the Congress and Jana Votočková Frojdová as its General Secretary.