Quantum Engineering and Nanotechnology (QUEENTEC)
Quantum engineering and nanotechnology is a new and highly timely interdisciplinary field of physical engineering that uses the latest and frontier methods of advanced electrical, electronic and information engineering and nanotechnology to achieve new practical applications along with the principles of quantum physics. The field is critically transitioning from quantum physics and nanotechnology to electronic and information engineering. This moment offers the Czech Republic a unique chance to succeed globally. This situation is similar to the last emergence of the frontier fields of nanotechnology and biotechnology. Moreover, it is a current issue promoted worldwide in technologically advanced states and at the EU level through the ERANET Quantera and Quantum Flagship programs. The presented project gradually affects all pillars of quantum technologies, from existing quantum clocks and sensors to simulators and quantum internet or large-capacity quantum computers in the future. The project is unique in the Czech Republic in terms of the high level of experimental implementation of individual physics platforms. It is combined with the deep theoretical understanding and development of new quantum coherent processes, which synergistically connect previously separate quantum physics platforms of charged atoms, molecules and nano-objects in a high vacuum and at very low temperatures.
Mgr. Fedor Juraj Ph.D.