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Journal of Climate


Volume 37 (2024): Issue 14 (Jul 2024)

About the Journal

The Journal of Climate (JCLI) publishes research that advances basic understanding of the dynamics and physics of the climate system on large spatial scales, including variability of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and cryosphere; past, present, and projected future changes in the climate system; and climate simulation and prediction.

ISSN: 0894-8755; eISSN: 1520-0442

Editors in Chief

Isla Simpson, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Darryn Waugh, The Johns Hopkins University

View Full Editorial Board

Impact Factor


2023 Journal Impact Factors in the Meteorology and Atmospheric Science category

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PNA nonlinearity and ENSO transition asymmetry weaken PMM before La Niña onset

Xiang Han
Tao Lian
Dake Chen
Ruikun Hu
Ting Liu
Qucheng Chu
, and
Baosheng Li
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Deciphering the variations and mechanisms of global land monsoons during Marine Isotope Stage 3

Jinzhe Zhang
Qing Yan
Nanxuan Jiang
, and
Chuncheng Guo
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Impact of Summer North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Tripole on Precipitation over Mid–high-latitude Eurasia

Shanling Cheng
Haipeng Yu
Jie Zhou
Bofei Zhang
Yu Ren
Hongyu Luo
Siyu Chen
Yongqi Gong
Ming Peng
, and
Yunsai Zhu
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No evidence of winter warming in Eurasia following large, low-latitude volcanic eruptions during the Last Millennium

Ernesto Tejedor
Lorenzo M. Polvani
Nathan J. Steiger
Mathias Vuille
, and
Jason E. Smerdon
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Ocean Complexity Shapes Sea Surface Temperature Variability in a CESM2 Coupled Model Hierarchy

Sarah M. Larson
Kay McMonigal
Yuko Okumura
Dillon Amaya
Antonietta Capotondi
Katinka Bellomo
Isla R. Simpson
, and
Amy C. Clement
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Changes of intense extratropical cyclone deepening mechanisms in a warmer climate in idealized simulations

Ting-Chen Chen
Christoph Braun
Aiko Voigt
, and
Joaquim G. Pinto
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Northern hemisphere land-atmosphere feedback from prescribed plant phenology in CESM

Xiaolu Li
Toby Ault
Andrew D. Richardson
Steve Frolking
Dimitris A. Herrera
Mark A. Friedl
Carlos M. Carrillo
, and
Colin P. Evans
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Remote Forcing for Circulation Pattern Favorable to Surface Melt over the Ross Ice Shelf

Yingfei Fang
Song Yang
Xiaoming Hu
Shuheng Lin
James A. Screen
, and
Shangfeng Chen
Open access

The attribution of February extremes over North America: A forecast-based storyline study

Donghyun Lee
Sarah Sparrow
Nicholas Leach
Scott Osprey
Jinah Lee
, and
Myles Allen
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Interannual variability of the East African Coastal Current associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation

Chenyu Zheng
Shaojun Zheng
Ming Feng
Lingling Xie
Lei Wang
Tianyu Zhang
, and
Li Yan
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Restricted access

Near-term Mediterranean summer temperature climate projections: a comparison of constraining methods

Pep Cos
Raül Marcos-Matamoros
Markus Donat
Rashed Mahmood
, and
Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
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The Role of Cloud-Radiative Interaction in Tropical Circulation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Yuanyuan Huang
Daehyun Kim
Tian Zhou
, and
Xiaoming Shi
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On the relation between thermohaline anomalies and water mass transformation in the Eastern Subpolar North Atlantic

Leilane Passos
Helene R. Langehaug
Marius Årthun
, and
Fiammetta Straneo
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Understanding the biases in global monsoon simulations from the perspective of atmospheric energy transport

Ziming Chen
Tianjun Zhou
Xiaolong Chen
Lixia Zhang
Yun Qian
Zeyi Wang
Linqiang He
, and
L. Ruby Leung
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Understanding Observed Precipitation Change and the New Climate Normal from the Perspective of Daily Weather Types in the Southeast U.S.

Jian-Hua Qian
Brian Viner
Stephen Noble
David Werth
Joseph Wermter
Steven Chiswell
, and
Cuihua Li
Open access

Uniform SST Warming Explains Most of the NH Winter Circulation and Blocking Response in a Warmer Climate

Veeshan Narinesingh
Huan Guo
Stephen T. Garner
, and
Yi Ming
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Disagreement on the North Atlantic Cold Blob Formation Mechanisms among Climate Models

Yifei Fan
Duo Chan
Pengfei Zhang
, and
Laifang Li
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An increase in autumn marine heatwaves caused by the Indian Ocean Dipole in the Bay of Bengal

Kunming Liang
Yun Qiu
Xinyu Lin
Wenshu Lin
Xutao Ni
, and
Yijun He
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Variability of SST through Koopman modes

Antonio Navarra
Joe Tribbia
Stefan Klus
, and
Paula Lorenzo-Sánchez
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CWRF downscaling with improved land surface initialization enhances spring-summer seasonal climate prediction skill in China

Han Zhang
Xin-Zhong Liang
Yongjiu Dai
Lianchun Song
Qingquan Li
Fang Wang
, and
Shulei Zhang
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Two perspectives on amplified warming over tropical land examined in CMIP6 models

Suqin Q. Duan
Karen A. McKinnon
, and
Isla R. Simpson
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Long-term climate impacts of large stratospheric water vapor perturbations

Martin Jucker
Chris Lucas
, and
Deepashree Dutta
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West African Monsoon System’s Responses to Global Ocean-Regional Atmosphere Coupling

Alain T. Tamoffo
Torsten Weber
William Cabos
Paul-Arthur Monerie
Kerry H. Cook
Dmitry V. Sein
Alessandro Dosio
Nana A. B. Klutse
Akintomide A. Akinsanola
, and
Daniela Jacob
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Impact of the Tibetan Plateau on Global High-frequency Temperature Variability

Zifan Su
Yongkun Xie
Jianping Huang
Guoxiong Wu
Yuzhi Liu
, and
Xiaodan Guan
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Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet on Blocking in Idealized Simulations

Hairu Ding
Li Dong
Kaijun Liu
Ting Lin
Zhiang Xie
Bo Zhang
, and
Xiaoxue Wang
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A new method for calculating instantaneous atmospheric heat transport

Tyler Cox
Aaron Donohoe
Kyle C. Armour
Gerard H. Roe
, and
Dargan M.W. Frierson
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Open access

Ocean Heat Convergence and North Atlantic multidecadal heat content variability

B. I. Moat
B. Sinha
D. I. Berry
S. S. Drijfhout
N. Fraser
L. Hermanson
D. C. Jones
S. A. Josey
B. King
C. Macintosh
A. Megann
M. Oltmanns
R. Sanders
, and
S. Williams
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Sensitivity of Arctic clouds to ice microphysical processes in the NorESM2 climate model

Georgia Sotiropoulou
Anna Lewinschal
Paraskevi Georgakaki
Vaughan Phillips
Sachin Patade
Annica M. L. Ekman
, and
Athanasios Nenes
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An Assessment of Convergence of Climate Reanalyses from Two Coupled Data Assimilation Systems with Identical High-Efficiently Filtering

Yingjing Jiang
Lv Lu
Shaoqing Zhang
Chenyu Zhu
Yang Gao
Zikuan Lin
Lingfeng Wan
Mingkui Li
Xiaolin Yu
Lixin Wu
, and
Xiaopei Lin
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Arctic September sea ice concentration biases in CMIP6 models and their relationships with other model variables

Claude Frankignoul
Lea Raillard
Brady Ferster
, and
Young-Oh Kwon
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Volume 37 (2024): Issue 14 (Jul 2024)

Most cited articles since 1990:

Full access

The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)

Ronald Gelaro
Will McCarty
Max J. Suárez
Ricardo Todling
Andrea Molod
Lawrence Takacs
Cynthia A. Randles
Anton Darmenov
Michael G. Bosilovich
Rolf Reichle
Krzysztof Wargan
Lawrence Coy
Richard Cullather
Clara Draper
Santha Akella
Virginie Buchard
Austin Conaty
Arlindo M. da Silva
Wei Gu
Gi-Kong Kim
Randal Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Dagmar Merkova
Jon Eric Nielsen
Gary Partyka
Steven Pawson
William Putman
Michele Rienecker
Siegfried D. Schubert
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Bin Zhao
Full access

MERRA: NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications

Michele M. Rienecker
Max J. Suarez
Ronald Gelaro
Ricardo Todling
Julio Bacmeister
Emily Liu
Michael G. Bosilovich
Siegfried D. Schubert
Lawrence Takacs
Gi-Kong Kim
Stephen Bloom
Junye Chen
Douglas Collins
Austin Conaty
Arlindo da Silva
Wei Gu
Joanna Joiner
Randal D. Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Andrea Molod
Tommy Owens
Steven Pawson
Philip Pegion
Christopher R. Redder
Rolf Reichle
Franklin R. Robertson
Albert G. Ruddick
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Jack Woollen
Full access

The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2

Suranjana Saha
Shrinivas Moorthi
Xingren Wu
Jiande Wang
Sudhir Nadiga
Patrick Tripp
David Behringer
Yu-Tai Hou
Hui-ya Chuang
Mark Iredell
Michael Ek
Jesse Meng
Rongqian Yang
Malaquías Peña Mendez
Huug van den Dool
Qin Zhang
Wanqiu Wang
Mingyue Chen
, and
Emily Becker
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The Community Climate System Model Version 4

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Gokhan Danabasoglu
Leo J. Donner
Marika M. Holland
Elizabeth C. Hunke
Steve R. Jayne
David M. Lawrence
Richard B. Neale
Philip J. Rasch
Mariana Vertenstein
Patrick H. Worley
Zong-Liang Yang
, and
Minghua Zhang
Full access

Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature, Version 5 (ERSSTv5): Upgrades, Validations, and Intercomparisons

Boyin Huang
Peter W. Thorne
Viva F. Banzon
Tim Boyer
Gennady Chepurin
Jay H. Lawrimore
Matthew J. Menne
Thomas M. Smith
Russell S. Vose
, and
Huai-Min Zhang
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Global Increasing Trends in Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation

Seth Westra
Lisa V. Alexander
, and
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The Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Revisited

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Arthur J. Miller
Shoshiro Minobe
Hisashi Nakamura
Niklas Schneider
Daniel J. Vimont
Adam S. Phillips
James D. Scott
, and
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Full access

GFDL’s ESM2 Global Coupled Climate–Carbon Earth System Models. Part I: Physical Formulation and Baseline Simulation Characteristics

John P. Dunne
Jasmin G. John
Alistair J. Adcroft
Stephen M. Griffies
Robert W. Hallberg
Elena Shevliakova
Ronald J. Stouffer
William Cooke
Krista A. Dunne
Matthew J. Harrison
John P. Krasting
Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Peter J. Phillipps
Lori T. Sentman
Bonita L. Samuels
Michael J. Spelman
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Niki Zadeh
Full access

Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature Version 4 (ERSST.v4). Part I: Upgrades and Intercomparisons

Boyin Huang
Viva F. Banzon
Eric Freeman
Jay Lawrimore
Wei Liu
Thomas C. Peterson
Thomas M. Smith
Peter W. Thorne
Scott D. Woodruff
, and
Huai-Min Zhang
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Uncertainties in CMIP5 Climate Projections due to Carbon Cycle Feedbacks

Pierre Friedlingstein
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Alessandro Anav
Spencer K. Liddicoat
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Most read articles since December 2020:

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Full access

The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)

Ronald Gelaro
Will McCarty
Max J. Suárez
Ricardo Todling
Andrea Molod
Lawrence Takacs
Cynthia A. Randles
Anton Darmenov
Michael G. Bosilovich
Rolf Reichle
Krzysztof Wargan
Lawrence Coy
Richard Cullather
Clara Draper
Santha Akella
Virginie Buchard
Austin Conaty
Arlindo M. da Silva
Wei Gu
Gi-Kong Kim
Randal Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Dagmar Merkova
Jon Eric Nielsen
Gary Partyka
Steven Pawson
William Putman
Michele Rienecker
Siegfried D. Schubert
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Bin Zhao
Full access

The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2

Suranjana Saha
Shrinivas Moorthi
Xingren Wu
Jiande Wang
Sudhir Nadiga
Patrick Tripp
David Behringer
Yu-Tai Hou
Hui-ya Chuang
Mark Iredell
Michael Ek
Jesse Meng
Rongqian Yang
Malaquías Peña Mendez
Huug van den Dool
Qin Zhang
Wanqiu Wang
Mingyue Chen
, and
Emily Becker
Full access
Full access

The Dynamical Core, Physical Parameterizations, and Basic Simulation Characteristics of the Atmospheric Component AM3 of the GFDL Global Coupled Model CM3

Leo J. Donner
Bruce L. Wyman
Richard S. Hemler
Larry W. Horowitz
Yi Ming
Ming Zhao
Jean-Christophe Golaz
Paul Ginoux
S.-J. Lin
M. Daniel Schwarzkopf
John Austin
Ghassan Alaka
William F. Cooke
Thomas L. Delworth
Stuart M. Freidenreich
C. T. Gordon
Stephen M. Griffies
Isaac M. Held
William J. Hurlin
Stephen A. Klein
Thomas R. Knutson
Amy R. Langenhorst
Hyun-Chul Lee
Yanluan Lin
Brian I. Magi
Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Vaishali Naik
Mary J. Nath
Robert Pincus
Jeffrey J. Ploshay
V. Ramaswamy
Charles J. Seman
Elena Shevliakova
Joseph J. Sirutis
William F. Stern
Ronald J. Stouffer
R. John Wilson
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Fanrong Zeng
Full access

MERRA: NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications

Michele M. Rienecker
Max J. Suarez
Ronald Gelaro
Ricardo Todling
Julio Bacmeister
Emily Liu
Michael G. Bosilovich
Siegfried D. Schubert
Lawrence Takacs
Gi-Kong Kim
Stephen Bloom
Junye Chen
Douglas Collins
Austin Conaty
Arlindo da Silva
Wei Gu
Joanna Joiner
Randal D. Koster
Robert Lucchesi
Andrea Molod
Tommy Owens
Steven Pawson
Philip Pegion
Christopher R. Redder
Rolf Reichle
Franklin R. Robertson
Albert G. Ruddick
Meta Sienkiewicz
, and
Jack Woollen
Full access

GFDL’s ESM2 Global Coupled Climate–Carbon Earth System Models. Part I: Physical Formulation and Baseline Simulation Characteristics

John P. Dunne
Jasmin G. John
Alistair J. Adcroft
Stephen M. Griffies
Robert W. Hallberg
Elena Shevliakova
Ronald J. Stouffer
William Cooke
Krista A. Dunne
Matthew J. Harrison
John P. Krasting
Sergey L. Malyshev
P. C. D. Milly
Peter J. Phillipps
Lori T. Sentman
Bonita L. Samuels
Michael J. Spelman
Michael Winton
Andrew T. Wittenberg
, and
Niki Zadeh
Full access

Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature, Version 5 (ERSSTv5): Upgrades, Validations, and Intercomparisons

Boyin Huang
Peter W. Thorne
Viva F. Banzon
Tim Boyer
Gennady Chepurin
Jay H. Lawrimore
Matthew J. Menne
Thomas M. Smith
Russell S. Vose
, and
Huai-Min Zhang

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