

Our goal is to get qualified, talented and motivated colleagues. We welcome all candidates interested in joining our work teams.
Our selection procedures are managed with a maximum level of transparency and openness. Key principles are defined in FZU Employee Recruitment and Selection Strategy

We proceed in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and to a maximum extend we also apply these procedures to non-scientific roles. For more details please see the FZU OTM-R approach.


We place special emphasis on the principles of Open, Transparent, and Merit-Based approach.


Career Recognition Principle

We recognize candidates' overall work experience and results achieved during their entire career. We use a broader scale of assessment criteria that includes professional qualifications and personal prerequisites.

Mobility Value Recognition Principle

Experience with mobility represents a valuable asset in professional development at any point of the career.

Equal Opportunities Principle

We apply the equal opportunities principle from the very start of the selection process and throughout other stages of the career development process without prioritizing the principle over the quality and ability criterion.

Transparencys Principle

Candidates are informed in advance about the conditions and criteria of the selection process. At all stages of the procedure we inform our candidates about the next step and the current state of the selection procedure.  This communication also includes feedback.

We make sure that all processes are open, effective, transparent and relevant for the type of the position.

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