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Organizační charakteristiky, transparentnost v odměňování a GPGStati mimo téma

Kristýna Pospíšilová, Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 195-229 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.015  

Předchozí výzkum poukázal na významnou roli charakteristik pracovišť, do kterých muži a ženy nejčastěji směřují, na vysvětlení rozdílů v jejich výdělcích. Gender pay gap bývá nejčastěji analyzován z hlediska osobních charakteristik žen a mužů a charakteristik jejich práce, organizačním charakteristikám byla ale doposud věnována jen malá pozornost. V této studii se zaměřujeme na tento méně probádaný kontext ovlivňující GPG a klademe si následující otázky: 1) jaké organizační charakteristiky a jakým způsobem souvisí s průměrným GPG ve firmě/ na pracovišti? 2) Působí tyto charakteristiky odlišně v platové a mzdové sféře trhu práce? 3) Jsou nalezené rozdíly...

Za Janou OpočenskouZprávy

Juliana R. Hamariová, Jindřich Halama

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 259-263  

Feministkou snadno a rychleRecenze

Eva Svatoňová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 225-228  

Recenze knihy:  Jarkovská, L., Lišková, K. 2023. Feministkou snadno a rychle: Příručka argumentů pro debaty s rodinou a přáteli. Praha: Universum.

‘Am I Grateful Enough?’: Emotions and Communication in the ‘Deep Story’ of New Mothers in LatviaStati mimo téma

Elza Lāma, Vita Zelče

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 231-254 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.013  

The ever-watchful eyes of society have created burdensome challenges for mothers in the 21st century, who are constantly trying to manage their emotions and daily life in accordance with the dominant discourse of what a ‘good mother’ should be like. The aim of the paper is to explore the ‘deep story’ of new mothers in Latvia, employing the theoretical framework of sociologist Arlie Hochschild and her concept of ‘emotion work’. Data were gathered from ten phenomenological interviews with women with a child under the age of two. The results of the narrative analysis show that new mothers systematically apply the principles...

Sexuálna subjektivita žien, aktérstvo a zmocnenie: kritická konceptuálna analýzaStati mimo téma

Miroslava Šudila Žilinská, Gabriel Bianchi

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 171-194 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.012  

Sexual subjectivity in women together with sexual agency and empowerment have been receiving growing attention in sex research in recent decades. In this article we highlight the conceptual uncertainty and challenges research field, mostly in the context of #MeToo initiatives and the current discussion around understanding sexual violence in Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. We propose a conceptual map, in which we show the key role of sexual subjectivity for sexuality research, in contrast to other terms, such as sexual self--concept or sexual self-schema. We demonstrate how the important conceptual components of subjectivity, sexual agency,...

Za hranice sekulární autonomie? Pojetí emancipace u Saby Mahmood a Judith ButlerStati

Jakub Ort

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 146-170 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.018  

The article deals with a feminist critique of the secular notion of autonomy as a normative basis for the emancipation of the subject. It does so on the basis of discussions related to the so-called post-secular turn in feminist thought. The text is based on a comparison and interpretation of the theoretical insights of Saba Mahmood and Judith Butler. According to Mahmood, the poststructuralist critique of the Enlightenment conception of the subject, as seen in Butler, still places too much emphasis on secular detachment from tradition. In contrast, Saba Mahmood’s approach seeks to rehabilitate a ‚consolidationist‘ conception of the...

Fenomén spirituální „energie“ jako centrální motiv alternativní spirituality: Kamila „Kamu“ Chadimová a její VesmírStati

Zuzana Marie Kostićová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 119-145 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.019  

Článek zkoumá pojetí genderu a genderových rolí v duchovní knize Jak si uvařit (vlastní) vesmír slavné kuchařky a instagramové celebrity Kamily „Kamu“ Chadimové. Ukazuje, že jelikož kniha představuje případ duchovní literatury vycházející z kontextu současné alternativní spirituality (new age), skutečné porozumění tomu, jak pracuje s genderem, stojí a padá s porozuměním základním doktrinálním rysům alternativní spirituality. Článek se zabývá především významem konceptů (spirituální) energie a (spirituálního) holismu, které patří mezi nejvýznamnější typické rysy učení alternativní spirituality. V jejich kontextu se pak následně interpretuje...

Rejecting ‘Do Not Destroy’ When it Comes to Nature: An Ecofeminist Argument to Expand the Traditional Jewish Category of the Poor to Include Nature and Its CareStati

Ivy Helman

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 97-118 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.020  

This work of constructive Jewish ecofeminism argues for an expanded category of the poor to include nature, as both nature and the poor have similar states: they are in need. After a survey of the Torah and the tannaim, the author concludes that both sources do not define the category of the poor as anything more than those in need, thus we are well within our means to make the change. In addition, the current state of the environment, detailed by the most recent IPCC report, illustrates just how much the environment is in need. In this expansion of the category of the poor, the author also critiques traditional Jewish models of what constitutes care...

Bůh/Bohyně jako transcendentně imanentní zdroj života. K ekofeministické tea/ologii a spiritualitě Rosemary Radford RuetherStati

Jan Bierhanzl

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 83-96 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.017  

In the following paper on the ecofeminist dimension of the considerable work of the feminist theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether, I will limit myself to questions and themes that are not purely theological, but which at the same time resonate with the themes and questions addressed in contemporary (eco)feminist philosophy, which revolve around issues of structural inequality and structural or systemic violence on the one hand, and the interdependence of lives, precariousness, and vulnerability on the other. Of the classic questions of systematic theology, two seem to me particularly relevant in this regard, namely the question of structural sin and...

Mechitza jako metafora: separace, nebo jednota?Stati

Timea Crofony

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 53-82 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.016  

The paper explores the topic of the Jewish religious spatial practice of a mechitza – the physical separation of women and men in synagogues. At first glance, the mechitza appears to be an indisputable given as a normal part of Orthodox Judaism. At second glance, however, it poses a problem: through the mechitza, women tend to be marginalised not only within the space itself but also on a symbolic level as subjects of religious practice. Using a feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis, the paper investigates how the practice of mechitza is negotiated and what meanings and symbolism it takes on for its religiously gendered subjects. The...

„Jako muže a ženu je stvořil“: Rozporný přístup římskokatolické církve k genderuStati

Jiří Pavlík

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 26-52 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.014  

The article deals with the document ‘Male and Female He Created Them: Toward a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education’, published by the Congregation for Catholic Education in June 2019. The document is a guideline for Catholic schools, which they can apply to control and moderate the discussion on gender issues at the level of local churches and educational institutions. The article presents several worldwide responses to the document chiefly in the Catholic media, and then provides a rhetorical analysis and critique of its content. The analysis reveals some of the text’s rhetorical devices, including labelling,...

Genderové dimenze ve zkoumání náboženství a spiritualitEditorial

Blanka Knotková-Čapková, Tereza Jiroutová Kynčlová, Ivy Helman

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (2): 3-25 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.023  

Translating Research Findings into Operational Tools in the Context of a Crisis: the RESISTIRÉ ApproachZprávy

Agnieszka Kolasińska

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 191-195  

Gendering Epistemologies – Gender and Situated Knowledge: Perspectives from Central, Eastern and Southeastern EuropeZprávy

Eva Svatoňová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 189-191  

Food Systems and Food Producers during COVID-19: Gendered Patterns and Local-Global StructuresRecenze

Haldis Haukanes

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 185-188  

Recenze knihy: Castellanos, P., Sachs, C. E., Tickamyer, A. R. (eds.). 2022. Gender, Food and COVID 19. Global Stories of Harm and Hope. New York: Routledge Focus.

Pills, Power and Performativity: Negotiating Masculinity in the Emergence of Male Contraceptive TechnologyStati mimo téma

Eleonore Lorijn

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 159-184 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.011  

As we prepare for a new contraceptive revolution centering the male reproductive body, little is known about 21st century men’s interest in pursuing hormonal technology. This paper sets out to understand what male hormonal contraception (MHC) means for the performance of masculinity. Specifically, I seek to understand how contraceptive technology might contribute to the emergence and transformation of different masculine identities, and whether these identities will function to enhance or denounce the technology’s cultural feasibility and widespread assimilation. Amid the heavily quantitative nature of literature on this topic, I conduct...

Interviews with Men Convicted of Rape: Reflections and Lessons of a Female Researcher in a Male Delhi PrisonStati mimo téma

Madhumita Pandey

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 135-158 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.009  

Research involving prisoners is a vital source of information on crime but is often fraught with several challenges. This article presents an analysis of one of the first prison researches conducted in India with men convicted of rape. It examines and expands on the nuances of interacting with men convicted of rape and exploring a range of deeply personal questions with them. The research analysis attempts to highlight the impact of the researcher’s positionality on offender accounts by also discussing social proximity and gender. This article contributes to the broader discourse around conducting qualitative research in prisons.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable GroupsStati

Vanda Černohorská, Zuzana Očenášová, Agnes Kende

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 114-134 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.007  

Various research studies suggest that women and other vulnerable groups are the ones who were impacted most and who continue to suffer from the economic and social effects of the pandemic. However, these groups have often been omitted from the measures mitigating the pandemic impact due to their invisibility in the policy-knowledge nexus. This article draws on the findings from the international RESISTIRÉ research project, which focuses on how COVID-19 policies impacted gendered inequalities in Europe. Building on feminist institutionalism and an intersectional approach, we contribute to the debate on how existent gender regimes have shaped anti-pandemic...

What to Expect When Expecting? Experiences of Pregnant Women in Serbia during the COVID-19 Pandemic and State of EmergencyStati

Ana Bilinović Rajačić, Jovana Čikić

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 88-113 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.002  

The aim of this paper is to shed light on the experiences of non-infected pregnant women in Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency by applying a qualitative research method. The present analysis examines four aspects of being pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency: (a) pregnant women’s health and health care; (b) preparation for childbirth and the arrival of a new family member; (c) working while pregnant during the pandemic; and (d) the family atmosphere and family practices. The results show that the coronavirus pandemic affected pregnant women both psychologically and socially. The following...

It Takes Two to Be Equal? Middle-Class Men Managing Care and Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic in PolandStati

Ewelina Ciaputa, Marta Warat, Ewa Krzaklewska

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 62-86 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.008  

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges to the organisation of work and practices of care. Lockdown, the introduction of remote working in many sectors, home-schooling, and social isolation required the adoption of new strategies and solutions, resulting in the increased involvement of mothers in caring activities and the reinforcement of the cultural normativity of family. Yet some studies suggest that the share of fathers in childcare has also increased. Based on semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted as part of the ‘Men in Care’ (MiC) project with men working in international corporations (17) and their partners (7), we...

Zdravotní sestry a jejich prožívání dvojí péče v době pandemie covidu-19Stati

Marie Pospíšilová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 36-61 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.001  

The pandemic highlighted the importance of both formal and informal care and magnified gender inequalities in this area. Women were more represented in care-related frontline professions (including nurses), but they were also more often responsible for providing childcare when institutions (especially schools and nurseries) were closed. This paper builds on criticism aimed at the separate study of formal and informal care and explores the interconnections between the two in the case of Czech nurses with young children, who during the pandemic experienced increased demands in both formal and informal care. We are interested in how they experienced these...

Double Fragility: The Care Crisis in the Time of the PandemicStati

Alexandra Scheele, Helene Schiffbänker, David Walker, Greta Wienkamp

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 11-35 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.003  

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and reinforced the structural crisis in paid and unpaid care work. On the one hand, pandemic-related closures of schools and childcare facilities increased the fragility of unpaid care arrangements, which are mainly organised by women. On the other hand, high infection and hospitalisation rates exacerbated the difficult working conditions in health-care professions, ranging from low wages and long working hours to high levels of mental and physical stress. Drawing on interviews conducted in an ongoing project in the German and Austrian health-care sector, this article investigates, from a gender perspective, how employees...

Genderové reflexe o (post)pandemii ve střední a východní EvropěEditorial

Iva Šmídová, Radka Dudová, Éva Fodor

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2023, 24 (1): 3-10 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.010  

Transnational Feminist Solidarity with Ukraine for Sustainable, Inclusive and Fair Post-War ReconstructionZprávy

Olga Gheorghiev

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 179-183  

Intersectional and Multispecies Approaches to Climate ActionZprávy

Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Josephine Taylor

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 175-179  

Information about the special issue of the journal: ‘Climate Action: Transforming Infrastructure, Cultivating Attentiveness, Practicing Solidarity’ – a special issue of the journal Sociální studia 19 (1 /2022)

Gender-Inclusive Language and Anti-Discriminatory Language PolicyRecenze

Martin Stegu

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 167-174  

Book review of Scheller-Boltz, D. / Reuther, T. (eds). 2019. Language Policies in the Light of Antidiscrimination and Political Correctness. Special Issue. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 84.

Corpus-Linguistic Analysis of Speech Communities on Anti-Gender Discourse in SloveneStati

Damjan Popič, Vojko Gorjanc

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 140-166 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.020  

This paper deals with a corpus-linguistic analysis of different text/media types in Slovene with the aim of finding out whether or not any of the communication channels covered by the corpora employed in our analysis serve as a means of unification against the concept of gender, thereby serving as a catalyst for creating and maintaining (new) speech communities. We aim to determine this by extracting the two most commonly misused concepts (terms) in Slovene, i.e. gender theory and gender ideology, and analysing their use in three different corpora of contemporary Slovene: the reference corpus Gigafida 2.0, the corpus of user-generated...

Using a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies Approach to Analyse Gender: A Case Study of German Radiology ReportsStati

Karoline Irschara

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 114-139 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.015  

This paper explores how a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) approach can be utilised to investigate representations of gender as well as potential gender bias in radiology reporting, which constitutes a form of professional, medical discourse. The database collected for this purpose consists of three specialised German sub-corpora (332,901 cranial, thoracic, and whole-body computed tomographies, with more than 61 million tokens), which were extracted from a larger medical corpus called MedCorpInn that was built as part of an interdisciplinary project conducted jointly by the University of Innsbruck and Innsbruck Medical University. As...

Women, Who Climb - A Corpus Linguistic Tour Description with Potential Danger ZonesStati

Claudia Posch

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 82-113 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.022  

This paper explores novel ways in which Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Studies (DHA – the discourse-historical approach), and Feminist Linguistics can be fruitfully combined and thus contribute to a new awareness and knowledge concerning language and gender in discourse. For the paper a large heritage corpus of texts on mountaineering (Alpenwort – Corpus of the Austrian Alpine Club Journal) is explored, which constitutes a type of discourse that has yet rarely been studied in the abovementioned fields. The corpus was used to analyse gendered nomination with the following questions in mind: What frequently occurring patterns...

Způsoby označování osob z hlediska ne/binarity genderu: kvantitativní sonda do titulních stran vybraných českých periodikStati

Vít Kolek

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (2): 62-81 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.013  

Criticising the use of the generic masculine, feminist and gender linguists have proposed different alternatives. In the Czech context, the following three types of alternatives can be distinguished: (1) feminisation, (2) neutralisation and paraphrases, and (3) making non-binary persons linguistically more visible. Empirical studies on the usage frequency of these alternatives, however, are lacking. This paper addresses this issue by analysing agentive nouns and the feminisation of surnames in selected Czech newspapers. The results show that in references to individual women almost exclusive use is made of feminine expressions. Mixed-gender groups...