

ODBORNÝ PRACOVNÍK VĚDY A VÝZKUMU do molekulárně biologické laboratoře

Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.
Laboratoř hormonálních regulací u rostlin
Rozvojová 263, 165 02 PRAHA 6;
Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., je předním českým akademickým pracovištěm
v oblasti základního i aplikovaného výzkumu experimentální biologie rostlin.
Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR hledá schopného kandidáta na pozici

Ph. D. student III

Research Field: Plant Science – Experimental Biology

Topic: Study of hormonal responses to abiotic stress in plant roots and shoots

Supervisor: Prof. Peter Hedden

Profile of the candidate:

Ph. D. student II

Research Field: Plant Science – Experimental Biology

Topic: Study of biological activity of new plant growth regulators

Supervisor: Dr. Karel Doležal

Profile of the candidate:

Ph. D. student I

Research Field: Plant Science – Experimental Biology

Topic: Development of new methods of isolation and quantification of phytohormones

Supervisor: Prof. Ondřej Novák

Profile of the candidate:

Junior Researcher I

Junior Researcher I

Research Field: Plant Science


·         Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Experimental biology or related field of study

·         advanced knowledge phytochemical in analysis analysis of plant secondary metabolites

·         practical experience with the analysis of bioactive substances and secondary metabolites of plants using LC, GC and MS methods

EU-funded PhD position

EU-funded PhD position on auxin transport and metabolism in plant roots

Mapping auxin transport and metabolism in roots of monocot plants

The auxin group of Jan Petrášek within the Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants ( focuses on the regulatory mechanisms defining the levels of auxin within plant cells. We use a spectrum of advanced microscopy approaches, hormonal analytics, molecular cloning, high-throughput transcriptomics and proteomics, and auxin transport assays.

Ph.D. student


  • Master's degree in molecular biology, genetics or bioinformatics,
  • the candidate must be enrolled in a full-time PhD study programme, where the supervisor must be a team member of the OP JAK project TowArds Next GENeration Crops (TANGENC),
  • practical experience in experimental work in a biological laboratory and basic bioinformatics skills are an advantage,
  • experience in presenting scientific results,
  • good communication skills,
  • independence at work.

Junior researcher

-               Ph.D. in Genetics, Molecular Biology, Plant Sciences, Bioinformatics or related field of study
-               strong theoretical background in plant molecular biology, genomics, genetics, bioinformatics
-               advanced knowledge of genomic and molecular biology methods used for genome and transcriptome analysis