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Optical Biosensors: Team members

Optical Biosensors Research Team

prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc. team leader
homola@ufe.cz +420 266 773 543
Markéta Bocková, Ph.D. deputy head, research scientist bockova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 430
Karel Chadt, MSc. deputy head, graduate student chadt@ufe.cz +420 266 773 545
Jiří Kaňka, Ph.D. senior research scientist
kanka@ufe.cz +420 266 773 526
Tomáš Špringer, Ph.D. research scientist springer@ufe.cz +420 266 773 547
Amirmansoor Ashrafi, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow ashrafi@ufe.cz +420 266 773 562
Erika Hemmerová, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow hemmerova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 533
Alena Semerádtová, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow semeradtova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 407
Jiří Slabý, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow slaby@ufe.cz +420 266 773 407
Jan Bukáček, MSc. graduate student bukacek@ufe.cz +420 266 773 563
Magdalena Čapková, MSc. graduate student capkova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 501
Giusy Finocchiaro, MSc. graduate student finocchiaro@ufe.cz +420 266 773 533
Tong Liu, MSc. graduate student liu@ufe.cz +420 266 773 533
Petr Dvořák, Ph.D. research assistant dvorak@ufe.cz +420 266 773 477
Róbert Jurčo, BSc. research assistant jurco@ufe.cz +420 266 773 563
Ludmila Jurgová, MSc. research assistant jurgova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 515
Kateřina Králová, MSc. research assistant kralova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 515
Petra Lebrušková, MSc. research assistant lebruskova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 477
Ivo Tichý, MSc. research assistant tichy@ufe.cz
+420 266 773 562
Jiří Löffelmann technician
+420 266 773 512
Terézia Horníková, BSc. laboratory technician hornikova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 501

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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DIČ: CZ67985882