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Electronic file room

Address for receiving of analog documents and technical portable data carrier:
Institute of Physiology CAS, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4

Office hours: 8:00-11:00, 12:00-15:00


Data formats in which digital documents are accepted including their technical parameters:

*.TXT simple text
*.RTF document in text format RTF
*.PDF document in format Adobe Acrobat Reader®
*.DOC document MS Word
*.XLS document MS Excel
*.XML Extensible Markup Language Document
*.PPT MS PowerPoint Presentation
*.JPG/*.JPEG/*.JFIF Joint Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format
*.GIF Graphics Interchange Format


The office accepts digital documents:

1)    via the e-mail address of the electronic filing office: fgu@fgu.cas.cz

2)    via a data box (ID y5xnq3f)

3)    in person on a portable data storage device (CD, DVD, USB)


The office does not process electronic documents, which are not accessible to the filing office and which cannot be fixed in cooperation with the sender.


Inaccessible documents include:

  • documents containing malicious code
  • incomplete documents
  • documents in formats and/or on storage devices, which the office does not accept
  • documents which cannot be displayed in a perceivable manner


The office does not process analog documents, which aren’t fully comprehensible (e.g. incomplete, illegible or otherwise corrupted) and when the corruption of the document cannot be fixed in cooperation with the sender or when the sender cannot be identified.


Records of accepting documents containing malicious code and notifying the sender are kept.