HIPC´s statement on website accessibility

HIPC is obliged to make its websites accessible by following the act. No. 99/2019 Coll. regarding the accessibility of websites and mobile applications and about the novelization of act No. 365/2000 Coll., regarding informational systems of public administration and about the novelization of any further acts, in the wording of later regulations (“act”), which implement the directive of the European Parliament and European Council No. 2016/2102 (“directive”).

This statement of accessibility relates to the following websites: websites of HIPC https://www.jh-inst.cas.cz as well as to domains operated by HIPC, for example biophys-electrochem.cz, clustermeeting2021.eu, clustermeeting2023.eu, datamaterialized.eu, heyrovsky-chair.eu, kalbacresearchgroup.cz, nanocarbon.cz, nanocat-twinning.eu, panch.cz, projekt-amulet.cz. 

The websites of HIPC and the domains mentioned above comply with requirements set by respective directive, act and respective international regulation, except for below mentioned content:  

  • Some media content, especially specific presentations of science research, which are primarily visual, cannot be wholly described in textual alternatives. There is often an indicative description so the user can make ideas about presentations, which are promoted visually.
  • Some websites contain links to other files, like presentations or documents, which are accessible, but this content is in its own format, which any other program can open.

The following browsers enable optimal projection:
For desktop: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari
For mobile devices: Google Chrome, Safari

If you have any problem with projection or access to the content, the application “Read aloud” can also be used.
If you face any problems, please let us know. For sending your complaints, proposals or information regarding troubles with the projection of websites, please use our “Feedback form” placed at https://www.jh-inst.cas.cz  or write an e-mail to podatelna@jh-inst.cas.cz.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your application or request sent in accordance with art. 7 section 1 letter b) of direction, please contact the respective body, which is:

Digitální a informační agentura (Digital and informational agency)
eGovernment department
seated at Na Vápence 915/14
Praha 3, 130 00
e-mail: pristupnost@dia.gov.cz

This statement is made on the 4th of July, 2024.