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February 2023 at CERGE-EI

15 March, 2023

February is the shortest month of the year. On CERGE-EI’s behalf, we feel happy to have accomplished quite a lot of media coverage in one month.

February 2, 2023

Having a career during motherhood continues to be a challenge in Czech (AV ČR)


A new study by IDEA think-tank at the Institute of National Economy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, "Czech Women's Hands and Brains Still Untapped," maps lifetime employment and length of service profiles of Czech women between 2000 and 2019. How do Czech women fare in labour market participation compared to other EU countries?

February 5, 2023

Czech Republic is in recession and its prospects are not good, say economists Švejnar, Gregor, and Hampl (OVM ČT24)


“The Czech economy is in a unique situation. We have high inflation and a recession,” said Jan Švejnar in a discussion between three economists on Václav Moravec's Questions. Jan Gregor reminded us that the situation is all the more difficult because all of Europe is "going down with growth". Mojmír Hampl added that based on his experience from history, the Czech Republic is not coping with the crises and it’s worse here than in other countries.

February 6, 2023

Filip Pertold in SPACE X (REFLEX)


After a year of the new government, economist Filip Pertold says that a great realisation is coming and the consensus from the finance and labour and social affairs ministries is that budget revenues are insufficient and a long-term solution to the problem, however unpleasant it may be, is necessary. There is not much to save, so "taking" will be needed.

February 7, 2023

I have the child I want, but I am not happy. Most Czech mothers struggle with loneliness (HEROINE)

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Apart from feelings of fulfilment, motherhood also brings various negative thoughts that are still not talked about enough. These include feelings of loneliness, especially in the first few months of a child's life. One of the reasons for this may be that it is more difficult for mothers with young children to join the workforce. According to a new CERGE-EI study, 50 000 fewer mothers aged 30 to 34 are employed in the Czech Republic than the European average. However, feelings of loneliness may have multiple causes. What are they and what can help mothers overcome feelings of isolation?

February 13, 2023

Retirement age? Prepare yourself mentally for a long career, says economist (SEZNAM.Zpravy.cz)


Unless necessary changes are made to the pension system, the Czech Republic will face huge deficits after 2040, economist Filip Pertold of the IDEA think tank and adviser to Minister Jurecka on the pension issue mentioned on the Rozstřel programme.

February 16, 2023

It's too late for pension reform, now we need to deal with money for pensions of those born today, warns economist Münich (ČRo PLUS)

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The government has agreed on further increasing pensions, with old-age pensions to rise by an average of CZK 750 from June, less than the statutory indexation. "The decision should have been made six months ago, i.e. to change the system of extraordinary valorisations, which significantly increased those who have high pensions, and the scissors were opened," economist Daniel Münich from the CERGE-EI academic institute has declared.

February 23, 2023

Ukrainian solidarity or continued fear of the unknown, what is the current attitude of the Czech Republic towards refugees? (CT24)

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A year after the start of the war in Ukraine, 8 million refugees remain in Europe - in the Czech Republic, hundreds of thousands. In autumn, 34% of refugees surveyed had a job and 43% were looking for one. Furthermore, the surveys show that the integration of Ukrainian pupils into Czech schools has been successful, with most of them feeling comfortable at school.

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