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Working Papers 2006–2010

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556. Cahlíková, Jana. December 2015. “Study Abroad Experience and Attitudes Towards Other Nationalities” (Abstract) (Full Text)

555. Sidorkin, Oleg. December 2015. “The Impact of Management Quality on Innovation Performance of Firms in Emerging Countries” (Abstract) (Full Text)

554. Vuletić, Danijela. November 2015. “How Effective are Reminders and Frames in Incentivizing Blood Donations?” (Abstract) (Full Text

553. Kapička, Marek and Julian Neira. November 2015. “Optimal Taxation with Risky Human Capital” (Abstract) (Full Text

552. Matějka, Filip and Guido Tabellini. November 2015. “Electoral Competition with Rationally Inattentive Voters” (Abstract) (Full Text

551. Žigić, Krešimir, Jiří Střelický, and Michael Kúnin. October 2015. “Modeling Software Piracy Protection: Monopoly versus Duopoly” (Abstract) (Full Text)

550. Federičová, Miroslava. September 2015. “Gender Gap in Application to Selective Schools: Are Grades a Good Signal?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

549. Palguta, Ján. September 2015. “Political Rent-Seeking in Public Procurement: Evidence from the Entry of Political Challengers at Electoral Thresholds” (Abstract) (Full Text)

548. Sargsyan, Vahan. September 2015. “Differential Treatment in the Chinese Labor Market. Is Hukou Type the Only Problem? ” (Abstract) (Full Text)

547. Ambriško, Róbert. August 2015. “A Small Open Economy with the Balassa-Samuelson Effect” (Abstract) (Full Text)

546. Gaulé, Patrick. July 2015. “Patents and the Success of Venture-Capital Backed Startups: Using Examiner Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects” (Abstract) (Full Text)

545. Kopřiva, František. July 2015. “Constant Bet Size? Don't Bet on It! Testing Expected Utility Theory on Betfair Data” (Abstract) (Full Text)

544. Kuvíková, Gabriela. June 2015. “Credit Ratings and Their Information Value: Evidence from the Recent Financial Crisis” (Abstract) (Full Text)

543. Van Koten, Silvester. June 2015. “Forward Premia in Electricity Markets: Two Caveats” (Abstract) (Full Text)

542. Abramishvili, Zurab and Lasha Lanchava . May 2015. “Education for the Poor” (Abstract) (Full Text)

541. Kuvíková, Gabriela. May 2015. “Loans for Better Living: The Role of Informal Collateral” (Abstract) (Full Text)

540. Amaral-Garcia, Sofia, Paola Bertoli, and Veronica Grembi. May 2015. “Does Experience Rating Improve Obstetric Practices? Evidence From Geographical Discontinuities in Italy” (Abstract) (Full Text)

539. Sidorkin, Oleg and Dmitriy Vorobyev. May 2015. “Political Risk, Information and Corruption Cycles: Evidence from Russian Regions” (Abstract) (Full Text)

538. Kuvíková, Gabriela. April 2015. “Does Loan Maturity Matter in Risk-Based Pricing? Evidence from Consumer Loan Data” (Abstract) (Full Text)

537. Ettinger, David and Fabio Michelucci. March 2015. “Creating a Winner's Curse via Jump Bids” (Abstract) (Full Text)

536. Audzei, Volha. March 2015. “Information Acquisition and Excessive Risk: Impact of Policy Rate and Market Volatility” (Abstract) (Full Text)

535. Matějů, Jakub. March 2015. “Limited Liability, Asset Price Bubbles and the Credit Cycle: The Role of Monetary Policy” (Abstract) (Full Text)

534. Borga, Liyousew Gebremedhin. March 2015. “Children's Own Time Use and its Effect on Skill Formation” (Abstract) (Full Text)

533. Havranek, Tomas, Zuzana Irsova, Karel Janda, and David Zilberman. March 2015. “Selective Reporting and the Social Cost of Carbon” (Abstract) (Full Text)

532. Mittag, Nikolas. March2015. “A Simple Method to Estimate Large Fixed Effects Models Applied to Wage Determinants and Matching” (Abstract) (Full Text)

531. Broer, Tobias, Marek Kapička, and Paul Klein. February 2015. “Consumption Risk Sharing with Private Information and Limited Enforcement” (Abstract) (Full Text)

530. Burlakov, Georgi. February 2015. “Exogenous Expenses in Industries with Vertical Product Differentiation and Quality Constraints” (Abstract) (Full Text)

529. Gaulé, Patrick and Mario Piacentini. January 2015. “Immigration and Innovation: Chinese Graduate Students in U.S. Universities” (Abstract) (Full Text)

528. Dušek, Libor. January 2015. “The Effects of a Simpler Criminal Procedure on Criminal Case Outcomes: Evidence from Czech District-level Data” (Abstract) (Full Text)


527. Aliyev, Ruslan. December 2014. “Determinants of the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Resource-Rich Countries”(Abstract) (Full Text)

526. Le Lec, Fabrice, Ondřej Rydval, and Astrid Matthey. December 2014. “Efficiency and Punishment in a Coordination Game: Voluntary Sanctions in the Minimum Effort Game”(Abstract) (Full Text) (Additional Materials)

525. Prokosheva, Sasha. December 2014. “Comparing Decisions under Compound Risk and Ambiguity: The Importance of Cognitive Skills”(Abstract) (Full Text)

524. Kalíšková, Klára. December 2014. “Tax and Transfer Policies and the Female Labor Supply in the EU”(Abstract) (Full Text)

523. Vikhrov, Dmytro. December 2014. “Immigration Policy Index.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

522. Pidkuyko, Myroslav. December 2014. “Dynamics of Consumption and Dividends over the Business Cycle.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

521. Lanchava, Lasha. December 2014. “Does Religious Activity Affect Childbearing Decisions? The Case of Georgia.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

520. Vourvachaki, Evangelia, Vahagn Jerbashian, and Sergey Slobodyan . December 2014. “Specific and General Human Capital in an Endogenous Growth Model.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

519. Van Koten, Silvester and Andreas Ortmann. November 2014. “Self-Regulatory Organizations Under the Shadow Of Governmental Oversight: An Experimental Investigation.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

518. Žigić, Krešimir, Jiří Střelický, and Michael Kúnin. October 2014. “How Does Public IPR Protection Affect its Private Counterpart? Copyright and the Firms' Own IPR Protection in a Software Duopoly.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

517. Federičová, Miroslava. September 2014. “The Impact of High-Stakes School-Admission Exams on Study Effort and Achievements: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Slovakia.”(Abstract) (Full Text)

516. Montag, Josef and Tomáš Sobek. August 2014. “Should Paris Hilton Receive a Lighter Prison Sentence Because She’s Rich? An Experimental Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

515. Zápal, Jan. August 2014. “Simple Markovian Equilibria in Dynamic Spatial Legislative Bargaining.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

514. Hernando-Veciana, Ángel, and Fabio Michelucci. July 2014. “On the Optimality of Not Allocating.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

513. Bičáková, Alena. June 2014. “Selection into Labor Force and Gender Unemployment Gaps.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

512. Bauer, Michal, Nathan Fiala, and Ian Levely. March 2014. “Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

511. Lavička, Hynek, Tomáš Lichard, and Jan Novotný. March 2014. “Sand in the Wheels or Wheels in the Sand? Tobin Taxes and Market Crashes.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

510. Vorobyev, Dmitriy. February 2014. “Participation in Fraudulent Elections.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

509. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Münich. February 2014. “Alphabetical Order Effects in School Admissions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

508. Hait, Pavel and Petr Janský. February 2014. “Inflation Differentials among Czech Households.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

507. Gillman, Max, Michal Kejak, and Michal Pakoš. February 2014. “Learning about Rare Disasters: Implications for Consumption and Asset Prices.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

506. Kuncl, Martin. February 2014. “Securitization under Asymmetric Information over the Business Cycle.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

505. Montag, Josef. January 2014. “What Drives the Gender Gap? An Analysis Using Sexual Orientation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

504. Bičáková, Alena and Štěpán Jurajda. January 2014. “The Quiet Revolution and the Family: Gender Composition of Tertiary Education and Early Fertility Patterns.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

503. van Koten, Silvester. January 2014. “Do Emission Trading Schemes Facilitate Efficient Abatement Investments? An Experimental Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

502. Bičáková, Alena. January 2014. “The Trade-off Between Unemployment and Wage Inequality Revisited” (Abstract) (Full Text)

501. Palguta, Ján. January 2014. “Concealed Ownership of Contractors, Manipulation of Tenders and the Allocation of Public Procurement Contracts.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

500. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Munich. January 2014. “Candidate Ballot Information and Election Outcomes: The Czech Case.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


499. Bartoš, Vojtěch, Michal Bauer, Julie Chytilová, and Filip Matějka. December 2013. “Attention Discrimination: Theory and Field Experiments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

498. Brushko, Iuliia. November 2013. “Financial Signaling and Earnings Forecasts.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

497. Senyuta, Olena. November 2013. “Delegation and Performance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

496. Kalíšková, Klára. November 2013. “Family Taxation and the Female Labor Supply: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

495. Janjgava, Batlome. October 2013. “Free Entry and Social Efficiency under Unknown Demand Parameters.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

494. Lichard, Tomáš, Jan Hanousek, and Randall K. Filer. October 2013. “Measuring the Shadow Economy: Endogenous Switching Regression with Unobserved Separation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

493. Gregor, Martin. October 2013. “The Optimal Ballot Structure for Double-Member Districts.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

492. Lanchava, Lasha. September 2013. “Free to Choose: An Experimental Investigation of the Value of Free Choice.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

491. Vikhrov, Dmytro. September 2013. “Welfare Effects of Labor Migration.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

490. Žigić, Krešimir, Jiří Střelický, and Michael Kúnin. September 2013. “The Interaction between Private and Public IPR Protection in a Software Market: A Positive and Normative Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

489. Hernando-Veciana, Ángel, and Fabio Michelucci. August 2013. “Do Not Panic: How to Avoid Inefficient Rushes Using Multi-Stage Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

488. Montag, Josef. August 2013. “Is Pro-Labor Law Pro-Women? Evidence from India” (Abstract) (Full Text)

487. Katuščák, Peter, Fabio Michelucci, and Miroslav Zajíček. June 2013. “Does Anticipated Regret Really Matter? Revisiting the Role of Feedback in Auction Bidding.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

486. Hromádková, Eva, and Michal Zděnek. April 2013. “Demand Side Cost-Sharing and Prescription Drugs Utilization: Evidence From a Quasi-Natural Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

485. Stankov, Petar. April 2013. “Firm Size, Market Liberalization and Growth.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

484. Montag, Josef. March 2013. “A Radical Change in Traffic Law: Effects on Fatalities in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

483. Palguta, Ján. March 2013. “Nonlinear Incentive Schemes and Corruption in Public Procurement: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

482. Rychalovska, Yuliya. March 2013. “The Implications of Financial Frictions and Imperfect Knowledge in the Estimated DSGE Model of the U.S. Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

481. Kristoufek, Ladislav, Karel Janda, and David Zilberman. February 2013. “Non-linear Price Transmission between Biofuels, Fuels and Food Commodities.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

480. Filer, Randall K., and Dragana Stanišić. January 2013. “The Effect of Terrorist Incidents on Capital Flows.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

479. Jeong, Byeongju. January 2013. “Bargaining and Wealth Accumulation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

478. Střelický, Jiří, and Krešimir Žigić. January 2013. “Software Upgrades under Monopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


477. Audzei, Volha. December 2012. “Efficiency of Central Bank Policy During the Crisis: Role of Expectations in Reinforcing Hoarding Behavior.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

476. Algozhina, Aliya. December 2012. “Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in an Emerging Open Economy: A Non-Ricardian DSGE Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

475. Bičáková, Alena. December 2012. “Gender Unemployment Gaps in the EU: Blame the Family.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

474. Stankov, Petar. December 2012. “Banking Crises and Reversals in Financial Reforms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

473. Kochanova, Anna. December 2012. “The Impact of Bribery on Firm Performance: Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

472. Senyuta, Olena, and Krešimir Žigić. November 2012. “Managing Spillovers: An Endogenous Sunk Cost Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

471. Nikolovová, Pavla. November 2012. “The Impact of FDI on the Host Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

470. Janda, Karel, and Barbora Svárovská. October 2012. “Suitability of Microfinance as an Investment Option.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

469. Ettinger, David, and Fabio Michelucci. October 2012. “Hiding Information in Open Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

468. Babecký, Jan, Kamil Galuščák, and Lubomír Lízal. October 2012. “Firm-Level Labour Demand: Adjustment in Good Times and During the Crisis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

467. Münich, Daniel, Martin Srholec, Michael Moritz, and Johannes Schäffler. October 2012. “Mothers and Daughters: Heterogeneity of German Direct Investments in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

466. Aliyev, Ruslan. August 2012. “Monetary Policy in Resource-Rich Developing Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

465. Tashpulatov, Sherzod, and Lubomír Lízal. July 2012. “Can Producers Apply a Capacity Cutting Strategy to Increase Prices? The Case of the England and Wales Electricity Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

464. Aliyev, Ilkin. July 2012. “Is Fiscal Policy Procyclical in Resource-Rich Countries?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

463. Jerbashian, Vahagn, and Anna Kochanova. June 2012. “The Impact of Telecommunication Technologies on Competition in Services and Goods Markets: Empirical Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

462. Madzharova, Boryana. May 2012. “Intertemporal Income Shifting in Expectation of Lower Corporate Tax Rates: The Tax Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

461. Janda, Karel, Eva Michalíková, and Jiří Skuhrovec. May 2012. “Credit Support for Export: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

460. Otrachshenko, Vladimir, and Olga Popova. April 2012. “Life (Dis)satisfaction and the Decision to Migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

459. Mathevet, Laurent, and Jakub Steiner. April 2012. “Sand in the Wheels: A Dynamic Global-Game Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

458. Steiner, Jakub, and Colin Stewart. April 2012. “Influential Opinion Leaders.” (Abstract) (Full Text) (Updated Version, October 2012)

457. Rydval, Ondřej. April 2012. “The Causal Effect of Cognitive Abilities on Economic Behavior: Evidence from a Forecasting Task with Varying Cognitive Load.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

456. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Michal Mašika. April 2012. “Firm Efficiency: Domestic Owners, Coalitions, and FDI.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

455. Fagerberg, Jan, Maryann Feldman, and Martin Srholec. March 2012. “Technological Dynamics and Social Capability: Comparing U.S. States and European Nations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

454. Feldman, Naomi E., and Peter Katuščák. February 2012. “Effects of Predictable Tax Liability Variation on Household Labor Income.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

453. Aslanyan, Gurgen. February 2012. “Immigration Control & Long-Run Population Welfare.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


452. Bena, Jan, Peter Ondko, and Evangelia Vourvachaki. December 2011. “Productivity Gains from Services Liberalization in Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

451. Aliyev, Ilkin. October 2011. “Understanding the Resource Impact Using Matching.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

450. Bauer, Michal, Julie Chytilová, and Barbara Pertold-Gebicka. October 2011. “Effects of Parental Background on Other-regarding Preferences in Children.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

449. Ivanova, Renata, and Byeongju Jeong. November 2011. “Why Don't Migrants with Secondary Education Return?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

448. Madzharova, Boryana. September 2011. “The Effect of Low Corporate Tax Rate on Payroll Tax Evasion.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

447. Vorobyev, Dmitriy. September 2011. “Towards Detecting and Measuring Ballot Stuffing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

446. Rusnák, Marek, Tomáš Havránek, and Roman Horváth. September 2011. “How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

445. Janjgava, Batlome, and Sergey Slobodyan. September 2011. “Duopoly Competition, Escape Dynamics and Non-cooperative Collusion.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

444. Vozár, Mário. August 2011. “Marriage Dot EU: The Effect of Internet Usage on Marriage Hazard.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

443. Bičáková, Alena, Zuzana Prelcová, and Renata Pašaličová. July 2011. “Who Borrows and Who May Not Repay?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

442. Matějka, Filip, and Alisdair McKay. June 2011. “Rational Inattention to Discrete Choices: A New Foundation for the Multinomial Logit Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

441. Matějka, Filip, and Christopher A. Sims. June 2011. “Discrete Actions in Information-Constrained Tracking Problems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

440. Çelik, Levent, and Bilgehan Karabay. May 2011. “A Note on Equilibrium Uniqueness in the Baron-Ferejohn Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

439. Tashpulatov, Sherzod. May 2011. “Estimating the Volatility of Electricity Prices: The Case of the England and Wales Wholesale Electricity Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

438. Dinga, Marián. April 2011. “The Role of Investment Incentives in Regional FDI Reallocation: A Regression-Discontinuity Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

437. Van Koten, Silvester, and Andreas Ortmann. April 2011. “Structural versus Behavioral Remedies in the Deregulation of Electricity Markets: An Experimental Investigation Guided by Theory and Policy Concerns.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

436. Janda, Karel. April 2011. “Credit Rationing and Public Support of Commercial Credit.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

435. Střelický, Jiří, and Krešimir Žigić. March 2011. “Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Enforcement in a Software Duopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

434. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Jan Novotný. March 2011. “The Identification of Price Jumps.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

433. Katuščák, Peter. February 2011. “Consumer Reactions To Unobserved Changes in Price Schedules.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

432. Srholec, Martin. January 2011. “A Multilevel Analysis of Innovation in Developing Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

431. Jerbashian, Vahagn. January 2011. “The Telecommunications Industry and Economic Growth: How the Market Structure Matters.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

430. Tsharakyan, Ashot, and Petr Zemčík. January 2011. “Rent Deregulation, Tenure Choice, and Real Estate Price Expectations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

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